Anesthesia for hemorrhoids: drugs and folk remedies

In the article, we will consider the most effective means for pain relief for hemorrhoids.

A common problem in proctology is hemorrhoidal rectal vein expansion. The consequence of the inflammatory process is one of the most painful signs of hemorrhoids for humans - pain. That is why patients often ask proctologists: what methods of pain relief against hemorrhoids exist?

pain relief after surgery to remove hemorrhoids

Varieties of painkillers

Currently, drugstore counters and advertising posters offer a lot of information about the latest means for pain relief for hemorrhoids. They promise that the problem will disappear once and for all after taking one tablet or using one suppository. You need to understand that this is actually not true. Different dosage forms are used with focus on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as on the particular course of the disease. Only the attending physician can determine which of the dosage forms is more suitable.

The most suitable means for pain relief for hemorrhoids are tablets, suppositories and ointments.


With hemorrhoids, ointment is one of the most effective means. This is due to the fact that such a dosage form is especially rapidly absorbed by the body into the mucosa of the rectum and produces a positive therapeutic effect. A number of ointments for hemorrhoids anesthesia can exert their effect instantly, while others have a distant effect. The most appropriate is the use of ointments for analgesia for external hemorrhoids, since with such a disease, the inflamed nodes are very convenient to treat with such a dosage form.

List of ointments

The most popular and effective ointments for pain relief for hemorrhoids in proctological practice are:

  • "Rootless." It can be used at any stages of hemorrhoids, but the drug becomes most active in relation to pain syndrome in the second stage of the pathology.
pain relief after hemorrhoid surgery
  • Levomekol. This tool has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects (due to its unique composition). It has a small number of contraindications, which is also often the reason to purchase it.
  • "Proctosan." The basis of this drug is bismuth, which is actively struggling with bleeding from hemorrhoids, eliminates the process of inflammation. This allows you to eliminate burning sensation, pain, a feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the rectum. It is indicated for use in the late stages of pathology, as well as for pain relief after surgery for hemorrhoids.
  • "Relief." It is made in the form of ointment and gel. It has an extensive list of useful therapeutic effects, among which the first place belongs to anesthesia. It is indicated both for the treatment of exacerbations of external hemorrhoids, and in the form of supportive treatment after surgery to eliminate pathological nodes in the patient.
  • Troxevasin. This ointment allows you to eliminate inflammation and swelling, improves the condition of the vascular venous walls. Thanks to this, the pain syndrome goes away.
  • "Fleming's gel." The gel is based on natural plant substances. Since it is essentially homeopathic, it is not contraindicated in breastfeeding and pregnancy. Ointment will relieve pain, burning, sensation of a foreign object in the rectum. What else is used to treat and anesthetize hemorrhoids?
  • Heparin ointment. The main effect of this ointment is the elimination of blood clots in the pathological hemorrhoid. Along with the thrombus, the process of inflammation is also eliminated, tissue regeneration occurs. Due to this, naturally, itching, burning and pain syndrome go away. The drug is allowed for pain relief for hemorrhoids during lactation and pregnancy, which is another of its advantages. The only contraindication is a bleeding disorder.
pain relief after removal of hemorrhoids
  • Ichthyol ointment. The drug, the active component of which is ichthammol, which has a clear analgesic, disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect. The tool helps to eliminate pain and discomfort (especially during bowel movements).

Suitable for pain relief after removal of hemorrhoids.


From hemorrhoids, analgesic suppositories contain an oil component at their core. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the candle at body temperature begins to gradually melt, thereby ensuring the flow of the drug into the blood. The substances in the suppository are actively absorbed by the rectum (more precisely, the mucous membrane), providing a therapeutic effect. Suppositories, unlike ointments, make it possible to deliver the drug deep into the rectum. This is an indication for their use in internal hemorrhoids.

List of drugs

Not all suppositories from hemorrhoids have an analgesic effect. Some of them are made to influence other parts of the pathogenic pathogenesis, therefore, proctologists advise the following hemorrhoids drugs for anesthetic effect:

  • "Anestezol" is a pain reliever. The suppository has an astringent structure and envelops an inflamed hemorrhagic node, eliminating inflammation and suppressing pain syndrome. In addition, the use of these candles can prevent the development of anal fissures and constipation due to its structure.
hemorrhoid surgery anesthesia
  • Ginkor Plus. The active ingredients of this drug are gingko biloba extract and butamben. The first has a positive effect on the vascular walls of the anorectal zone, the second actively eliminates itching and pain in the anus. This makes the tool suitable for use in exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids and in the period after surgery.
  • Neo-Anuzol. These suppositories have an extensive list of therapeutic effects, provide anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, anesthetize. They are not suitable as emergency care for pain syndrome, as they stop it a few days after the start of treatment.
  • Procto-Glivenol. This tool not only produces a strong analgesic effect, but also strengthens the surface of venous vessels. After surgery, anesthesia for hemorrhoids is very important.
hemorrhoids anesthesia treatment
  • One of the most popular drugs is Relief, the active ingredient of which is shark liver oil. A few days after the start of the treatment course, the pain syndrome goes away, tissue restoration of the rectum occurs. Suppositories of this manufacturer can be used by nursing and pregnant patients.
  • Suppositories with belladonna. This plant significantly reduces pain, suppresses spasms of the rectum, which are a reflex reaction that aggravates a person’s condition. Natural components very rarely cause side effects, while they are allowed for use by pregnant women.
  • Sea buckthorn candles. This natural healing agent copes with discomfort, burning, itching, pain during bowel movements. Sea buckthorn oil perfectly neutralizes the inflammation process, eliminates irritation of the rectal mucosa, and restores damaged tissues. This drug is approved for use in lactation and pregnancy.
hemorrhoids anesthesia at home


Tablets are the most popular among patients, as they are easy to use, do not cause discomfort, unlike candles and ointments, do not stain underwear and bedding. You can apply them both with internal and external hemorrhoids. It is best to do this at the initial stages of the disease, which is characterized by a slight severity of the inflammation in the nodes.

Dissolving in the stomach, the tablets are absorbed into the blood. They enter the circulatory system to the desired area, having a positive therapeutic effect there. It comes slower when compared with the use of local funds.

What are the most popular pills for hemorrhoids pain relief?

List of pills

The treatment regimen for hemorrhoids may include the following tablets:

  • "Pilex" - an anti-inflammatory natural remedy that allows you to eliminate pain syndrome, itching and burning, and directly cope with the inflammatory process. Due to the lack of chemical components in the composition, nursing mothers and pregnant women can use it.
  • Detralex This hemorrhoid pain medication is effective 40 minutes after use. It not only eliminates pain syndrome, but also fights bleeding and stagnation of hemorrhoidal nodes, improves venous tone. The patient feels that his condition is improving, from the first day of the treatment course.
  • Pentalgin. This anti-inflammatory systemic agent has five active substances in the composition, which have a pronounced analgesic effect, eliminate muscle spasm of the rectum. Such tablets can be used only symptomatically, eliminating the pain syndrome for 5-10 hours. Administration to patients with a disease of the gastrointestinal tract is contraindicated.
  • Hemoroidin. This medication contains natural herbal extracts. They have both a pronounced effect of anesthesia, and hemostatic, anti-inflammatory effect. Tablets strengthen the vascular walls, thereby preventing the possibility of bleeding. First, burning, pain, discomfort in the anorectal zone go away. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, it is advisable to undergo a three-week treatment course.
  • "Phlebodia." Such a drug reduces the effects of stagnation in the pelvic organs, eliminates pain syndrome and increases vascular tone. Pain relief is observed only five hours after taking the pills. Side effects are rarely observed (they are mainly caused by individual sensitivity to the drug).
hemorrhoid ointment

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications and side effects for all of the above funds are associated with individual intolerance to some substances in the composition. Only the attending physician can determine how to deal with pain against hemorrhoids in a particular case. It will be based on the type of hemorrhoids, especially the course of the disease, individual features of the body. Self-medication with such serious means can cause negative consequences.

A complex approach

You also need to understand that the analgesia after the operation to remove hemorrhoids must be comprehensive, it includes both systemic medications (tablets) and local (ointments, suppositories). Only in this way can pathology be affected from all sides and get rid of it altogether.

Hemorrhoids anesthesia at home

The most affordable and easiest way to deal with pain is cold. An ice warmer should be applied to the affected area, freezing the nerve endings and relieving pain syndrome, improving the condition as a whole. If you make ice cubes from decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, nettle, and kidney mountaineer - the effect will double.


If there is a problem of anesthesia, folk recipes will perfectly cope with it. These include the following effective remedies:

  • Candles made from raw potatoes. Cut the candle out of the pulp, grease it well with vegetable oil (you can use any, but preferably camphor), insert it into the anus for the night. After ten procedures, tangible relief will be felt.
  • Garlic candles. The cleaned teeth are crushed by a press, mixed with softened butter, suppositories are made. Each time after a bowel movement you need to insert a candle.

Highest efficiency

Excellent efficacy in such methods of hemorrhoids anesthesia at home: steam baths; tampons with celandine juice; blueberry decoction enema; sitting baths with hemoptysis infusion; grated beets or carrots wrapped in gauze.

The condition will help ease exercise, which improves blood flow in the pelvic area. Similar methods are perfect for lactation.

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