What is an effective ointment for sunburn?

Sunburn occurs mainly with too long exposure to the sun and with increased sensitivity of the skin. If damage of this nature is detected on the cover, treatment should be started as soon as possible. Emergency care for burns involves measures to reduce soreness when touching burned skin, preparing the cover for further therapy.

sunburn ointment

The first stages of treatment

Therapy begins with cooling burnt skin. To do this, apply lotions and compresses using cold water. This cooling allows you to moisturize the skin. Specialists also recommend tomato or cucumber juice, black iced tea, aloe juice. A good therapeutic effect is observed when using compresses with antiseptics, for example, with the drug "Furacilin" or potassium permanganate (weak solution). Lotions change as they heat up on the skin. Together with these procedures, it is recommended to use medications that help to eliminate pain.

anti-burn cream

Follow up activities

Pre-chilled skin should be moistened - dry skin is more prone to inflammation. To moisturize, it is recommended to use a cream against burns. A popular drug is the drug "Panthenol". The medicine is highly effective and fast. The active components of the product contribute to the necessary hydration of the skin, as well as the elimination of unpleasant sensations associated with damage. You can also use special sprays. So-called grandfather methods are often used as first aid. Burnt skin is greased with kefir, milk, sour cream, egg white.

emergency burns
These products include proteins that prevent drying of the cover and contribute to its restoration. As a moisturizer, sunburn ointment based on aloe, calendula, chamomile extract, and vitamin E is also used. These components help to retain moisture in the skin for a long time.

Ointment or spray?

According to experts, aerosol is more effective than any ointment from sunburn. The main advantage of sprays is the lack of need to rub it into inflamed skin, thereby causing even more irritation and damage. It should be noted that many drugs used in the conditions under consideration have different dosage forms. The same Panthenol sunburn ointment is also available as an aerosol.


With severe damage, soreness of the cover manifests itself very intensively. To reduce the severity of pain, a special ointment from sunburn is used, which has analgesic properties. As part of such a drug, novocaine or lidocaine is present. Among the popular drugs should be called medicines "Emla", "Luan." To enhance the effect that the ointment from sunburn has, it is recommended to take painkillers inside. However, they should be prescribed by a doctor. It should be remembered that charred skin is not allowed to be treated with alcohol-containing agents.

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