Vomiting in children with cough: reasons for what to do

If a child has a cough before vomiting, how to treat? Sooner or later, many parents face this issue, because such a course is characteristic of several common diseases at once. At the same time, you need to understand that you need to treat the cause, and not the consequences, therefore, with a temperature, cough, vomiting in a child, you need to contact a doctor for a timely diagnosis and take measures to restore health based on the information received. Attempts to self-medicate can lead to complications, which will be much more difficult to eliminate than the original pathology.

vomiting in children with coughing

Child: in danger or not?

Modern children are not flowers growing like that rose under a glass bell. They communicate with each other and learn the world, use public places and constantly meet with various alien microorganisms. In childhood, the immune system is quite weak, constantly adapts to the characteristics of the environment, therefore, it is more susceptible to the aggressive influence of various factors. Therefore, a dry cough before vomiting is observed in a child much more often than in an adult.

Usually a cough, runny nose indicate a cold, since these are protective reactions of the body, which cleanses the tissues of mucus, dust. Coughing is usually not a concern, but coughing with vomiting in a child often becomes an occasion to panic.

Where did the trouble come from?

In childhood, such a strong cough, which is accompanied by vomiting, is observed quite often. At a young age, the body is not yet sufficiently developed, and the organs responsible for the cough reflex are quite close to those that provoke vomiting. These organs are interconnected, and with a coughing fit before vomiting, the child may have nothing to worry about - this is just a specific physiology. However, there is the likelihood of a more serious disease. To rule out her or confirm her concerns, you should seek help from a qualified pediatrician.

the child has a strong dry cough before vomiting

The greatest concern should be caused by a situation when such attacks occur frequently, are repeated with short intervals, and are persecuted for a long time. It is known that a strong cough in a child at night before vomiting can indicate the presence of a serious illness. Which one - the doctor will determine based on information from the analyzes.

Whooping cough

This is an infectious disease, which with prophylactic vaccination is quite easy. At first, the symptoms are mild, so whooping cough is mistaken for a common cold. When the incubation period of the infection comes to an end, the patient’s health condition deteriorates sharply. The most striking manifestation of whooping cough is a suffocating severe cough in a child before vomiting, accompanied by convulsions. Tears appear in the eyes, the face turns red, the body tenses, the tongue reflexively protrudes.

Such a strong cough in a child before vomiting more often comes with a night attack, in severe cases, several attacks can occur in one night, each of which ends with a peculiar sound.

What to do?

Drugs for cough with whooping cough do not show effectiveness. If there is an assumption that the reason that the child has a strong dry cough before vomiting, namely in whooping cough, it is urgent to make an appointment with a specialist. In the laboratory, mucus is inoculated, information is taken from the blood of a small patient.

severe cough in a child at night before vomiting

You must understand that coughing with whooping cough is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous, since the body’s tissues do not receive oxygen during such “attacks” of the disease. This primarily affects the nervous system. The disease torments the little man and deprives him of his strength, and the immune system is too weak to give any effective answer. Self-medication with whooping cough can lead to numerous complications, it is not practiced at home, constant monitoring by a doctor is necessary. So, if a child coughs before vomiting, what should I do? First of all, consult a doctor to determine the exact cause.


This disease is quite common, usually accompanied by a cold as a complication, if the primary cause has not been treated. The most favorable conditions are the change of seasons, high humidity, temperature differences. Often, coughing and vomiting in a child without fever are observed if the baby spent some time in the room where the drafts were walking. Hardening, multilayer windproof clothing, unfortunately, can not prevent the attack of a cold.

coughing before vomiting in a child

Bronchitis is one of the most difficult complications of the common cold. The fight against this disease lasts for a long time. If you run it, there is a chance that the form will become chronic. If it’s bronchitis and a cough is observed before the child vomits, what should I do? If possible, urgently need to contact the local pediatrician. Each subsequent attack is usually accompanied not only by vomiting, but also shortness of breath, and when the sputum goes away, the baby becomes easier.

Bronchitis: you can not run

If vomiting in children with cough is provoked by bronchitis, special attention should be paid to this situation. Pathology is associated with bacterial, viral damage to the body, and each of the options requires a specific therapeutic approach. If the cause of vomiting occurs in children with coughing, in viral bronchitis, with the right treatment, in just a week, the disease will completely disappear. But with a bacterial form, the therapy will drag on for a much longer period and will be more difficult.

If vomiting in children with cough is provoked by viral bronchitis, the use of antimicrobial agents will not give the desired result, but it will noticeably weaken the immune system. But with bronchitis provoked by microbial infections, antibiotics come to the rescue, moreover, the group that is effective for the pathogen found in the child. If vomiting in children with cough is provoked by bronchitis, it is necessary to use modern and effective drugs, the use of which is associated with the least health hazard. Antimicrobial treatment always lasts a course and under the supervision of a doctor, there is a likelihood of developing an allergic reaction, so the choice of this option alone is unacceptable.

Cough and runny nose

At a very young age, children do not know how to clean their nasal passages well, and mucous secretions flow down the back of the throat, causing irritation. The body reacts to this with a cough reflex, accompanied by the urge to vomit. In this case, a runny nose may be invisible, especially if the disease is associated with severe edema, when the snot simply can not go out with your nose.

To eliminate vomiting in children with cough, provoked by this reason, it is necessary to use anti-rhinitis drugs. True, this should be done only after the pediatrician examines the child and confirms the assumption that the gag reflex is provoked by a runny nose. Also, the doctor will help you choose a safe and effective medication that can be used at a tender age.

Allergy and cough

Allergies are often accompanied by various unpleasant, severe symptoms, including a runny nose, cough, and vomiting. Many children suffer from nasal congestion, and drugs to eliminate a runny nose in this situation do not show any effectiveness. The real benefit can bring special medications designed against allergic reactions - antihistamine group.

coughing and vomiting in a child without fever

In tender childhood, it is usually impossible to take such funds, therefore, before choosing a treatment, you must consult a doctor. Often the only reasonable option is to find out exactly which allergen provoked a reaction of the body, and its exclusion from the everyday life of the baby. Prevention of contact with an allergy-causing composition, substance in most cases gives the best effect, and the symptoms expire quickly enough.

Alien body and cough

Sometimes vomiting in children with cough is provoked by the fact that a foreign body has entered the body. Kids are the most curious participants in human society, and they all want to taste everything. Often the elements of absorbed food, small parts of toys are in the respiratory tract, where they get stuck. In such a situation, a cough reflex develops as an attempt by the body to clear itself of foreign inclusion. These attacks may well be accompanied by vomiting.

Usually the reason is precisely this, if the condition of the child has deteriorated sharply, without any assumptions, for what reason this could happen, and also in the absence of prerequisites in the form of a cold, temperature. In order to prevent undesirable severe consequences, it is urgent to seek help from specialists. If foreign objects are in the nose, larynx for a long time, this will provoke tissue damage. With the most unfavorable development of the situation, the airways completely overlap, which provokes suffocation, leads to a lack of oxygen in the organs and tissues of the body, and in some cases can even provoke a fatal outcome.

There are many options!

The causes of vomiting in children with cough are known to a huge number. It is very unlikely to determine independently what is the matter, without having a special education and the ability to conduct a series of analyzes. It is known that a cough can be accompanied by a gag reflex in pneumonia, which requires urgent medical intervention. Such symptoms are also characteristic of asthma, croup, pharyngitis. In some cases, the symptom indicates serious violations in the integrity of the tissues of the organs. Thus, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system disorders can manifest themselves. In addition, vomiting in children with coughing may indicate infection with a tubercle bacillus.

To determine what’s the matter and take the right measures to eliminate the cause, you need to seek help from a specialist with knowledge, technology, and other opportunities for a full-fledged study of the child’s body. In the area of ​​responsibility of parents - timely access to qualified assistance. In this case, the alleviation of the condition will be accompanied by the most effective measures against the real root cause of the symptom.

Dry cough and vomiting

A dry cough is associated with strong muscle tension, which can provoke a vomiting reflex, since the center responsible for it is located relatively close to the pharynx, and nervous excitement is also transmitted here. Vomiting in this situation is short-lived, and after it the cough disappears for a while. Each new attack causes fear in the child, the patient seems weak, feels tired.

The reasons for dry cough are many. A variety of infections, viruses that cause respiratory pathologies can provoke this symptom. When microscopic harmful life forms penetrate the respiratory tract, it provokes inflammatory processes, and the receptors responsible for coughing are activated. In some cases, the cause is inflammation that affects the vocal cords. Often, a dry cough is provoked by an allergic reaction, infection by pathological bacteria or inflammatory processes of the pleura. Such a symptom is known if food is thrown back into the oral cavity, esophagus. A dry cough can accompany being in a room with harmful fumes, as well as the consequences of such a stay. Finally, this may indicate heart defects, aortic aneurysm. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a qualified doctor with a careful examination of the patient and the study of the tests taken.

a child coughs up vomiting how to treat

Night cough and vomiting

Regardless of the cause that caused it, coughing at night is always stronger than daytime. This is due to the accumulation of mucous secretions during sleep. At the same time, the body does not have the ability to dissolve the secretion, which irritates the cough receptors and activates the reflex. At the same time, blood flow slows down when a person takes a horizontal position, the lungs receive less oxygen, and mucus, sputum simply can not dissolve in a timely manner. The accumulation of these masses generated by the mucous tissues leads to a strong cough, often accompanied by a vomiting reflex.

It is likely that in the daytime, if the child coughs, it practically does not bother and does not attract attention, but at night the situation worsens, severe attacks begin, and even for short periods of time breathing stops. Coughing at night is much more difficult than during the day, and getting rid of sputum requires a very intense effort. This condition is fraught with a number of health hazards, including the possibility of choking on the masses, departing with vomiting. To prevent such a development of the situation, during an attack, adults should be near the child and provide him with all possible assistance.

What else to look for?

It is known that vomiting in children with coughing can accompany a prolonged stay in a cool room. In particular, if a child sleeps in a cold room with dry air, this causes an increased likelihood of coughing. Dry air provokes irritation of the mucosa, which activates cough receptors.

If a cough is caused by whooping cough, it also becomes much stronger at night, and seizures are harder than during the day. The cough is dry, literally tearing and tormenting the child and preventing him from sleeping. But if coughing attacks, including those accompanied by vomiting, appear in the morning, this signals asthma. Often, when a child breathes in, he makes a characteristic whistle.

Attention to all aspects

In some cases, vomiting in children with cough is provoked by the fact that the teeth are cut. This process is accompanied by excessive salivation, and at night, in a dream, the swallowing reflex does not work, so saliva accumulates in the larynx. This activates cough receptors and provokes an attack.

cough before vomiting in a child what to do

If the teeth have already erupted and the child is much older, then a horizontal position can provoke a malfunction of the digestive system, when the products enter the esophagus, the respiratory system. It is also accompanied by vomiting. Do not neglect the possible infection of the bed with parasites, such as bedbugs. Strong vomiting in children with coughing can be triggered by chemicals, including powders used in washing bedding.

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