Magnesium overdose: symptoms, treatment, possible consequences

In this article, we look at the symptoms of an overdose of magnesium.

As you know, trace elements play an important role for the human body, as they take part in various biochemical processes. Their lack, as well as an overabundance, leads to violations. In this matter, the concentration of magnesium is not an exception, since the production of enzymes, energy and the formation of proteins depend on it.

overdose of magnesium b6 symptoms in adults

If an excessive amount of salts of heavy metals comes in, a lot of alcoholic drinks, antibiotics, coffee are used, the concentration of magnesium is reduced. However, along with this, an excess of it can be observed in the body. This condition is accompanied by a number of symptoms, on the basis of which it is possible to suspect violations and take the necessary measures. It is important to remember that only a doctor can make a diagnosis based on the results of a blood test. But the symptoms of an overdose of magnesium in the body should be known to everyone that consult a doctor in time.

Daily rate

For the stable functioning of the whole organism, an adult needs 350-500 mg of magnesium per day. You can get half of the norm with cereals and cereals. During pregnancy, as well as with heavy mental and physical work, the daily norm increases to 1 g per day. It is also important to remember that magnesium is better absorbed with calcium.

Reasons for oversupply

A lethal dosage has not been established for the human body, but magnesium is toxic in an increased concentration. With prolonged exceeding of the norm, poisoning cannot be avoided, especially when combined with phosphorus and calcium.

An excess of magnesium can be observed with the use of antacids in the treatment of gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice. This type of drug also has magnesium. Also, chronic renal failure may be the cause.

overdose of magnesium in the body symptoms

Symptoms of Magnesium Overdose

Too much magnesium in the human body negatively affects one's well-being. This condition is characterized by a number of symptoms and occurs against a background of certain reasons. These may include metabolic disorders of a given substance or its ingestion in an excessive amount.

Symptoms of an overdose of magnesium in adults are very unpleasant. There is a defeat of the internal organs, including the kidneys, which cannot independently remove an overabundance of the element. Impaired functioning, in turn, leads to the development of serious pathologies. Among them are chronic renal failure and dehydration.

Dyslexia and other pathologies

In addition to the above, the development of dyslexia is noted. This is a condition in which the patient is not able to master reading skills. The activity of the parathyroid and thyroid glands increases. With a high magnesium content, a person also develops psoriasis and arthritis, and kidney stones are deposited. That is why it is so important to timely identify the symptoms of an overdose of "Magnesium B6."

With a constant excess of this substance in the human body, muscles begin to suffer. At the initial stage of the development of pathology, this is expressed by muscle atrophy, weakness, or rapid fatigue. Then there is a violation in the functioning of the nervous system and a slowdown in the thought process. A person becomes indifferent and apathetic in relation to various things. There is a decrease in blood pressure.

magnesium b6 overdose

Symptom Progression

If measures to reduce magnesium levels are not taken in time, symptoms will continue to develop. This will adversely affect the functionality of the whole organism. Therefore, when the first symptoms of an overdose of "Magnesium B6" occur in adults, it is recommended to see a doctor and conduct a full examination.

If the excess goes into the chronic stage, then muscle lethargy and weakness, which was observed initially, can end for a person with complete paralysis. This is a reaction not only from the motor apparatus, but, and most importantly, from the respiratory system.

Coma is not excluded

Drowsiness observed at the initial stage can suppress a person's consciousness. Such disorders can lead to coma. The heart suffers from both a deficiency and an excess of magnesium. Due to impaired impulse conduction, cardiac arrest is possible. You can check the status of one of the most important body systems through an ECG.

Overdose with the drug "Magnesium plus B6"

If the kidneys are working properly, oral magnesium supplementation does not cause toxic reactions. Poisoning can occur only with renal failure.

overdose of magnesium symptoms

Poisoning leads to a decrease in blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, slowing down reflexes, changes in the ECG, respiratory depression, coma, cardiac arrest, anuria. For therapeutic purposes, rehydration, forced diuresis is used. As an antidote, magnesium antagonists are used - calcium chloride or calcium gluconate. Hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis is necessary for kidney failure.

Now, what to do with the symptoms of an overdose of Magnesium B6.

Acute Magnesium Poisoning: First Aid

It is necessary to stop the absorption of magnesium in the blood. To this end, with oral administration of the drug, you need to rinse the stomach with an impressive amount of water.

You should definitely call an ambulance. Only specialists will be able to administer an intravenous drug containing calcium so that it neutralizes magnesium.

The medical institution will constantly monitor the content of magnesium ions in the blood and urine. Also, experts will determine the reason why the body cannot independently derive an overabundance of the element. If kidney failure is detected, peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis is performed. If after this the level of magnesium in the blood is also increased, additional studies are being carried out regarding the diagnosis of cancer or dysfunction of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. That is why an overdose of magnesium in the body is very dangerous.

potassium magnesium

How to normalize the condition? Therapy

The only treatment option is to normalize the magnesium content in the body. However, before applying various therapeutic methods, you need to consult with a specialist so as not to convert an overabundance into a disadvantage.

Your doctor may prescribe diuretics and drink plenty of water. After some time of such simple therapy, magnesium levels normalize. It is forbidden to take diuretics on your own, since an incorrectly prescribed drug will remove beneficial potassium from the body.

When there is no point in using diuretics due to the development of renal failure, use the hemodialysis procedure, that is, a special apparatus that, like the kidneys, filters the blood through itself and returns it back to the body. In the people it is called "artificial kidney". This is not the most pleasant procedure, quite lengthy, the duration is about six hours. It should be carried out approximately three times a week. However, it is this kind of manipulation with impaired functioning of the kidneys that helps to remove excess magnesium, and sometimes even saves and prolongs life.

What are the symptoms of magnesium overdose during pregnancy?

During pregnancy

When carrying a baby, an excess of magnesium may also be noted. During pregnancy, the causes of this condition are as follows:

  • hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid activity);
  • adrenal and kidney disease;
  • self-medication;
  • overdose of drugs (this condition can be noted during treatment of kidney failure, eclampsia, a decrease in the volume of fluid in the body).
    overdose of potassium and magnesium symptoms

During pregnancy, other symptoms occur, which manifest themselves in the form of diplopia (double vision). Increased sweat, hot flashes, headache, nausea may occur. Speech is lubricated, it becomes inhibited, blood pressure decreases. An overdose does not pass just like that for the body of a pregnant woman. Brain activity is inhibited, mood and vitality are deteriorating, I constantly want to sleep. The pressure rises, the work of the cardiovascular system is disrupted. As a result, it can paralyze the respiratory muscles, and the woman loses consciousness.

Excess can not be diagnosed only by symptoms. To do this, even at an early date or even when planning a pregnancy, you need to determine the magnesium content in the body. For this, many laboratory diagnostic methods of research are carried out. One of them is a study of serum absorption with the addition of blue xylidyl.

Sources of Magnesium

Symptoms of an excess of magnesium occur when it is ingested in too much quantity. This item comes from food. For example, there is a lot of magnesium in millet and buckwheat, which everyone can afford.

Magnesium is also found in meat, especially a lot of the element in ham and liver. Less in rabbit meat, pork, veal. Also, sausage is a source of magnesium.

If there are signs of an excess of magnesium, you can not treat it yourself, it is important to consult a doctor and determine the cause.

An overdose of potassium and magnesium is also dangerous.

overdose of magnesium symptoms in adults

Signs of Potassium Overdose

In the human body, magnesium and potassium play an important role. Magnesium is one of the main participants in the formation of bones, the regulation of nervous tissue, carbohydrate and energy metabolism. Potassium regulates the alkaline acid balance of the blood, is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. Together, they activate the myocardium and are components of a number of enzymes.

A normal balance of magnesium and potassium means creating good human health. But sometimes symptoms of an overdose of potassium and magnesium may occur.

People with excess potassium in the body are rare. A more common problem is the lack of this element. But an overdose of potassium is a serious diagnosis that requires prompt treatment. This usually happens with kidney diseases, if their functionality is reduced: the excess is not excreted from the body. Overdose is less likely due to potassium-containing drugs.

The main signs of an excess of potassium are dizziness, disorientation, arrhythmia, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, low blood pressure and even coma. With the gradual accumulation of potassium in the body, it causes ulcers and erosion of the small intestine, urolithiasis. Acute poisoning threatens the development of bradypnea and heart failure. Prolonged use of drugs containing potassium weakens the myocardium.

We examined the symptoms of an overdose of magnesium and potassium.

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