Why use sulfur dioxide in wine?

Walking around the liquor store and familiarizing myself with the composition of a couple of bottles, I saw SO 2 as part of the drink. On the bottle it was written that the product does not contain hazardous substances for health. Is sulfur dioxide in wine - is this normal or not? I decided to figure it out, and at the same time share the information with you. First, I found information about what wine experts think about this and what the term "sulfur dioxide" means to them.

wine sulfur dioxide
Wine has the ability to roam, even when bottled. Therefore, manufacturers use SO 2 to eliminate the possibility of sudden fermentation in a bottle. As for the harm, if all the permitted norms are observed, then it is excluded. Unfortunately, today there is no other way to replace sulfur dioxide in wine. Most of this substance is found in sweet wines, since sugar increases the possible fermentation of grapes in a bottle (SO 2 norm - 400 ml / l). Wine experts therefore do not recommend frequent use of sweet varieties. But in general, their opinion is the same: wine without sulfur dioxide today can not be, therefore, you should simply monitor its quantity by reading the information on the bottle you are buying. Numerous studies have also been conducted that have been devoted to studying the effect of SO 2 on humans. The conclusion confirmed that sulfur dioxide in wine is absolutely harmless if its concentration does not exceed 300 mg / l.
wine without sulfur dioxide

There are, of course, wines that are called biodynamic. Nowadays, they are very popular, but with increasing demand, the price also rises. Manufacturers claim that sulfur dioxide in their wine is completely absent or is used in minimal quantities. Since the processes of fermentation and clarification occur in a natural way, it takes a lot more time and effort, and the risk that the wine can turn sour is much higher. Of course, many will consider the principle of biodynamics silly and strange. But what is its essence? Winemakers create a balance between the energy of the earth and space, thereby supporting the immunity of grapes. They care about the quality of the soil, completely refusing to use any chemical fertilizer. And in the cooking process, they do not use any impurities and additional substances. Such wines are produced by Burgundy, Bordeaux, Alsace and the Rhone Valley.

A few facts about sulfur dioxide in wine:

sulfur dioxide wine

- Many people are allergic to sulfur, so be careful. The first signs are a sore throat, redness on the skin.

- It is not recommended to drink this drink for people who have kidney failure, and indeed, consult a doctor about drinking wine if you have any serious illness.

- If we compare the presence of SO 2 , then it is less in red wine than in white, and also more semisweet than in dry.

- Sulfur dioxide is partially eroded, so if you want, then before drinking wine, set your glass aside for a while.

- Try to drink wine rarely and not in large quantities.

I hope I have at least helped you a little to figure this out, and now you will be a little more vigilant when choosing a bottle of wine for dinner, as you have basic information about SO 2 .

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