Fat grid in cooking: application, recipes

The grease mesh (omentum) is a unique product, but many people simply bypass it because they do not understand its significance in cooking. And this grid makes it possible to cook many juicy dishes from meat, offal, mushrooms and other things. In cooking, the stuffing box of mutton, pork or beef is used. The softest and most gentle at the same time is considered a ram omentum, it has thin layers of fat and connective tissue. Its physiological significance is to protect internal organs from injuries and injuries, as well as from hypothermia.

fat net

In cooking, a fat net is used to make sausages, pastes, kebabs, rolls. The product is wrapped around it before cooking, and during cooking, the fat melts completely under the influence of temperature, while the membrane from the connective tissue holds the filling. This product is widely used in the culinary of many countries. For example, in Cyprus sheftaly is prepared, in England - bassoon, in Georgia - Abkhazuri. In our country, an oil seal has long been used, stuffed with liver and porridge, and then baked in a pot.

Product preparation

The fat net of lamb, pork or beef is sold as a standalone product. It is deployed so that a thin layer of fatty layers is obtained. The gland is washed thoroughly, then poured with a solution of one liter of water and one hundred grams of vinegar, set aside for fifteen minutes. After that, the mesh is well washed and dried. Before cooking, the oil seal is seasoned with pepper, salt and spices. The filling is wrapped in several layers of the grid and fried, then the dish is placed in the oven, where it is brought to readiness.

Fatty liver


  • 1 kilogram of beef or pork liver;
  • 300 grams of fat net;
  • salt and spices;
  • vegetable oil.

fatty liver

First, the liver is cut into small pieces, salted and seasoned with spices. Then the fat net, pre-prepared, is spread on the table, the filling is laid out in it and wrapped with an oil seal in three or four layers. A little oil is poured into a heated pan, the product is laid out and fry it for about five minutes on all sides. Then put the dish on a baking sheet and bring to readiness in the oven. Readiness is checked by notching the product. If it is ready, the liver will let transparent juice flow. Serve the finished dish with vegetables.

Fat Mushrooms


  • 0.5 kilograms of champignons;
  • 1 fat net;
  • 300 grams of minced pork;
  • mayonnaise and spices for pickling.

fat net recipes

Mushrooms without legs are pre-marinated in mayonnaise with spices to taste for about three hours. Then each mushroom is stuffed with minced meat. The omentum is cut into small pieces, each mushroom is wrapped in it. Then, in addition, each stuffed champignon is wrapped in foil to preserve all the juice that will stand out. The products are laid out on a baking sheet and sent to the oven for twenty minutes. At the same time, they must be periodically turned over. The readiness of the dish is checked by incision.



  • 150 grams of buckwheat;
  • 500 grams of beef liver;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • 1 pork stuffing box.

Cooking requires a certain amount of time. In the evening, buckwheat is poured with boiling water and left overnight. Onions and carrots are chopped and fried, buckwheat and liver are added, then everything is passed through a meat grinder. Next, the fat net, the preparation of which is quite simple, is cut into squares. In each square, one tablespoon of the filling is wrapped and wrapped in the same way as cabbage rolls. The liverworts are fried in a pan until crisp. In this case, the oil seal will become invisible, the fat melts and impregnates the filling. The liverworts are further placed in pots, on the bottom of which cabbage leaves are laid out, poured with boiling water, covered with lids and sent to the oven for twenty minutes. Serve the finished dish with sour cream.

fat lamb net

Thus, using the gland, you can cook many different dishes. This can be, for example, casseroles, meat rolls, home-made sausages and more. Cooking experts recommend serving the dish hot, since the fat that soaks the filling can freeze at room temperature. Adipose tissue is a source of vitamins, saturated fatty acids, while it is well absorbed and helps strengthen nails, hair, and skin.

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