Dough for batter: cooking recipes

Many housewives use meat batter for cooking meat and fish dishes, which gives the food a certain taste. Modern cooks in stock have a large selection of cooking options. We want to devote our article to recipes for dough for batter.

What is batter?

A batter of creamy consistency, in which products are dipped, and then deep-fried - this is the batter. At the same time, the prepared food has a crispy and fragrant crust. It is for this reason that batter is so valued throughout the world.

In Japan, it is called tempura. By the way, the Portuguese were taught how to cook dough for batter by the Japanese in the sixteenth century. Since then, tempura has become a very important part of Japanese cuisine.

Cooking batter

Dough for batter is always prepared on the basis of eggs, flour and flavoring fillers. It can also be made on the basis of yeast. The dough can be salty, sweet and bland. The choice depends on which dish the batter will be used for.

Where is batter used?

The most famous dishes that are inconceivable without batter are chicken and pork chops. No less often use it for cooking fish, because the dough allows you to maintain the shape of a tender fillet. Using batter, you can cook many products - meat, cheese, meatballs, offal, onion rings, squid, vegetables, mushrooms, potatoes, rice balls, croquettes.

One of the most delicious dishes based on dough is stuffed fruit in batter. It can be bananas, cherries, strawberries and more. Fans of desserts will appreciate such a delicious treat.

Cauliflower in batter, zucchini, pumpkin, eggplant, tomatoes, bell pepper are very tasty. In the test, even lettuce, sorrel, asparagus and celery are cooked. Hard vegetables are recommended to boil before using batter.


Any batter for batter is prepared on the basis of the liquid component. Usually use milk or water. Famous cooks prefer to take sparkling or mineral water. The most interesting batter test recipes are based on the use of cognac, beer, wine, vodka, juice or fruit drink. The selected drink should be combined to taste with the filling. You can even use the liquid that is served on the table for food. So, for example, it is logical to use beer or white wine for seafood, shrimp, fish and squid. But for meat it is better to take vodka and red wine. Plum and apple wines, homemade tinctures are perfect for sweet dishes. You can also take juices and fruit drinks, they are ideal for sweet desserts.

But the salty dough for batter can still be cooked on fermented milk products and broths.

Fragrant Components

It is impossible to imagine even the simplest batter for batter without aromatic ingredients that add a unique flavor to dishes. For cooking, you can use spices and dried herbs, chopped garlic, bell peppers, mushrooms. Heavy components are good for thick batter. Batter simply will not hold them.

A very tasty batter for batter is obtained using pumpkin and mashed potatoes. Walnuts and nutmegs are a great addition. As aromatic additives can be considered different types of hard cheeses.

The subtleties of cooking

Making dough for batter is quite simple. But all the ingredients must be mixed well so that the finished mass is homogeneous. When using eggs, yolks and proteins are added separately. Whipped protein is added before frying, after which the dishes with the dough are placed in a container with cold liquid.

The use of sparkling water allows you to get a light and airy batter. The finished mass is completely non-greasy.

Delicious batter

The batter can be prepared in advance, for example, an hour before use. Then the dough sticks to foods better and does not dry out during the frying process. The batter can be kept for some time in the refrigerator, making it more elastic and more homogeneous. The consistency of the test can be checked in a very simple way. Dip a clean spoon into the mass and see how evenly it covers it. If there are no glades on the surface, then the batter is ready for use.

Little tricks

  • In order for the batter to be better taken on the products, they must be wet with napkins, removing excess moisture.
  • The dough will not drain from the products if they are previously sprinkled with dumb rice starch or flour.
  • For dry foods, take less batter. For example, for chicken, it is better to use batter, which better passes oil to the meat, making it more juicy. But for juicy foods, you can use a thick batter (for example, for an orange or broccoli).
  • The products in the dough are fried in very hot oil, then it quickly sets and holds its shape. After cooking, the products in batter must be laid out on a paper towel so that excess fat is gone.

Classic recipe

A simple batter recipe is based on a minimal set of products.


  • vegetable oil,
  • flour (115 g),
  • eggs (four pcs.),
  • water (110 ml.),
  • a pinch of salt.

Before cooking, it is necessary to separate the proteins and yolks into different containers. Beat them individually. After the squirrel we send to the refrigerator. And mix the yolks with a tablespoon of oil, water and salt. The resulting mass is mixed. Gradually introduce the flour, without ceasing to beat the batter with a whisk. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, we proceed to whipping the proteins with salt. We combine the finished white foam with the dough, introducing individual portions. We cool the mass before use. This completes the preparation of the dough for batter.

Meat in batter

Cheese dough

We already mentioned in the article that you can make dough for batter based on cheese. An indispensable product in cooking is good for making dough. With its addition, the batter becomes fragrant and very tasty.


  • eggs (4 pcs.),
  • mayonnaise (three tablespoons)
  • flour (four tablespoons)
  • cheese (110 g),
  • a pinch of salt.

We prepare batter based on the classic recipe (as indicated in the first version). After we rub the cheese and mix the chips with mayonnaise. Add the finished mass to the dough and mix. Cool batter in the refrigerator.

Cheese batter

Dessert batter

Sometimes, when preparing desserts, it becomes necessary to prepare dough for batter, which will allow you to preserve the unique taste of the most delicate product. In this case, we recommend using our recipe. Dessert batter has one feature - a thick consistency. It is thanks to this that the delicate taste of the products is preserved.


  • three yolks,
  • flour,
  • to taste salt and sugar,
  • fat cream (130 g).

Grind the yolks with salt, and then add the cream. Add sugar and flour (its amount may be different, it is necessary to focus on the consistency of the dough). Mix well. Ready batter should have the structure and texture of good liquid sour cream.

Batter on the water


  • 4 table. l flour
  • egg,
  • cold water (120 ml),
  • a pinch of salt.

Break the egg into a deep bowl. Add a pinch of salt and a third of the specified water. Stir the mass with a whisk until smooth. Next, introduce the flour and mix everything again. The dough should be thick and uniform. Then we add the remaining water in portions. Stir batter until smooth.

Its density depends on what dish you want to cook with it, so the amount of flour can be different.

Culinary experts recommend using only cold water to get an airy and crispy batter.

Vodka dough

Some housewives recommend preparing batter on vodka.


  • eggs (two pcs.),
  • 1 table. l vodka
  • salt,
  • vegetable oil (table. l.),
  • flour (its amount may be different).

This recipe is incredibly simple. Break eggs into the dishes and add salt and spices. We introduce a little flour, pour in vegetable oil. Mix the mass until smooth. After add vodka. It helps to get fried crisp. Mix the batter, if its consistency does not suit you, then you can add more flour. Its quantity will depend on how thick the dough you want to get. Over time, the hostesses independently come to how thick the batter is convenient for them to cook this or that dish.

Mineral water batter

On the basis of mineral water, you can make a good crispy batter.


  • two eggs,
  • mineral water (110 g),
  • vegetable oil (15 g),
  • salt.

Separate the yolks from the proteins. We immediately put the latter in the refrigerator. Mix the yolks with mineral water and oil. Gradually introduce the sifted flour, stirring the mass. Having obtained a homogeneous dough, add whipped proteins to it. Ready batter is recommended to be cooled before use.

Beer dough without eggs

Very often they make dough for batter on beer. There are several options for its preparation. This recipe is useful if there are no eggs in the refrigerator.


  • beer (1/2 l.),
  • flour (235 g),
  • greens,
  • turmeric,
  • salt,
  • ground pepper.

Mix black pepper, turmeric and flour in a bowl. Beer is gradually poured into the dry mass, without stopping interfering. Finely chop the parsley and also add it to the dough. Beat mass until smooth. Batter is ready.

Beer batter onion rings

Beer batter for fish products

To get good batter, all foods must be cold.


  • two eggs,
  • beer (240 g),
  • flour (195 g),
  • vegetable oil (25 g),
  • curry,
  • a pinch of salt.

Separate the proteins from the yolks and send them to the refrigerator. Sift the flour into deep dishes, add spices, spices, nutmeg and herbs. Pour beer, oil and yolks into the dry mass. Mix thoroughly. Beat the whites with salt separately, and then add them in portions to the dough. Mix the batter again and immediately use it to cook the fish.

For chicken

You can also make a chicken batter. The dough for cooking chicken should be such that the prepared meat is tender and juicy. To do this, we recommend using our recipe.


  • fillet (130 g),
  • cold beer (115 g),
  • flour (two tablespoons)
  • lemon zest,
  • egg,
  • pepper,
  • oil rust. (25 g)
  • salt.

Cut the chicken into strips. Sprinkle the meat on top with pepper and salt. To get batter, mix flour, yolk, beer, pepper and add salt, spices and chopped zest. Mix thoroughly. At the very end of the preparation, we introduce whipped protein. It helps the dough evenly cover the chicken surface. In a stewpan, heat the vegetable oil. Dip the meat into the batter and fry. Ready chicken should be covered with a golden crust. Spread rosy slices on paper towels to remove excess oil.

Chicken in batter

Sausages in the test

Ordinary sausages can be prepared in an original way. Appetizer is liked not only by children, but also by adults. Sausages in the dough can be eaten at home or take them with you to nature. It only takes ten minutes to cook.

To prepare batter for sausages in the dough, we need the simplest products:

  • 4 table. l milk
  • two eggs,
  • three table. l flour
  • salt,
  • frying oil.

Before starting cooking, clean ten sausages from polyethylene. We plant each one on a wooden stick. Next, prepare the batter for sausages in the dough.

We break eggs into a container and mix them with milk, flour and salt. Beat the mass thoroughly and pour into a mug. Dip each sausage into batter and fry one in deep fat. Put the finished dish on napkins.

Sausages in batter

Fish in cognac batter

Brandy-based batter suitable for cooking fish and meat.


  • flour (55 g),
  • egg,
  • cognac (20 g),
  • vegetable oil (55 g),
  • milk (45 g),
  • lemon juice (90 g),
  • greens,
  • allspice
  • spicy sauce (50 g),
  • cream (95 g),
  • salt,
  • dill.

We offer to cook fish fillet in batter. To do this, cut it into slices (you need 180 g of fish) and pickle in a mixture of lemon juice, vegetable oil, pepper and chopped parsley.

Fish in cognac batter

Meanwhile, you can cook batter. To do this, we bred flour in warm milk. Add a drop of vegetable oil, yolk, cognac and salt. Stir the resulting dough and leave to brew (enough 15 minutes). Before starting cooking, beaten protein must be introduced into the batter. Dip the pickled fish into the dough and cook in oil until a golden crust appears. Serve the fillet on the table with a sauce of a mixture of cream, chopped dill and lemon juice.

Apples in batter

Fruits and vegetables are equally tasty in batter. To prepare a delicious dessert, it does not take much time.


  • apples (7 pcs.),
  • milk (210 g)
  • 4 eggs,
  • flour (340 g),
  • yeast (1 tsp)
  • sugar (390 g).

We peel the apples from the skin and take out the core, after which we cut them into rings. Next, proceed to the preparation of batter. Mix the flour with milk, egg and yeast. As a result, we get a sparse mass. Add salt and sugar to it. Dip the prepared apples into the dough and deep-fry.

Apples in batter

White wine batter

Other fish products can be cooked in batter on wine. This dish has a pleasant aroma and excellent taste. For the preparation of fish, white wine is usually used (semi-dry or semi-sweet), but for meat it is better to take red wines.

Ingredients for batter:

  • two eggs,
  • Art. l rast. oils
  • white wine (120 g),
  • Art. l water,
  • flour (110 g).

Mix the eggs with wine and beat the mass. Add vegetable oil and water. Mix everything again. After we introduce spices and lightly salt. Pour flour in small portions, reaching the desired consistency.

Potato batter


  • egg,
  • salt,
  • flour (two tablespoons)
  • three potato tubers,
  • salt.

Peel the potatoes and grate. Add the egg, salt and flour to the resulting mass. Bread products in batter and fry in vegetable oil.

Dish in potato batter

Cheese batter with wine

Cheese batter with the addition of wine will make any product incredibly tasty and fragrant.


  • dry greens
  • egg,
  • white wine (110 g),
  • pepper,
  • salt,
  • grated parmesan (1 table. l.),
  • pepper,
  • flour (optional)
  • salt.

The cheese is ground on a grater, add wine, egg, spices and salt. Knead the mass well and add the flour. The consistency of batter can be adjusted by the amount of flour, focusing on your preferences.

Cheese and cream batter


  • flour (5-6 table. l.),
  • two eggs,
  • sugar and salt
  • sour cream (3 tablespoons. l.).

Cheese must be chopped on a grater. Squirrels are separated from the yolks. First whisk until thick lush foam is obtained. Mix the yolks with flour, add salt, sour cream and sugar. Then we fall asleep cheese chips. We introduce the latest proteins. Gently mix the mass so that the proteins do not settle.

Batter on sour cream


  • three eggs,
  • salt,
  • sour cream (130 g),
  • flour (190 g),
  • sugar (1/2 cup.).

Separate squirrels and yolks. The latter is mixed with sour cream, sugar and flour. Beat the whites until a dense foam is formed, after which they are carefully mixed in the dough. Instead of sour cream, yogurt is sometimes used. The dough based on fruit yogurt is very interesting, and it can be used not only for desserts, but also for meat and fish dishes.

Instead of an afterword

As you can see, there are an incredible number of recipes, thanks to which you can cook a variety of dishes based on batter. A tasty addition not only diversifies the usual food, but also adds completely new flavor notes. We have given only part of the recipes, but based on them you can prepare your own options by adding certain additional ingredients.

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