Really good humor - Soviet comedians

According to the current intelligentsia, modern humor is not distinguished by the subtlety and originality that was inherent in the USSR humorists. It is clear that time dictates its own rules, and indeed the urgent topic of the conflict between fathers and children should not be discounted. But if you look objectively, there is still some truth in this nostalgia for the past. From this article you will learn the names of the Soviet comedians, who are remembered by many representatives of the older generation, and their performances have long been disassembled into quotes.

Arkady Raikin

Comedians of the USSR

Looking at the photo of the USSR comedian Arkady Raikin, you can see the depth in the look, which is characteristic only of people who have experienced a lot. The life of this Soviet artist was far from the easiest. He was born on October 24, 1911 in a simple large Jewish family of Riga. His father died early, and his mother alone pulled a large family. Young Raikin worked at a chemical plant, and in 1935 he graduated from the Leningrad College of Performing Arts, where he entered against the will of his family. During the war he spoke at the front, his numbers were very popular among soldiers.

Raikin has several works in the cinema, but he is more famous as an entertainer and satirist. His numbers are distinguished by their unique sharpness and causticity, but, nevertheless, he was able to withstand the line at which his work without a twinge of conscience can be called intelligent and correct. Arkady Isaakovich died on December 17, 1987 in Moscow.

Gennady Khazanov

Gennady Khazanov

The creative path of Gennady Khazanov was thorny. Even at school, he performed at various events with parodies of famous personalities, as well as teachers and classmates. He was a fan of the work of Arkady Raikin, tried to copy his manner of performance and facial expressions. One day, fate brought him to an idol, and Raikin gave him the opportunity to attend all his concerts for free. Of course, at the end of the school, Khazanov applied to many theater universities, but was refused. Having entered MISI, he was an active participant in amateur performances at the institute, and acted in the KVN team. In 1965, he nevertheless entered the GUTSI (circus-variety school), where he developed his image as a student of the culinary college, thanks to which in 1975 all-Union popularity fell upon him. This ridiculous image, according to Khazanov himself, not only brought him all-Union fame, but also periodically created a judgment about him as an artist of one role, from which it was difficult to get out.

From 1997 to the present, Gennady Khazanov is the artistic director of the Variety Theater.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Mikhail Zhvanetsky

This bright man is the hallmark of sparkling Odessa humor, famous for its originality and originality. Having organized his first theater, while still a student, Zhvanetsky quickly gained fame, it was difficult to get into his performances even then. For some time he worked in the theater of Arkady Raikin, but, realizing that he could follow his own creative path, he left his mentor.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky is the author of many famous sketches, satyrs, feuilletons. He was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine. Currently lives in Moscow, goes on tours around the world.

Yefim Shifrin

Yefim Shifrin

The comedian's parents had a difficult fate. His father was serving a term of political affairs for several years, at which time he began a correspondence with his future wife and mother Yefim. After some time, they got married, the future comedian was the youngest in the family. After graduation, he entered the philology faculty of Latvia State University, where he realized that his vocation was a stage. Having collected the documents, he entered the GUTSI named after Rumyantseva, who successfully graduated. Yefim Shifrin is the author of monologues and satyr, plays in the theater and cinema. At 40, he became interested in sports; now he is in great physical shape.

Semen Altov

Semen Altov

Closes our list of comedians of the USSR a figure no less significant. Semen Teodorovich Altov was born in Sverdlovsk, where his parents were evacuated during the war. Oddly enough, Altov studied as a chemist, and then even worked by profession. The starting point for choosing a profession was a set of a young chemist presented for his 8th birthday. As for the humorous texts, he began to write them after 25 years. A distinctive feature of the artist is the recognizable monotonous voice with which he reads his monologues. This makes his performances even funnier. Altov's texts were performed by such famous comedians as Yefim Shifrin, Gennady Khazanov, Elena Stepanenko and many others.

Made in USSR

Looking at the names of Soviet comedians, we recognize each of them. This is not surprising, because every evening our parents sat in the evening at the TV screen and watched these wonderful performances. The jokes were remembered for a long time, passed from mouth to mouth, everyone still knows the names of these artists. And this suggests that they made the Soviet scene truly extraordinary and distinctive. Comedians of the USSR left an indelible mark in the history of the era of socialism.

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