The off-season period is characterized by exacerbations of chronic diseases. Particularly often, people with such seasonal effects include patients with cardiovascular diseases. The pharmacy has a simple and affordable tool that can help us and greatly facilitate the course of the disease. Today we will tell you about Inosine. Instructions for use calls it one of the most progressive not only in the field of cardiology, but also in immunotherapy. Let's take a closer look at the features of the drug and its scope, as well as analogues.
The scope of the drug
In fact, the scope is quite wide. The drug has antihypoxic, antiarrhythmic and metabolic effects on the body, which makes it possible to use it by various narrow specialists. What is the effect of the use of Inosine? Instructions for use give us information that the drug has a cardioprotective and anabolic effect, it improves blood flow in the vessels, which means it gives you energy. As an anabolic agent, the drug eliminates arrhythmia and relieves hypoxia, that is, you can live a normal life, without discomfort. Under the influence of Inosine, the supply of tissues with oxygen improves. An additional bonus is the improvement of tissue regeneration, increased enzyme activity. So, in almost any heart disease, Inosine will be useful. Instructions for use calls it one of the safest and most effective medicines.
And what's inside
What is part of the Inosine preparation? Instructions for use tell us that this is a single drug, the only active substance in it is inosine. Excipients are starch and calcium stearate, sucrose.
The drug is available in the form of white tablets, which are coated. The tablets taste bitter, it is for this reason that they are recommended to be taken whole, washed down with water and not chewing. The medicine is dispensed without a prescription. The cost of one pack is 500 rubles. Not so expensive when compared with the prices of other drugs used in immunotherapy. Additionally, a 2% injection solution is available.
Before proceeding to the consideration of analogues, I would like to note specific diagnoses for which Inosine is prescribed. Instructions for use include among the first coronary insufficiency, therapy for heart attacks and strokes. Often, for children, the drug "Inosine" is prescribed. The instructions for use in tablets allow the use of the drug in case of coronary disease and endocrine diseases, metabolic disorders. Assign 600-800 mg per day, dividing this amount into 3 doses. Judging by the reviews, this is a well-known and used drug. It is quite affordable and very effective, it is familiar to everyone who has had or has problems with the cardiovascular system. With it, many people returned to their usual lives.
This is a metabolic agent that is used for the complex treatment of coronary heart disease. The active ingredient of the Riboxin drug is inosine. The instruction for use recommends using it to regulate metabolic processes in case of coronary insufficiency, in case of heart rhythm disturbance, in case of myocardial infarction and in case of coronary heart disease. "Riboxin" gives very good results for atherosclerosis, heart defects, glaucoma and dystrophic changes in the heart muscle, acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis. At the same time, the cost of one package for 50 tablets is only 50 rubles. It is recommended to take 0.2 g 3-4 times a day. Judging by the reviews, this is the most affordable drug of the entire class presented. But from this he did not become less effective. With it, they perfectly support the normal activity of the heart muscle, even after serious illness.
"Inosine Pranobex"
Inosine was originally used in immunotherapy, however, recent studies have made it possible to bring to the market its analogue, which can be found in pharmacies under the name Isoprinosine. Its international name is Inosine Pranobex. Instructions for use tell us that this is the latest antiviral drug that has a pronounced immunostimulating effect. This drug works well against most viruses known to modern medicine. This is herpes and measles, encephalitis, hepatitis A, B, flu. The cost of this drug is 1,500 rubles per pack of 50 tablets. Doctors prescribe it for adults, 2 tablets 4 times a day, for 5 days. Among analogues the most famous today is Groprinosin. Reviews suggest that today it is one of the most effective immunostimulants. Many have experienced how easy the disease can be if you start taking this medication on time.
"Inosine Pranobex" for children
There is no specialized dosage form for babies, however, in some cases, the pediatrician may prescribe drugs containing inosine. Instructions for use for children recommend that you approach the treatment with caution and in no case do self-medication. In the offseason, when viral diseases are especially prevalent, the drug can serve as a first aid, when signs of the flu have just begun to appear. In this case, the condition often stabilizes after a few days, and a serious development of symptoms does not occur. For children, starting from two years, ½ tablets are prescribed 4 times a day for 5 days.
This is another form of Inosine Pranobex (INN). Instructions for use indicate that it is a direct-acting antiviral drug. Each tablet contains 500 mg of active substance. Indications for use are: skin infection caused by the herpes virus, papillomovirus infection, as well as the general weakness of the body, which most often accompanies the course of viral infections. Prescribe a drug for adults 2 tablets three times a day. An excellent drug, today it is the most advanced. His age threshold is even lower, that is, it can even be used to treat one-year-old children, which cannot but please the parents of often sick babies. With such a medicine, the disease recedes in a matter of days, this is confirmed by numerous studies in the field of health.