We select an analog "Aspirin Cardio"

Since childhood, each of us has been familiar with the Aspirin medicine, which mothers and grandmothers used to save us from fever, sore throat, and aching teeth. Indeed, the analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties of acetylsalicylic acid have been known for over 100 years. Scientists of the German company Bayer created this drug. We can say with confidence that tablets of the usual Aspirin are the simplest analogue of Aspirin Cardio.

Aspirin cardio analogues price

Characteristic features of the drug "Aspirin Cardio" and its analogues

Today, for the prevention of painful conditions and various diseases of the cardiovascular system, a drug such as Aspirin Cardio is prescribed. It prevents platelet adhesion and prevents the formation of arterial blood clots, thereby preventing blood circulation disorders and the development of heart attacks and strokes. In addition, the Aspirin Cardio analogue (for example, such as the Cardiomagnyl medicine) is available in tablets coated with special membranes that prevent irritation of the gastric mucosa. This is quite important, since the usual Aspirin preparation has a strong negative effect on the entire digestive system.

Which substance acts?

Any analogue of Aspirin Cardio, whether it is Acekardin or Cardiopyrine, Polokard or Thrombo ACC, contains the same active substance - acetylsalicylic acid obtained from willow bark. In each of the listed drugs, it is present, but only in different quantities and in combination with various auxiliary components. As a result of taking aspirin-containing drugs, it was recorded:

  • lowering viscosity and improving the quality of blood;
  • decrease and stabilization of blood pressure indicators;
  • a gradual decrease in the severity of symptoms of varicose veins.

Analog Aspirin Cardio

What is the difference between Cardiomagnyl and Aspirin Cardio?

Before telling about the differences between these drugs, we emphasize their common points:

- reduce the risk of blood clots;

- prevent the development of coronary heart disease and related complications;

- do not irritate stomach tissue.

Now about the differences:

1. These two medicines belong to different drug groups. Aspirin Cardio tablets belong to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The medicine can lower the temperature, fight inflammation and relieve pain. Cardiomagnyl is an antiplatelet drug aimed at preventing heart and vascular diseases, as well as combating various complications associated with them.

2. The drug “Cardiomagnyl”, which can also be called aspirin without a shell, is an analogue of “Aspirin Cardio” with a small addition: in addition to acetylsalicylic acid, it also contains an antacid that protects the gastrointestinal mucosa. But the preparation “Aspirin Cardio” has a special coating that covers the tablets and does not allow them to dissolve in the stomach and irritate it. The drugs melt away in the less sensitive intestines.

It should be remembered that only a doctor can decide which drug, Aspirin Cardio or Cardiomagnyl, should be taken by you.

aspirin cardio or cardiomagnyl

The drug "Thrombo ACC"

As well as other analogues of the Aspirin Cardio medication, acetylsalicylic acid is the main active substance in the drug Trombo ACC . The tablets of each of them are specially coated, but the manufacturers are different. In Austria, the drug "Thrombo ACC" is made, and in Germany - the drug "Aspirin Cardio". Analogs, the price of which is several times lower, can be bought at any pharmacy. The average price of tablets in Moscow:


Price in rubles

Aspirin Cardio 100 mg


Cardiomagnyl 75 mg + 15 mg


Thrombo ACC 100 mg


What's better?
Aspirin cardio or thromboass

If a doctor has prescribed medications in which acetylsalicylic acid is the main working substance, it is important to remember that Aspirin Cardio or ThromboAss, Cardiomagnyl, or Acecardardol are classified as protected aspirins. All of them have similar indications and contraindications for use. There are slight differences in excipients, manufacturer and price. These drugs have been shown to be effective in the prevention of thrombosis, strokes and heart attacks.

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