Extrasystole is a failure of rhythm in the myocardial muscle, which is the most common type of arrhythmia. The main manifestation of the pathology is a contraction of the muscles of the heart system. In more detail about the treatment and symptoms of extrasystole with VVD - more.
Is it worth it to be afraid of this state?
Is extrasystole dangerous with VSD? This question worries those who are faced with this condition. If organic changes are absent, extrasystole will not bring a person any danger, but nevertheless this is the most common form of heart rhythm disturbance. Such problems usually arise both in patients suffering from frequent neuroses during VVD, and during menstruation in women, as well as people whose activities are associated with constant increased stress.
This type of extrasystole does not require serious therapy, and its symptoms can go away on their own, and can also occur completely unnoticed by the patient. A specialist can prescribe the use of sedatives to the patient, but modern cardiologists believe that therapy involving antiarrhythmic drugs can produce the opposite result, significantly worsening the patient’s general well-being.
The prognostic and therapeutic picture of the disturbed rhythm of the heart system and its sudden tremors is proportional to the characteristic of the concomitant disease. If it is absent or if there are no signs of damage to the reduction in ventricular and myocardial function within normal limits, extrasystole may not be considered as a pathology requiring urgent treatment.
Types of disease
Known varieties of the disease include atrial and ventricular extrasystole. In addition, there is a convergent type of ventricular and pericardial form of the disease. In addition, infrequent episodes of excitation that arise in the area of the pericardial-sinus node deserve attention.
Reasons for the development of pathology
Certain heart diseases, acquired, congenital, or chronic, may contribute to the occurrence of the disorder in patients. Extrasystoles formed during VVD are functional in nature, representing the result of a neurogenic factor.
Doctors distinguish such reasons that cause the development of the described condition:
- myocardial disease;
- frequent use of drinks that have a high caffeine content;
- emotional or physical fatigue;
- diseases that are associated with the functioning of internal organs;
- smoking and drinking alcohol;
- nervous stress;
- menstrual cycle;
- damage to the central nervous system;
- infectious diseases that may be accompanied by fever;
- violation of the nervous regulation of the functioning of the heart system.
In addition, the possible progression of the disease is not excluded, especially if the patient undergoes dystrophic changes, as well as inflammatory processes that are associated with insufficient blood supply to the heart.
Sometimes the disease can begin due to the resulting ion-intracellular imbalance, as a result of a lack of the optimal amount of sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium in the body. Extrasystole can develop in the process of the formation of heart disease, myocardial dystrophy, myocarditis, as well as with ischemic diseases.
Suppressed stress is called an additional source of the development of extrasystole with VVD. Under the influence of concomitant signs, negative energy spills out, which leads to destabilization of the functioning of individual organs or the whole organism. In case of neurosis, extrasystoles can be “introduced” into the central nervous system due to certain reasons, speaking about the development of the patient:
- sudden bouts of anxiety;
- causeless manifestation of fear;
- baseless irritability.
Manifestations of irregular heart contractions usually pose no threat. Only people with existing cardiovascular diseases will be the exception.
The cause of acute circulatory failure can be often repeated such conditions. So, existing ventricular extrasystoles can be very dangerous, because there is a threat in which they often lead to ventricular fibrillation, which can cause sudden death.
The dangers of extrasystole
Usually this condition is dangerous in that its severe symptoms up to a critical moment in the patient’s life can be hidden. Patients who suffer from VSD suffer this pathology more difficult, so they are prone to a variety of complications. But in people whose disease is caused by myocardial damage, it can proceed without any special manifestations.
Symptoms of extrasystole
This disease can be accompanied by a delay in the functioning of the ventricles, causing their accelerated contraction. By the way, the patient can feel rhythmic tremors in the chest. He can note flips or somersaults, feel the gaps between the pulsations. People describe mainly functional arrhythmia as a feeling of increased anxiety, weakness, lack of oxygen, and also increased sweating.
Group extrasystoles can pass into coronary arrhythmia, serving as the cause of the development of paroxysmal tachycardia of the ventricles, and with pericardial, a reduction in the atrial region. Also, the disease can go into atrial fibrillation, especially if the patient was previously diagnosed with overload of the pericardial node or dilation.
Neither extrasystole, nor VVD found in humans, poses a real threat to the patient. But, undoubtedly, such conditions will significantly reduce the quality of normal life. Extrasystole is manifested:
- excessive sweating;
- general weakness;
- the inability to fully breathe;
- pallor of limbs, skin of the body and face;
- anxiety
- fainting conditions as a result of developed oxygen starvation of brain cells, as well as a reduced amount of blood that is released by the heart.
Diagnosis of extrasystole
The greatest objectivity in the diagnosis of extrasystole has the method of an ECG study of the patient. Sometimes the presence of this pathology can be detected when the doctor analyzes the patient's complaints and on the basis of a physical examination.
With the examination, you can identify the reason why this disease arose. It is worth noting that organic damage to the muscles of the heart requires a special approach to treatment.
Only when special examinations and an ECG will be carried out, can the presence or absence of extrasystole be refuted or confirmed. Usually, exclusively the above methods help to identify a pathological condition even when the patient has no special complaints.
ECG monitoring is a fairly lengthy ECG recording. The duration of the procedure is about a day, and it is performed using a portable device that is fixed on the patient’s skin. In a special diary, ECG indicators are recorded, as well as human sensations.
ECG monitoring should be performed for all patients who have cardiopathology, and it does not matter at all whether there will be a certain symptomatology in which extrasystole can be diagnosed.
Detect pathology that has not previously been recorded on an ECG can be done using a special treadmill test and bicycle ergometry. These are special tests that allow you to determine the existing arrhythmia at a certain load. To diagnose an adjacent pathology of the cardiovascular system, the doctor may prescribe an MRI of the heart, Echo-KG, as well as an ultrasound of the heart muscles.
Treatment methods
If the patient reveals an extrasystole that was caused by the defective functioning of the digestive organs and endocrine system, the underlying disease is initially treated. When arrhythmias are detected, the patient is credited with sedatives based on herbs, as well as certain sedatives.
Since in some cases, extrasystole is caused and develops due to the intake of certain medications, doctors recommend stopping their use.
If more than 200 contractions of the heart were detected in a patient per day or when cardiac pathology was attached, the doctor can prescribe effective treatment with certain medications.
For the treatment of extrasystole with VVD, which does not have significant pathology and symptoms, doctors first suggest using a certain diet based on an increase in potassium and magnesium intake, moderate exercise, and mandatory refusal of alcoholic beverages and smoking. Surgical radiofrequency ablation may also be indicated to the patient.
Prevention of extrasystole
Since extrasystoles with VVD are caused by anxiety and banal fatigue, special attention should be paid to the regime of your day.
The main rules of prevention:
- daily walks;
- full sleep for 7-8 hours;
- the inclusion in the diet of foods with a high content of useful trace elements, magnesium and potassium;
- the consumption of a sufficient amount of fluid, as well as medicinal plants that will have a sedative, cardiotonic, as well as antiarrhythmic effect;
- refusal of habits that negatively affect the body, decrease in consumption of strong tea and coffee;
- ensuring the emotional recovery of the patient, since without distraction to pleasant events the patient can “switch” to the depressive phase, which will be accompanied by an exacerbation of the pathology.
It is worth remembering that extrasystole occurs with VVD after prolonged use of harmful substances or certain medications. Therefore, it is worth evaluating all the risks before taking this or that remedy.
Last tip
If the patient does not have confirmed heart diseases, emotional and psychological problems can occur that provoke the occurrence of extrasystole with VVD every day, in which drug therapy is not needed. But before visiting specialists in psychology and psychiatry, you should perform an ECG, an ultrasound of the heart and be sure to seek the advice of a cardiologist in order to completely eliminate the risk of developing more serious pathologies. Reviews of extrasystole with VVD indicate that if all the doctor's prescriptions are followed, the disease will go away quite quickly.