The process of rehabilitation after surgery on the knee is no less important than the operation itself. The effectiveness of any intervention largely depends on how responsibly the patient approaches the treatment process. It is important to carry out all the tips not only in preparation for the operation, but also after it. How to restore the full functioning of the joints and limbs? First you need to get acquainted with the features of knee arthroscopy. Thanks to this modern method of research and surgical treatment of the constituent elements, the patient's health can be restored. This type of operation is minimally invasive. In the process of carrying out the manipulation, tissues are not damaged, only in rare cases do complications arise.
The first two days after surgery
What are the main features of rehabilitation after surgery on the knee joint? Arthroscopy refers to collective terms. It is used to determine a wide variety of surgical procedures. The following forms of arthroscopy are distinguished:
- diagnostic;
- Surgical
- sanitation.
How the operation was performed depends on how long the recovery process will take. After arthroscopy of the knee joint, examination of the articular cavity and taking a puncture, the patient can go home in 12-14 hours. But if resection, arthroplasty or PCD was performed, you need to be in the hospital for several days.
What happens in this time frame?
How is rehabilitation after surgery on the knee joint? After surgical manipulation, the treating doctor introduces a drug into the joint area, which relieves swelling, prevents the inflammatory process and protects the cartilage tissue. Using Fermatron, articular structures can be quickly restored after arthroscopy. The duration of drug therapy is 6-7 days. If necessary, the specialist prescribes pain-relieving anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drugs to the patient - this is necessary to prevent the development of infectious diseases, to relieve pain.
In the process of rehabilitation after surgery on the knee joint, the doctor prescribes anticoagulants to the patient - they will help prevent the formation of a blood clot. It is recommended to introduce this group of drugs within a week after the manipulation. A seam is applied to the puncture, and a sterile dressing is placed on top. According to indications, in addition, the joint may be immobilized. To do this, use a gypsum tire. Then the patient is transferred to the postoperative ward. Special pillows should be placed under the foot - this will eliminate swelling and reduce blood flow.
The joint needs complete rest for the first 14 hours after surgical manipulation. It is forbidden to wear compression stockings without the advice of your doctor - this can harm. It is allowed to use ice in order to reduce pain and relieve swelling. If plastic surgery of the cruciate ligament was performed, then the joints must be fixed. To do this, use a special hinge joint. On the second day, motor activity increases - you need to get up and move around the room a little. Special exercises should be performed.
When can I go home?
The doctor will examine the patient, remove the gypsum splint and remove the bandages. The puncture must be treated with antiseptic agents and sealed with plasters. In the process of exercise therapy it is necessary to relax and strain the muscles of the limb. The load is contraindicated. The next day, the doctor prescribes a limb massage. Until this time, the wound is usually healed and the patient can go home. Elastic bandages or compression stockings are recommended in order to prevent the development of blood clots.
If you do not follow the recommendations for preparing for surgical manipulation or disrupt the technique of its implementation, there will be complications or a side effect. It is not recommended to be discharged from the hospital ahead of time, as the patient may feel worse.
Possible complications
Despite the fact that joint arthroscopy is a minimally invasive method of surgery, health problems can occur. Side effects develop due to the patient’s neglect of the treatment process. Under such conditions, the following complications arise:
- there is a feeling of nausea and vomiting;
- possibly a speech disorder;
- damage to the popliteal artery or vein - due to the carelessness of the doctor, this problem may occur;
- in the process of hemarthrosis, blood accumulates in the joint area - this phenomenon is most often observed if the patient took medications that affect blood coagulation, drank alcohol or smoked;
- due to infection during surgical manipulation, an inflammatory process in the joints can occur - arthritis or synovitis;
- lack of sensitivity - a common problem that is temporary, a week later sensitivity will return;
- thrombosis of vessels of the lower extremities.
Patient Actions
If one of the signs of possible complications appears, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and inform him about all the symptoms that caused discomfort. Self-medication is not recommended - this will only exacerbate the problem. During the pathological process, the doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs that will help improve the patient's well-being. You can not be discharged from the hospital until the general health condition improves - at an elevated body temperature, pain, and swelling, you will need to stay in the clinic.
What will be at home after discharge?
It is not recommended to immediately load the ligaments of the knee joint after surgery. The period of restoration of the patient’s health after surgical manipulation will last for several weeks. If complications arose during arthroscopic surgery, then the joints will heal for 2 months. The patient's health will be fully restored after 5 months. All this time it is necessary to follow medical recommendations and regularly visit a doctor in order to control rehabilitation treatment.
How to speed up the healing process?
What to do after knee surgery? It is necessary to systematically perform the exercises that the doctor has developed for the patient, depending on his general state of health. If pain occurs during motor activity, you must visit a doctor and inform him about all the unpleasant symptoms that caused discomfort. The specialist will recommend another set of exercises.
You need to learn how to walk. After surgical manipulation on the knee, you need to learn this process again. After surgery on the knee, crutches should be used for several weeks. During movement, it is unacceptable to exert pressure on the leg - this can harm and provoke the development of unpleasant sensations.
Tips for Patients
If there is pain or other unpleasant sensations, then this indicates that it is necessary to reduce the load. Every day you need to carry out therapeutic massage of the limbs. Thanks to gymnastics after arthroscopy, you can speed up the process of restoration of joint functions.
How quickly does the joint function fully recover? It all depends on how responsive the patient is to the rehabilitation process. It is important to perform all exercises correctly and do them systematically. If you experience pain, you must definitely visit a doctor so that the doctor adjusts the individual therapy regimen.
Prohibited actions after surgery
- You can not remove bandages, plasters or a seam at home. Only the attending doctor should do this.
- It is not recommended to take hot baths, go to the sauna or bath, public pool.
- For a long time to be in the cold.
- Lift heavy objects.
- Engage in an active sport.
- Wear shoes on a high platform.
Therapeutic exercises
Is exercise therapy necessary after knee surgery? Thanks to this method of treatment, the functioning of the knee joint can be restored. Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, the doctor selects specific exercises. Thanks to the isometric contraction of the buttock muscles, the process of restoring the patient’s health can be accelerated. It is necessary to carry out exercises to strengthen muscle tissue.
- It should lie on a flat surface.
- Then slowly raise the leg, pulled the toe of the foot towards himself.
- Gently return the leg to its original position.
- In a standing position, place the foot in the middle of the gymnastic bandage.
- Slowly raise the leg, pull the toe toward you and fix the leg for 6 seconds at the top point.
- We are slowly returning to the starting position.
The process of developing a knee joint after surgery should be monitored by a doctor. Swimming and training on special simulators with low resistance will help to improve the overall health of the patient. Starting from week 5, you can exercise the load on the leg. If there is no pain, crutches should be removed. It is advisable to walk slowly and carefully. With the help of therapeutic exercises, muscles and ligaments are strengthened. To do this, do squats with light resistance. An arthromot for the knee joint will help restore the functioning of the joints, but it cannot be used without prior consultation of a specialist.
To summarize
In order to quickly restore the full functioning of the knee joint, it is necessary to responsibly approach the rehabilitation process. It is important to follow all the recommendations of your doctor. If severe pain occurs during the exercise, you must stop it and seek help from a medical professional. How to do knee massage, you need to check with your doctor. Depending on the specific clinical picture, the medical professional will choose the best version of the massage technique. Stroking this area improves blood circulation and joint function. It is not recommended to drink medications without first consulting a specialist, since self-medication can only provoke the development of serious complications. It is equally important in the process of joint restoration to eat properly and balanced. Thanks to healthy food, it will be possible to saturate the body with necessary and useful elements. Under such conditions, the healing process will accelerate.