How to cook buckwheat friable

The question of how to cook buckwheat friable was never asked in our family, simply because the family secret of cooking buckwheat was passed on to me from my grandmother. Often we, grandchildren, sat next to our grandmother and sorted buckwheat, and she told us about life, as well as how to cook buckwheat friable.

My grandmother always turned out friable fragrant buckwheat. To do this, she first sorted through the groats. Indeed, in buckwheat in those immemorial times, there was always a lot of litter, so in order not to injure your teeth on pebbles that could be in a plate with porridge, they must have sorted it. However, today buckwheat is sold clean (without garbage), so this step can be skipped. Then the grandmother roasted buckwheat in a pan until she was lightly browned.

Pouring two glasses of water into a cast-iron, filled a glass of calcined buckwheat, added salt to taste and set it on fire, covering the cauldron tightly with a lid.

Neither it was strictly forbidden to interfere or open the lid of the cast iron until the porridge was completely cooked, this is the whole secret of how to cook buckwheat friable correctly.

Porridge usually cooked for 20 minutes over low heat. Until the water disappeared from the surface. “The water is gone,” said the grandmother, “then the porridge is ready.” Then she put a frying pan, poured some sunflower oil and fried it for a couple of minutes.

Ready buckwheat porridge is an excellent side dish for any meat. In fasting, many people like to season it with frying from chopped onions or soaked and pre-processed dry mushrooms.

How to cook buckwheat in a double boiler

Conveniently boil buckwheat in a double boiler. Before pouring it into a special container for cooking cereals inside a double boiler, it is advisable to fry it. It is enough to hold the buckwheat groats for two or three minutes in a clean pan so that it becomes brownish, however, do not get carried away, carefully monitor and remove the groats in time so that they do not burn. How to cook buckwheat in a double boiler? In this case, pour the cereal with boiling water and add salt to your own taste. Set a timer for 35-40 minutes, no less. When the cooking time is up, carefully open the lid and see if there is any water left in the container, and how easily the grains are separated. If all is well, then you can safely serve flavored buckwheat porridge, seasoned with butter or fried in vegetable oil - this is how you like it.

How to cook buckwheat in the microwave

The microwave has quickly and firmly entered our everyday life, and many can no longer imagine life without this “home assistant”, which saves our time, nerves and space in the kitchen. You can cook buckwheat in the microwave, however, you must use glassware, which is usually thoroughly washed before cooking. How to cook buckwheat in the microwave? Easier than in previous cases, the standard proportion is used: pour two glasses of water on one glass of buckwheat. Salted water carefully, because when cooking in a microwave oven, salt is required several times less, so it is very easy to salt any dish.

Bucket with buckwheat must be covered with a lid and then put in the microwave. We set the power to 1000W, and it is also necessary to start a timer for 3-4 minutes, in order to know when the water in the pan will boil. So, the water boiled, you need to stop the microwave, mix the buckwheat and set a new power - 600W. In this mode, buckwheat is usually cooked for about 8 minutes. By the way, as in my grandmother’s recipe, when the porridge is completely ready, there should not be any water in the bowl.

That's the whole tale of how to cook buckwheat friable, try it, I hope that you will like this reliable and proven method for centuries. Enjoy your meal.

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