The Right Buckwheat Porridge Recipe

Opinions about whether or not to love buckwheat are, of course, divided. As they say, there are no friends for the taste and color, which means that each person individually expresses his attitude to buckwheat. This is all because some people eat it with great pleasure, while others do not digest it. It turns out that in order to feel all the charm of this dish, you need to know how to cook buckwheat porridge. It would seem that here is complicated, even a small child will be able to cook it. That's just not all that simple. Surely many noticed that the taste of buckwheat porridge after cooking may be slightly different, sometimes it even turns out bitter. Of course, you can throw all the blame on the buckwheat variety, although just the taste of the finished porridge depends on how correctly it was cooked.

A typical cooking scheme for porridge is: put buckwheat in water and cook until you realize that it is ready. At the same time, proportions, time and temperature are not always observed. In fact, when cooking buckwheat porridge, it is very important to consider these indicators. There is an opinion that the further you cook the porridge, the tastier it will be. The statement is incorrect, because if you digest buckwheat porridge, it will lose some of the vitamins and nutrients, and hence the taste.

So, how to cook buckwheat porridge so that it is tasty and healthy. It is enough to follow a few simple tips to get a real dish, unspoiled in the cooking process. Buckwheat porridge recipe does not contain complex ingredients, but still have to make some efforts. To begin with, I want to note that for the preparation of real porridge, you can use only buckwheat kernels, but cereal, of course, is also good, but only for cooking other dishes (for example, soups). The one who mistakenly soaks buckwheat in water in order to cook it quickly in the morning mistakenly arrives. Even without this technique, it will quickly boil down, as you will see a little lower.

Now a few words about proportions. Buckwheat porridge recipe begins with the following words: take 1 part buckwheat and 2 parts water. This means that water should always be taken twice as much as cereals. And you need to measure this ratio not by eye, but using measuring dishes.

We remember one more main rule: it is already impossible to fix the porridge in the middle of cooking! And to make the porridge really tasty, try to adhere to the following order:

Classic buckwheat porridge recipe

We need: 1 cup buckwheat, 2 cups water, salt.

Preparation: Pour water into the pan and wait until it boils. Pour buckwheat in boiling water, salt to taste and cover tightly with a lid. Cook for 5 minutes on high heat, and then reduce the heat and cook for about 10 minutes. After this time, turn off the fire, and do not open the pan for another 15 minutes (so that it steams well). By the way, during cooking, you can’t open the lid, as well as interfere with the porridge. After all, buckwheat is cooked to a greater extent not at the expense of water, but at the expense of the steam that this water forms. If you open the lid, the steam, of course, will come out. It is also necessary to observe the cooking time, however, on electric stoves it will be slightly different, you will have to determine the time yourself.

By the way, the buckwheat porridge recipe is simply impossible to imagine without dressing. Many do it in different ways. And yet, for real Russian porridge, it can only be this: when the porridge is cooked, add finely fried onions, a slice of butter and cool chopped eggs, cover the lid and wait 15 minutes. Along with falling asleep in a saucepan, you can add a little dried mushrooms. They will give porridge a special refined taste. In order not to overdo it with salt, you should add it a little, because at any time you can salt it directly on a plate.

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