Cerebrovascular dystonia: signs and treatment

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a condition that occurs due to a violation of the autonomic function of the heart, blood vessels, internal organs, endocrine glands. It is associated with a primary or secondary deviation in the function of the peripheral nervous system, most often a consequence of the pathology of the segmental apparatus of the spinal cord.

cerebral vascular dystonia

Dystonia - what is it?

This is a muscle contraction that causes the patient to move without controlling his actions. This disease is caused by the fact that muscles cannot move from one state to another, that is, after tension they cannot relax. Science is still undecided on why this is happening. This disease occurs in 1% of the world's population. Women have a greater predisposition to the disease than men.

What is dystonia?

The main types of pathology:

  1. Segmental - when observed in 2 adjacent parts of the body.
  2. Focal - when it occurs in any one part of the body.
  3. Generalized - when the patient can touch any part of the body and the symptoms subside.
hypertensive type of cerebral vascular dystonia


The cause of dystonia is the emotional and physical overstrain of the whole organism, including both the state of internal organs and psychological health. This disease is treated with medication and surgery. The attending physician also interviews the patient for all involuntary movements in order for the treatment to be effective and efficient.

The course of treatment begins with the fact that the patient’s reaction to a number of drugs is checked. In children, trial treatment with medicines should take about 6 months, no less. If the medications do not help, then surgeons begin to work.

If you have been diagnosed with this disease, then do not despair. Most importantly, do not withhold anything from the doctors, listen to their advice and take a fully prescribed course of treatment.

signs of cerebrovascular dystonia


The clinical symptoms of cerebral vascular dystonia are quite diverse, and the severity of symptoms is very variable. Symptoms of VVD are largely reminiscent of signs of other diseases of the cardiovascular system, which often complicates its diagnosis.

The most common complaints are pains in the heart (usually in the apex, just below the left clavicle or near the sternum). The nature of the pain is described as instantaneous, stitching, prolonged (for several hours or days), aching or dull. Pain can “give” to the area of ​​the left arm and shoulder blade. It usually occurs after excitement, overwork, taking alcohol. In women, pain occurs before menstruation. The pain interferes with everyday tasks, it does not stop with nitroglycerin, but it can decrease after taking corvalol, valocordin, dog nettle tincture, painkillers, which is not typical for manifestations of coronary heart disease.

May also occur ...

With signs of dystonia of the cerebral vessels, the presence of complaints of a rapid heartbeat is characteristic, which may be accompanied by a sensation of pulsation in the neck, head, sweating, bouts of general weakness, a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath. Other symptoms of VVD include the inability to stay indoors for a long time, and a sensation of a “lump in the throat”. Often there is asthenic syndrome with a feeling of lethargy, sudden changes in mood, decreased ability to work, and sleep disturbance. Symptoms of cerebrovascular dystonia, such as dyspeptic disorders, may occur. This is vomiting, belching, diarrhea. Disturbances in the peripheral blood circulation are manifested in the form of a headache, dizziness, sensation of coldness in the extremities, and changes in blood pressure. Under the influence of various adverse external factors, vegetative-vascular crises may occur, which are manifested by bouts of excessive sweating, general weakness, dizziness, nausea, a feeling of lack of air, tachycardia, changes in blood pressure, pain in the heart. Such crises can last from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours. They occur, as a rule, at night, can stop on their own or after taking sedatives.

cerebral dystonia of the cerebral vessels


Vegetative-vascular dystonia (neurocirculatory dystonia) is a polymorphic disease, the main symptoms of which are variability of the pulse and blood pressure, heart pain, respiratory discomfort, autonomic and psycho-emotional disorders, disorders of the vascular and muscle tone, low resistance to stressful situations.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD) has several classifications.

The origin of the IRR by etiology (cause and conditions of occurrence) distinguish:

  • psychogenic (neurotic);
  • infectious toxic;
  • due to hormonal imbalance;
  • constitutional and hereditary (essential);
  • combined (caused by physical and occupational factors).

Also, the IRR is divided relative to the type of blood circulation:

  • cardiac (includes cardiological and arrhythmic types);
  • hypertensive type of cerebral vascular dystonia;
  • antihypertensive;
  • combined.

The classification of the IRR depending on the clinical syndrome is also known:

  1. Cardiac (based on arrhythmia, cardialgia, tachycardia).
  2. Vascular genesis (cerebral dystonia of cerebral vessels and peripheral).
  3. Asthenoneurotic.
  4. Distermoregulatory.


According to the severity of the disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia is classified as follows:

  1. Mild severity (I degree) - from 3 to 6 complaints and symptoms. At this degree, crises and neurotic symptoms are not observed. Patients are quite able-bodied, do not need drug therapy.
  2. Moderate severity (II degree) - from 8 to 16 complaints and symptoms. Respiratory disturbances, tachycardia, autonomic paroxysms, neurological symptoms, poor tolerance of physical and mental stress, changes in the form of impaired repolarization process, heart rhythm are characteristic. At the same time, physical disability is significantly reduced and there is a need for drug therapy.
  3. Severe degree of severity (ІІІ degree). A variety of clinical manifestations is characteristic - more than 17 complaints and symptoms. There is a tachycardia syndrome, vegetative-vascular crises, manifestations of asthenoneurotic syndrome. There are changes on the cardiogram. Disability is significantly reduced or temporarily lost. Patients need constant medical therapy.

Symptoms and treatment of cerebral vascular dystonia depend on these degrees.

cerebrovascular dystonia in children


Clinical diagnosis includes the identification of simple and accessible criteria (5 main and 5 additional).

The main criteria are:

  • excessive variability in heart rate and blood pressure;
  • changes in the nature of breathing;
  • changes in the final part of the ventricular complex of the ECG;
  • characteristic variability of the T wave and CT segment during orthostatic and hyperventilation tests.

Additional criteria:

  • heart complaints and symptoms - tachycardia, bradycardia, extrasystole;
  • vegetative-vascular symptoms - crises, dizziness, sleep disturbances;
  • asthenic symptoms - lethargy, fatigue, low resistance to physical activity;
  • a benign course in the anamnesis without signs of the formation of a gross organic pathology of the heart, neurological and mental disorders.

A mandatory laboratory test is a general analysis of blood and urine.


  • blood glucose;
  • ALT;
  • AST;
  • bilirubin;
  • creatinine;
  • cholesterol.

Mandatory instrumental research:

  1. ECG (in 12 standard leads).
  2. Rheoencephalography.
  3. Bicycle ergometry (exercise test dosed physical activity).
  4. Holter daily monitoring of blood pressure.

According to indications, they resort to consultation of narrow specialists.

cerebrovascular dystonia

Drug treatment

Often, Valerian and motherwort are used to treat cerebral vascular dystonia with medication. These substances are taken once a day for a month. Infusions of motherwort and valerian calm the body, restore the functions of the hypothalamus.

Tranquilizers are used with strong psycho-emotional stress of the body. They normalize and soothe the brain. Tranquilizers have a large list of side effects, so they are taken in small doses for a short period of time. With prolonged use of drugs, CNS excitability decreases. A person becomes passive and cannot make quick and important decisions. They can not be taken by pregnant women and patients with cerebral atherosclerosis.

To normalize cerebral circulation, cerebroangiocorrectors are used. Nootropic drugs improve energy and brain processes, contribute to better blood circulation. Drugs improve mental functions and memory.

Antidepressants are used for depression and are prescribed only by a doctor. The choice of medication depends on the required dose and type of depression.

Beta-blockers are used for hypertensive vegetative-vascular dystonia. This type includes tachycardia, arrhythmia, cardialgia, high blood pressure. The dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor for each patient individually. Beta-blockers are forbidden to use for individual intolerance, bradycardia, arterial hypotension and so on.

cerebral dystonia of the cerebral vessels

Folk methods

Alternative methods of treatment can not completely heal the patient. They can only improve a person’s condition. With prolonged use of drugs and folk remedies, you can completely recover from the disease.

The best solution for maximum treatment effectiveness is to consult a doctor. He will be able to tell which folk methods are best suited during treatment.

Treatment with folk remedies for dystonia of the cerebral vessels occurs according to the following recipes.

  1. To improve blood circulation and reduce pressure, it is better to use a tincture consisting of peony, hawthorn, motherwort and valerian. You need to mix 100 milliliters of each tincture in a container. Then add 25 milliliters of mint, 50 milliliters of tincture of eucalyptus and 10 buds of cloves. Mix everything and leave for two weeks in a closed container. In this case, the tincture must be shaken daily. Take 25 drops before meals for one month. After taking a break for 10 days and continue treatment.
  2. 50 milliliters of powdered milk mixed with grated fresh potatoes. Squeeze the mixture of milk and potatoes and spread over the fabric. Fold the tissue in half and attach to the head. Wrap something warm on top and wait 1.5 hours. Repeat every 2 days. This method is recommended for severe headaches.
  3. For heart disease, raisins are used. It has a positive effect on the heart and contributes to its normal contraction. Divide 2 kilograms of pitted raisins into 2 parts, rinse in warm and cold water and dry on a cloth. As soon as the raisins dry, it can already be taken half an hour before a meal of 40 berries. Having spent one kilogram of dried fruit, you can proceed to the second. Start the second half of raisins with 40 berries daily, but now you need to reduce the number of berries by one every day.


To prevent or cure this disease, prevention will help. It is especially recommended for children with cerebral vascular dystonia. Here are some tips to help:

  1. Quitting smoking, alcohol, overeating, drugs will help you normalize and cleanse the body.
  2. Balanced diet. Do not forget to eat vegetables, fruits. Sugar should be consumed dosed. All products must be properly cooked.
  3. Active lifestyle. Physical culture will ensure vascular health.
  4. Massage. Proper massage improves blood circulation in the body and it helps the circulatory system.
  5. Timely rest of the body. After physical education or after eating, the body needs a little time to recover, and the vessels to rest and return to their usual state.

Physiotherapeutic Methods

When choosing exercise, you should also consult your doctor, since not all exercises can be beneficial due to the unpreparedness of the body. You can start simply by walking, and when you feel light, then proceed to easy running over short distances. Later it is already possible to switch to swimming, skiing, power sports, a gym. And best of all run in the mornings. After exercise, alternate the water in the shower. First you need to make warm, then hot, still hot, and in the end, make the water as hot as possible. Then turn on the cold in the same sequence. This is necessary for the regulation of sweat glands, which contributes to the normalization of blood circulation. All these tips will help you in the prevention of the disease.

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