Jason Fleming: biography and filmography of the actor. Interesting facts from life

Jason Fleming is a popular English actor. It is known to the audience by such films as “Cards, money, two trunks”, “From hell”, “Big jackpot”. In the latter, the actor reincarnated as the vile servant of Jack the Ripper. In Jason’s creative piggy bank, a hundred works will soon be typed, every year he participates in several French and Hollywood projects. In 1996, Fleming was recognized as the best actor at the Geneva Film Festival.

jason fleming

The childhood and youth of the actor

Jason Fleming was born on September 25, 1966 in London in the family of Gordon Fleming, a famous Scottish director. From childhood, Jason dreamed of becoming an actor, his love of art appeared along with his first love for a familiar girl. His passion in the school play “The Wizard of Oz” was played by Dorothy. To be closer to the girl, Fleming also decided to take part. The boy passed the casting, but he was given only the role of a scarecrow. However, Jason realized: he likes to play on stage, reincarnate in other characters.

In the early 80s, the young talent entered the political party of socialists, and also became part of the troupe of the National Youth Theater. Fleming sided with the Labor Party for a period. In 1990, Jason entered the London Academy of Dramatic and Musical Arts. Soon the young man joined the Royal Shakespeare Company.

jason fleming filmography

The beginning of the creative path

Jason Fleming made his debut in 1992 on the television series Adventures of Young Indiana Jones. In 1994, a novice actor was invited to the movie "The Jungle Book". After the release on the big screen of the gangster film by Guy Ritchie “Cards, money, two trunks”, Jason Fleming became more recognizable. The actor’s photo began to appear more often in popular publications, the press, film critics spoke about him, the young man and the audience liked it. Jason admitted that in between filming he played poker with producers. As a result, he lost so much that he worked for free for several days. With such Hollywood stars as Johnny Depp, Jason Statham, Sean Connery at one time managed to work Jason Fleming.


Fleming first showed his potential in one of the television series. The role he got is episodic, but you had to start with something. In 1992, Jason starred in the television series Good Guys, the mini-series Witchcraft, and the television movie Bye, Baby. The following year, the actor was invited to the television picture “Diamond Swords”. In 1994, he starred in the adventure melodrama Book of the Jungle, and in 1995, in the biographical action movie Rob Roy. In 1996, Jason Fleming actively worked, the filmography was replenished with four tapes at once: the Beck series, as well as the dramas “Escaping Beauty”, “Hollow Reed”, “Alive and Dying”. In the last picture, the actor starred in the title role.

jason fleming movies
1997 was no less productive, Jason took part in four works at once: the television movie The Temptation of Franz Schubert, the film The Life of Stuff, the crime comedy The Gang of James and the family comedy Spice World. In 1998, Fleming starred in two short films Clueless and Shuttle, the melodrama Red Violin, the drama Tess of the d'Herberville Family, and the fantastic action movie Rise from the Depth. Thanks to the latest work, Jason Fleming became mega-popular.

Films of the new millennium can also be called successful. The actor starred in the thriller "Bouncer", the drama "The Body", the crime comedy "Big Jackpot". In 2001, Jason was invited to the drama "Rock Star", "Bonebreaker" and the thrillers "Bunker", "From Hell". In 2002, Fleming appeared in the thriller Anasapt and Depth. In 2004, he got roles in the thrillers “Layer Cake”, “Offspring of Chucky”, “Drum” and the drama “Abandoned”. In 2005, the actor starred in the TV series "Department of Ghosts", the television movie "BBC: Cannibals", the action movie "Carrier-2."

In 2006, Fleming was invited to the drama “Woman in Winter”, “Plutonium-239”, as well as the thrillers “Cruel Streets”, “Podstav”, “Bog”. The following year, the actor starred in the thriller Secret of the Manuscript and the melodrama Stardust. In 2008, Jason delighted fans with the paintings "Trickster", "Mirrors". In 2009, Fleming starred in the drama City of Life and the action movie Solomon Kane. In 2010, the actor played roles in the action movies Iron Knight, Clash of the Titans, Kickhead, and the thriller Dark Shadow. In 2011, Fleming pleased fans with the dramas “Lost Christmas” and “Wild Bill”, in 2012 with the comedy “Give the Year” and the action movie “Welcome to the Trap”. In 2013, Jason presented the thriller "Wii". In 2014, the actor began acting in the series The Musketeers. Jason is not going to stop there, he still has many plans and ideas.

jason fleming photo

Personal life

In 2008, Fleming tied the knot with an English actress Ellie Fairman. The newlyweds played a wedding in Tuscany. The couple has no children yet.

Interesting facts from the biography

  • Jason Fleming professionally runs long distances, participated in several marathons.
  • The actor is fluent in French.
  • Jason's favorite football team is Chelsea, he does not miss a single match with her participation.
  • For a long time I met with Lena Headey, a popular actress. Their romance lasted 9 years.

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