How to cook a delicious ear? Some tips

We can say that the ear is the simplest soup. To prepare it does not require a lot of ingredients, and the technology is not difficult. But true lovers of this dish will not agree with this statement. They know exactly how to cook a delicious ear. We will reveal some secrets of cooking this dish so that everyone can enjoy its true taste.

How to cook a delicious ear

Secrets of a real fish soup

How to cook an ear delicious? To do this, go fishing and catch fish. Of course, this is not necessary, but it is believed that the ear cooked at the stake is the most delicious. This process does not endure fuss and has its own secrets. Firstly, it is the right fish. It is better to take a ruff or crucian carp. But fishing is not necessary to choose, so we take the one that was caught. Crucian carp and tench give the ear a slightly bitter taste. These types of fish must first be soaked in saline. It is better to take spring water for fish soup. At the end of cooking this dish, you can throw a coal from a fire in the pan, which will eliminate all unpleasant odors and give the ear an additional aroma. A lot of people pour a little vodka at the end of cooking, which increases the degree and helps soften the bones of the fish. These are all the secrets of a real fish soup.

How to cook a delicious ear

Fishing ear

Triple fishing ear is very easy to prepare. They cook it at the stake, and it consists of three fish broths. When the water in the pot begins to boil, we lower the smallest fish into it, which we grate before you cook the delicious ear. Wrap it in double gauze so that it is easier to remove it from the broth. Cook for about 30 minutes. Then we take out the fish, and filter the broth. We put the pot of broth again on the fire and put large fish in it. It can be cut into pieces. At the same time, add a large onion, cut into 4 parts, and circles of carrots. We put parsley or celery root at will. Salt the broth a little. Cook the ear for 20 minutes. Then we spread the fish, and in the pot we put the third part of the large fish. We also add peppercorns and optional bay leaf. You should not abuse seasonings, as the ear itself will be fragrant. When the fish is cooked, the ear will be ready. Here's how to cook a delicious ear. We do not add potatoes to this dish.

How to cook fish soup deliciously at home

Homemade ear

This dish can rightly be called royal. How to cook an ear delicious at home? Take for this salmon. The amount of fish depends on the volume and personal preferences. But the more salmon, the more rich the ear. You will also need one medium carrot, a rather big onion (the ear likes onions), 3 medium-sized potatoes and spices. Before you cook a delicious ear, wash and clean the fish. Pour cold water into the pan, put the fish in it and put it on the fire. When the water boils, remove the foam so that the broth is transparent. We put chopped carrots and onions in a pan. Cook the fish for another 10 minutes, and then remove it from the broth. We cut the potatoes into cubes and put them in the pan. Add spices and seasonings. A few minutes before being ready, put pieces of fish and chopped greens into the broth. After that, turn off the fire. Give the ear to brew and serve to the table. If desired, you can add sliced ​​lemon.

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