Nutrition and lifestyle recommendations for metabolic syndrome

Obesity is a huge problem in the world at large. With the metabolic syndrome, hormonal disorders occur, which often leads to the appearance of excess fat in the most problematic places (on the waist and abdomen). Another symptom of the disease is the body's loss of sensitivity to insulin, as a result of which glucose ceases to be absorbed.

diagnosis of metabolic syndrome

Why it happens

There is a certain group of people that is susceptible to the disease. It includes smokers, drinkers, people who are genetically predisposed to be full, who pollute their bodies with unhealthy diets, and individuals with low physical activity. To identify the disease, a diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome is performed. It includes blood tests, and if necessary, an ECG, an ultrasound of the heart, and a glucose measurement are prescribed strictly by the hour.

Disaster awaits you

Violation of metabolic processes entails a lot of trouble that can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Being overweight is the main problem with metabolic syndrome. It lies in the fact that excess fat surrounds the internal organs, because of which they can not function normally. The inability of organs to fully perform their functions causes an increase in blood pressure. Symptoms of vascular atherosclerosis appear: weakness, fatigue, memory loss.

The main medicine in itself

Medicines prescribed for the metabolic syndrome will not have an effect if a person does not change his lifestyle. Everyone is able to heal himself, for this you need:

• give up smoking and alcohol;

• comply with nutritional standards ;

• enter physical activity into daily routine on an ongoing basis;

• Do not overstrain the nervous system.

metabolic syndrome

Nutrition recommendations

A reduced calorie diet and exercise give the maximum positive effect. The introduced principle of nutrition should be applied on an ongoing basis, otherwise a relapse of the disease occurs. With metabolic syndrome, the features of the diet are as follows:

1. The selection of products is based on their calorie content (up to 30 kcal per 1 kg of normal body weight).

2. Weight loss is gradual, a sharp jump harms the body.

3. The use of food containing animal fats is minimized.

4. An increase in protein and complex carbohydrate foods in the diet.

5. When choosing meat, milk, cottage cheese and dairy products, preference is given to low-fat varieties.

6. A day you can eat no more than 200 g of berries, fruits, potatoes, carrots, beets and bread.

7. You can eat vegetables, which include fiber, in unlimited quantities.

8. The frying process is replaced by steaming.

9. Tea, juices and compotes are used as a drink, but with a minimum amount of sugar.

When diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, the doctor’s recommendations will be selected in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body.

Physical activity should always be

metabolic syndrome recommendations

Exercises do not have a specific system, you can do what works best. But the main feature is a gradual increase in load. If after six months the listed methods do not give a result, then more effective drugs are prescribed, but they have a number of contraindications.

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