Broccoli in a creamy sauce - a great meal for a bachelorette party

Broccoli is a type of cabbage. In appearance, broccoli resembles ordinary cauliflower, differing only in color. Another difference of broccoli is that this vegetable has a lot more nutrients and valuable substances. Broccoli is especially good for women.

Firstly, with the regular inclusion of broccoli in women, estrogen levels normalize, which helps to maintain reproductive function and protects against the development of breast and uterine cancer.

In addition, broccoli contains a large amount of antioxidants, which allow you to retain beauty and youth longer.

Therefore, if you decide to organize a bachelorette party or just meet with friends, be sure to prepare a broccoli dish for gatherings. Moreover, there are many recipes for preparing this healthy vegetable that do not require special skill and time.

For example, one of the simplest but most delicious options is broccoli in cream. For half a kilogram of broccoli, we need 250 ml of ten percent cream, salt and ground black pepper.

We wash fresh cabbage under the tap and divide into medium-sized inflorescences. If we use freshly frozen broccoli, then just pour the cabbage from the bag. We put it in a pan or a form that does not need to be lubricated. Pour in the cream, salt, add a little pepper. We cover the pan with a lid or make a lid from a double layer of foil. We put the form with cabbage in the oven, the temperature regulator of which is set to 180 degrees. We bake broccoli for forty minutes (if you used fresh vegetables) or fifty (provided that you use fresh-frozen cabbage). The dish is very light, low-calorie and very tasty. And besides, it does not require effort for cooking.

Equally simple to prepare is a dish called broccoli breadcrumbs. We need about half a kilogram of broccoli, 100 grams of breadcrumbs (you can use white and rye, as you like), a little vegetable oil for frying, salt and spices.

Boil the broccoli in two liters of salted water. Cook for a short time, about five or six minutes, you can’t digest the cabbage, as it will not keep its shape. Then we remove the cabbage from the water, let it cool slightly so that it can continue to work with it.

We sort cabbage into small inflorescences. We heat vegetable oil in a frying pan (about two tablespoons are needed), then it sends our cabbage and bread crumbs to it. Fry for about ten minutes and season with spices to taste. Such a dish can be served immediately β€œfrom the pan” as a side dish or main dish. And you can cool it and serve as a salad.

Well, if you want to impress your friends with your culinary skills, then you should tinker a bit longer in the kitchen and cook broccoli in a creamy sauce. To start, prepare the necessary products. We need a pound of broccoli, half a glass of cream, a third of a lemon, a little (fifty grams) of grated hard cheese, salt, breadcrumbs and spices.

Broccoli in a creamy sauce can be prepared with fresh cabbage and fresh-frozen. If we use fresh vegetables, then wash the cabbage and divide into inflorescences, then dip them in boiling water. When using freshly frozen broccoli, we immediately send the vegetables from the bag to boiling water. Cook from the moment of boiling water for five minutes, then we discard the cabbage in a colander.

Of course, in the success of broccoli in creamy sauce, the main role is given to the sauce. To prepare the sauce, squeeze the juice from a third of the lemon, mix it with cream and salt. If desired, add finely chopped boiled mushrooms to the sauce.

Then put the boiled cabbage in a mold, pour the sauce, sprinkle with crackers (preferably white) and send to a hot oven (220 degrees), bake until the biscuits are browned. Then we take out the form, sprinkle our broccoli in cream sauce with grated cheese and send it to the oven for another couple of minutes so that the cheese melts. By the way, using this recipe you can cook other types of cabbage, for example, cauliflower or white cabbage.

Well, here are our healthy and delicious broccoli dishes ready, you can invite friends to visit.

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