Medications for intestinal colitis: a review of drugs, features of use, reviews

Colitis is an inflammatory lesion that varies over the course, as well as the clinical signs and degree of damage to the mucous membrane. Medicines to eliminate bowel disease are selected by a medical specialist according to an individual plan based on the results of analyzes and examinations. The focus of treatment is the neutralization of inflammatory lesions, as well as stabilizing the functioning of the organ and alleviating the signs of the disease.

When choosing a medicine for intestinal colitis, the doctor relies on the results of the tests and the reason that provoked the appearance of the ailment. Without eliminating the root cause, effective treatment is not possible. For example, if worms caused the disease, then therapy will be aimed at eliminating these pests.

intestinal colitis

What drugs to use for colitis

Medicines are selected by the doctor, self-medication is not recommended, as this can lead to serious complications. The choice of drug is determined by certain factors:

  1. To eliminate the bursting of the abdomen and flatulence, drugs are used that contain activated charcoal, for example, Polysorb, as well as fennel extract.
  2. The restoration of microflora in the intestine is the task of biologically active additives.
  3. If emptying is difficult, a laxative is used.
  4. When a person has an intestinal upset, he is recommended to take antidiarrheal drugs.
  5. To reduce the lesion and to remove the inflammatory process, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs.

Combination therapy helps to eliminate problems and return to the previous lifestyle.

Antimicrobial agents

The appointment of antibiotics for intestinal colitis is very ambiguous, most doctors have an opinion on this. Sometimes such components eliminate beneficial microorganisms, provoking dysbiosis and aggravating the course of colitis. The intestinal microflora is affected, and the treatment is delayed. But it happens that without the appointment of antibacterial agents, recovery does not occur.

If spastic colitis is diagnosed, then its treatment is best done without antimicrobial agents. In rare situations, a medical specialist prescribes antibiotics.

When the harmful environment spreads rapidly, you have to resort to antibacterial drugs. They are used strictly according to the scheme, which is prescribed by a gastroenterologist. Depending on the patient's condition and stage of the disease, the medical specialist selects the appropriate treatment.

These may be preparations from the group of sulfonamides, for example, Phthalazole or Sulgin. Their use is carried out strictly as prescribed by the gastroenterologist according to the following scheme:

  1. With intensive therapy of the inflammatory process, the medicine is used six times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the neglect of the disease.
  2. The second stage is the suppression of residual pathogens. It lasts two days, the application is four times a day.
  3. The third step is the consolidation of a positive action. It takes two days, with the use of medicines three times a day.

According to the results of the study of the microflora of the patient, a medical specialist can recommend an antimicrobial drug whose action is aimed at eliminating a certain type of pathogen.

To eliminate colitis, antibacterial drugs with oxyquinoline (Intestopan and Enteroseptol) are used. These are heavier drugs, their use is justified when pathogens have developed resistance to many antibiotics. The treatment regimen depends on the stage and neglect of the disease. The duration of treatment with drugs that contain oxyquinoline is approximately ten days.


When eliminating the disease, medical specialists use various medicines for intestinal colitis. All of them can be divided into the following types:

  1. Sulfanilamides (Sulfasalazine, Mesacol). Their influence is aimed at eliminating pests.
  2. Complex preparations (Intestopan, Mexaza). Inhibit pathogenic microflora, and also contain enzymes.
  3. Biological medicines with beneficial microorganisms and medicines of the eubiotics class ("Bifidumbacterin", "Bifiform", "Linex"). As a rule, they are localized in the intestine, in the form of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.
  4. Medications that contain enzymes (Pancreatin, Mezim, Festal).
  5. Medicines from the category of antispasmodic drugs (No-shpa, as well as Papazol and Bellastesin). These drugs effectively neutralize pain.
  6. Monoclonal antibodies help the body cope with the inflammatory process on its own, giving immune cells the ability to recognize the problem and eliminate it.

Popular drugs

The task of these medicines is to eliminate the signs of the disease and eliminate the cause of its occurrence. The list of the most popular medicines:

  1. Sulfasalazine.
  2. Mesacol.
  3. Enterofuril.
  4. Intestopan.
  5. Mexase.
  6. Salofalk.
  7. "Bifidumbacterin."
  8. "Festal".
  9. Phthalazole.
  10. "No-shpa."
  11. "Bellastesin".

Next, the drugs will be discussed in more detail.


It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. It is based on the rapid inhibition of the source of pathogens by metabolic disorders in their cells. The active component does not allow the deoxyribonucleic acid chain to multiply.

phthalazole helps

According to reviews, "Sulfasalazine" for colitis of the intestine is prescribed to people from sixteen years old, one to two grams three times a day. Next, 500 milligrams of the active substance until the end of the maintenance phase. The drug has a number of negative reactions, therefore, it is prescribed only by a doctor.


The drug has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. It is important to be careful when using Mesacol for colitis in people with kidney, liver, or pregnancy.

Before starting therapy, during and after taking the medicine, it is best to conduct a general blood test. If there are signs that indicate the development of acute intolerance syndrome, Mesacol should be abolished.

What helps Phthalazole

The experience of using the medication shows that it can not be prescribed to children under the age of twelve. But if necessary, the doctor can prescribe this medication to the child, individually calculating the dosage depending on the weight.

What helps "Phthalazole? According to the instructions for this medication, the drug eliminates:

  • acute intestinal infections;
  • enterocolitis;
  • colitis;
  • diarrhea.

The medicine can be prescribed in combination with sulfonamide drugs and antibacterial agents. You can not use tablets in conjunction with antacid drugs or adsorbents, since in this situation the pharmacological effect of the drug will be reduced. The medication does not affect the functioning of the central nervous system and the speed of psychomotor reactions.


The medication is considered a probiotic that stabilizes the intestinal microflora. Due to the huge amount of active substances and bifidobacteria, the medicine can stimulate the functioning of the stomach and intestines, the digestion process, as well as the nonspecific resistance of the body to various factors, metabolic processes, and the synthesis of vitamins.

mesacol for colitis

According to reviews, "Bifidumbacterin" with colitis of the intestine helps to effectively eliminate most pathogens, including enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, Proteus, as well as staphylococci, some types of yeast-like fungi. The drug is made in the form of a solution, powder, capsules and suppositories.


The medication is allowed for prolonged use, up to three months. This medication is recommended to take 20 milligrams three times a day after eating.

sulfasalazine for bowel colitis reviews

"Festal" helps to improve the digestion of food products, preventing them from lingering in the intestinal lumen. This is also an enzyme class drug. Its use is carried out at each meal (two tablets). It does not cause side effects and has virtually no contraindications.


The active substance is enterofuryl nifuroxazide, which refers to the chemical derivatives of 5-nitrofuran. The drug has an antimicrobial effect, which is due to a violation of the connection of proteins in the cells of microorganisms. The drug has a wide spectrum of activity. "Enterofuril" for colitis of the intestine is prescribed by specialists.

bifidumbacterin for bowel colitis reviews

It leads to the elimination of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Despite the increased antimicrobial activity, the drug practically does not adversely affect the state of normal intestinal microflora.


Antispasmodic tablets for colitis of the intestines, which relax the smooth muscles of the intestines, neutralizing soreness. In chronic disease, take two tablets twice a day.

Salofalk with intestinal colitis

Before starting therapy with the No-Shpa drug, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the annotation. After all, the medication has its contraindications and side effects. In pharmacies, the medicine is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. If in doubt or questions, you need to consult a medical specialist.


An anti-inflammatory drug is used to eliminate bowel disease. The drug affects mainly the mucous membrane of the organ. Salofalk for intestinal colitis is taken orally: adult patients should take 1,500 milligrams per day.

antibiotics for colitis

If the inflammatory process is severe, you can increase the dosage to 3-4 grams. The duration of treatment with tablets can be carried out for two to three months.

Inexpensive drugs: an overview

Medications for intestinal colitis:

  1. The substitute for No-shpa is Drotaverin. The drug has an antispasmodic effect, if necessary for the patient.
  2. Petroleum jelly is used to soften the anus, which allows the feces to gently go outside.
  3. Loperamide. It is prescribed for diarrhea, used after each bowel movement.
  4. "Bifikol" is an inexpensive dietary supplement for colonizing the intestines with beneficial bacteria.

Features of treating children

Not all tablets are allowed to small patients, so a pediatrician should be involved in the therapy of the child. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease.

The main measure of therapy for the restoration of the mucous membrane is specialized nutrition. In addition to diet, medications with enzymes, as well as prebiotics and adsorbents, are recommended for use. The difference between pediatric therapy and adult is the prescription of antimicrobials only for strict medical reasons.


According to doctors, the duration of treatment for colitis in the acute stage takes from three days to several weeks. It depends on the method of therapy and the severity of the symptoms. The chronic form of the disease is treated longer, but the symptoms are not so acute for the patient. To select the right drug, you need to contact a doctor. He will prescribe an individual course of treatment, taking into account all the features of the patient's body.

Reviews of patients about drugs on the forums are quite controversial. Some patients narrate that after taking such medicines for colitis in the intestine, unpleasant symptoms quickly disappeared. Others note the occurrence of side effects after drinking. Therefore, in the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time, as well as undergo an examination and choose the right medicines, of which there are a huge number.

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