Cake "Anthill" with condensed milk: recipe with photo

This article describes the detailed preparation of the "Anthill" cake with condensed milk according to the photo recipe, and also suggests various cooking options: from simple to the most original, as well as recommendations on the choice of products.

A few words about the cake

Despite its enormous popularity, it is still unknown who the author of such a simple and at the same time amazing product: the Anthill cake remains one of the most beloved among people who lived in the early 90's. No matter how interested individuals try to figure out the history of the creation and father of the cake, this fact remains open.

Anthill cake from cookies

All that is known is that it spread en masse during the time of perestroika and a terrible food shortage (which is probably why it has become so loved by everyone).

The calorie content of the Anthill cake (with condensed milk) is 385 calories per one serving, so you should not abuse it, because because of its taste, you can not stop on time and eat a couple of extra kilos.

Cooking options

There are several recipes for the Anthill cake with condensed milk (instead of cream), but all of them are based on grinding the base and forming the cake in the form of a pyramid or cone. The most common and available for cooking are the following options:

  1. A classic recipe based on shortcrust pastry: according to it, the dough is passed through a meat grinder to get thin straws that are baked and broken into pieces, smeared with condensed milk.
  2. Anthill cake from biscuits: this option is called lazy because you don’t need to bother with cooking dough and pastries for a long time, and you use ready-made cookies of the type Tea, Baked Milk, and Yubileinoe as the basis.
  3. Original and original versions with the addition of candied fruits, dried fruits, nuts and other sweets as a basis. Also in this version of the cake may be present not the usual boiled condensed milk, but with the addition of cocoa powder, Nutella, or condensed milk, whipped with butter.

Shortcrust pastry recipe

The classic Anthill cake with condensed milk is made from shortcrust pastry so that sweet tooth and lovers of quick recipes do not approve. The recipe is as follows:

  • 300 grams of high-quality margarine (the percentage of fat should be at least 76%), you can also use butter in the same amount.
  • 120 grams of granulated sugar.
  • Two or three tablespoons of poppy seeds, it is he who gives a special sensation of eating an anthill due to black seeds in the dough. You do not need to pre-steam or grind the poppy.
  • 800 grams of wheat flour.
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda, extinguished with vinegar or citric acid.
  • Ice water.
kneading dough for cake

The dough is kneaded in the traditional way: margarine is rubbed on a coarse grater or chopped into small pieces with a knife and rubbed with flour (previously sifted through a sieve) into oily crumbs. It is important to do this carefully so that all the pieces of oil are crushed. Then sugar and baking powder, poppy seeds are added and the dough is kneaded. To do this, it is necessary to add a small amount of cold water into the dough, which should be added during the kneading process, very slightly, so that the dough forms in a tight lump.

In no case should you knead it for a long time, since this is absolutely not acceptable for shortbread dough: it will become stiff and dense during baking instead of becoming light and crumbly. Be sure to place the dough in the refrigerator for one to two hours, wrapped in polyethylene. This is also a prerequisite for making good quality shortcrust pastry.

Sour cream dough recipe

Also, the dough base for the cake "Anthill" with condensed milk can be prepared according to this recipe:

  • Soften 400 grams of butter at room temperature and knead with a fork.
  • Beat three eggs lightly with a blender and mix with butter until smooth.
  • 280 grams of warm milk gradually pour into the oil mixture, stirring, and then add one bag of baking powder for the test. If not, mix 0.5 teaspoons of baking soda with citric acid on the tip of the knife and pour into the dough.
  • Sift 800 grams of flour through a sieve and add to the milk-butter mixture, constantly stirring immediately with a spoon, and then with your hands.

Knead the dough and place it in a plastic bag, put in the refrigerator for an hour and a half. After that, you can start baking the base for the cake.

Cake making

The Anthill cake (with condensed milk) has a bumpy structure, thanks to a specially prepared base from the dough: we take it out of the refrigerator and pass it in small portions through an ordinary meat grinder. The resulting thin strips of dough are placed on a baking sheet lined with parchment and baked in the oven at a temperature of 200-220 degrees to a light golden color. It is advisable not to dry them too much, otherwise the cake will need more cream for impregnation and time for this, respectively.

baking basics

If there is no meat grinder or you absolutely do not want to use it for such a thing, then you can freeze the dough more strongly and then grate it with large holes on parchment, which is laid out on a baking sheet. Spread the grated mass with a thin layer over the entire plane, bake in the oven and after cooling, divide into pieces.

We break the baked pieces of dough into small pieces, not more than one centimeter in length and place a wide bowl, put boiled condensed milk (at least two cans of 400 grams each) and mix thoroughly. The mass should be viscous, but not too tight, the dough should absorb the liquid part, and then the cake will become dense and holding its shape. If there is a deep and narrow bowl, you can use it as a form, if not, you will have to wait a couple of hours for the baked pieces of dough to absorb a little cream and be able to keep the shape of the cake. If a form is used, then it should be lined with cling film from the inside and just place the cooked mass of cookies and cream there, ramming it tightly. If the cake is molded without dishes, then simply fold it up, making it look like an anthill.

How to make a cream

The classic recipe for the cake "Anthill" - with condensed milk. Moreover boiled to a thick brown state. To do this, two ordinary tin cans of condensed milk are placed in a small pan, filled completely with water and put on the stove. After boiling, the fire becomes less, but still small bubbles of boiling water should be present. If it suddenly turns out that the water is boiling away and the cans are not completely closed, then you should add hot (!) Water to the required level. After about two hours, we take out the cans and open it after cooling. Thick sweet mass - this is condensed milk cooked to a cream.

boiled condensed milk

On the Internet, you can find a recommendation to cook condensed milk in an opened can in a water bath, but this is inconvenient and does not give a better result (compared to a closed can), only unnecessary troubles.

Another version of cake cream

The resulting boiled condensed milk can be greased with cake, and you can beat 400 grams of butter of the best quality with the cooked condensed milk, gradually adding it to the whipped mixture and achieving the desired consistency. Also, if desired, you can add 200 grams of walnuts, slightly roasted in a dry pan and chopped into small crumbs. To sprinkle the top of the cake, you can use chocolate chips or nuts, and pour with chocolate icing. In the classic recipe, the cake is sprinkled with crumbs from the remaining cookies, crushed to a state of fine sand.

Quick recipe: from cookies

If there is no time or desire to bother with baking the basics, then you can do without baking. Anthill cake with condensed milk can be prepared from ordinary cookies crumbled into small pieces. To do this, use the simplest cookie for tea made from baked milk, shortbread (without cream or glaze) or with a small addition of peanuts.

cookie cake

Cookies break into pieces with your hands or with the help of a rolling pin (just roll the cookies on the table) and mix with the cream of condensed milk prepared according to the recipe above. In no case do you need to grind cookies with a blender - it will turn into small crumbs, and this contradicts the main idea of ​​the cake, because it should be bumpy, with cream cavities, and not smooth. After cooking, such a cake should be soaked for at least twelve hours to achieve optimal taste.

The modern version: “More than a bunch, better!”

Over the past ten years, a simple recipe for the Anthill cake from cookies with condensed milk has changed beyond recognition: now they began to add various additives to it to vary their taste and appearance. For 800 grams of cookies, crushed into small pieces, you need to take one hundred grams of raisins, chopped dried apricots, seedless prunes, dried figs, walnuts or hazelnuts, you can also take marmalade with a dense texture and also cut into small cubes, adding to the liver.

anthill cake recipe

We combine all the ingredients in a bowl and add condensed milk: boiled or whipped with butter, mix thoroughly until the cream is evenly distributed over the mass. On a dish we form a cake in the form of a cone, and giving it similar to an anthill, you can sprinkle with grated chocolate or chopped walnuts.

Some tips for choosing condensed milk

You should not buy ready-made boiled condensed milk for Anthill cake, as it has an increased number of artificial thickeners, which significantly distort the taste of the product. At the same time, such a low-grade product will not be able to fully saturate the shortbread dough, which requires a lot of moisture.

condensed milk for cake

When buying condensed milk, you must study the label: only cow's milk and sugar should be part of the product. All the rest is pathetic attempts to cash in by adding vegetable fats to this product, or even worse. How to distinguish the right product from a fake? Real condensed milk is called so, and “Condensed milk”, “Condensed natural” or “Varenka” is another, not the fact that a quality product.

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