What is a focal change in brain matter of a dystrophic nature? Causes and symptoms of focal changes in brain matter of a dystrophic nature

All types of circulatory disorders in the human body also affect the brain substance, which ultimately affects its integrity and normal functioning capabilities.

A "starvation" of cells, which is provoked by a violation or complete cessation of blood supply (in medicine this process is called ischemia), causes a change in the brain substance of a dystrophic nature. That is, degeneration, and sometimes, although very rarely, even the disappearance of tissues and a significant deterioration in their function.

focal change in brain matter of a dystrophic nature

We will talk more about this pathological condition in the article.

Types of changes

In medicine, dystrophic manifestations in the substance of the brain are divided into two types:

  1. Diffuse.
  2. Focal.

In the first case, pathological changes are evenly distributed over the entire brain, and not to its individual parts. They are caused by both general disturbances in the functioning of the blood supply system, and concussion or infections (meningitis, encephalitis, etc.).

Diffuse changes are manifested mainly in a decrease in a person’s working capacity, a dull headache, difficulties in switching to another type of activity, a narrowing of the patient’s interests, apathy and sleep disorders.

what is a change in brain matter of a dystrophic nature

And what is a focal change in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature, one can understand already by the fact that various small pathologies can cause it:

  • cysts (small cavities that form in the brain),
  • medium-sized foci of necrosis (tissue death in certain areas due to lack of nutrient intake);
  • gliomesodermal (intracerebral) scars that occur after injuries and tremors;
  • minor changes in the structure of the medulla.

That is, these are pathologies that cause circulatory disorders in a small area. True, they can be both single and multiple.

The causes of dystrophy

The full picture of the appearance of dystrophic changes to researchers is not yet clear. But numerous observations have led to the conclusion that most cases of this pathology have a genetic predisposition. The action of provoking factors only accelerates the development of the process or enhances its manifestation.

Therefore, the causes of focal changes in brain matter of a dystrophic nature can be safely divided into genetic and acquired ones. Although it should be noted that the acquired causes are still a very conditional definition in this case, since they begin their destructive effect only if the patient is prone to this pathology.

Focal change in brain matter of a dystrophic nature: symptoms of a disease

Symptoms of a change in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature are most often manifested quite clearly, but, unfortunately, this happens when the disease is already very progressing. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the appearance of even small deviations in the state of health.

  • Initially described focal changes manifested by a headache that occurs both during physical and emotional stress.
  • Periodic manifestations of paresthesia - numbness or slight tingling in the limbs are also characteristic of this disease.
  • The patient complains of dizziness and insomnia, he has impaired coordination of movements (ataxia).
  • With the course of the disease, the listed symptoms are aggravated, hyperkinesis (involuntary movements of the limbs) joins them, paresis and paralysis develop.
  • Further development of the disease leads to memory impairment, a marked decrease in intelligence, agraphy (loss of writing ability).
    dystrophic change in brain matter

Are there any age restrictions for the disease?

It should be noted that single focal changes in brain matter of a dystrophic nature occur not only in older people, but also in people under the age of fifty.

Stresses, injuries, stressful situations, hypertension and other provoking factors can trigger the development of focal changes. The constant overstrain experienced by many able-bodied citizens also plays its unseemly role.

single focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature

Enhanced brain function against the background of existing vasospasm in youth, as well as ischemia in old age, can equally lead to foci of dystrophic changes with all the ensuing consequences. And from this it follows that timely and properly organized rest is a very important part of the prevention of the described pathology.

What diseases are accompanied by dystrophic changes in the brain?

A focal change in brain matter of a dystrophic nature, as a rule, is provoked by very common disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels. These include:

  • vasomotor dystonia,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • arterial hypertension,
  • vascular aneurysm in the brain and spinal cord ,
  • cardiocerebral syndrome.

The diseases of old age are also accompanied by the described irreversible changes in the brain - everyone knows the problems caused by Parkinson's, Alzheimer's or Peak's disease.

How is the diagnosis

The diagnosis of "focal change in brain matter of a dystrophic nature" is rather difficult to establish. This requires the identification of signs of the above pathologies and the exclusion of other somatic diseases and possible neuroses. By the way, people with diabetes and rheumatism are also at risk.

The doctor must evaluate the patient's condition, his neurological status, and also conduct the necessary examinations. The most accurate testimony is given by an MRI scan, where it is possible to identify lesions, as well as their size and location. Tomography makes it possible to determine changes in brain tissue density even in the initial stage of the disease. Proper reading of the results of MRI is an important step in starting treatment for the problem described.

focal change in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature treatment

Focal change in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature: treatment

As already mentioned earlier, the exact reason for the appearance of this pathology is still unfortunately not established. And the diseases diagnosed with it are more likely factors that only provoke the onset of its development or enhance the processes that have already begun, and not the main cause of the disease.

Therefore, its treatment consists mainly in normalizing the regimen of the patient's day and in a proper diet, including products that contain organic acids (baked and fresh apples, cherries, sauerkraut), as well as seafood and walnuts. The use of hard cheeses, cottage cheese and milk will have to be limited, since an excess of calcium in the blood makes oxygen exchange difficult, and this supports ischemia and single focal changes in the brain substance of a dystrophic nature.

In addition, the patient can not do without symptomatic therapy, which involves the appointment of drugs that affect cerebral circulation and reduce blood viscosity, taking analgesics, sedatives and B vitamins. However, this is a separate and rather extensive topic.

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