"Maxilac": instructions for use. Analogs, use and reviews of the drug "Maxilac"

The drug "Maxilac" is a completely new means of correcting disorders of the digestive system, provoked by taking medication. It belongs to the category of synbiotic. The drug is a complex of prebiotic and probiotic components. This product is registered as a biologically active additive.

maxilac instruction


Means "Maxilac" (instructions indicate this) contains nine cultures of beneficial microorganisms and oligofructose. The preparation used the optimal combination of bacterial concentration and nutrient medium. When penetrating into the body, a complex of components provides the development of beneficial microorganisms, thereby creating conditions for the death of pathogenic pathogens. Due to these properties, the drug is considered one of the most effective means to normalize the balance of intestinal microflora. One capsule contains 4.5 billion beneficial microorganisms. This means that a single dose per day is sufficient to maintain and stabilize microflora. The composition of the drug contains four cultures of lactobacilli, 1 streptococcus, 1 lactococcus, 3 bifidobacteria. 7 out of 9 components are present in the normal microflora of the digestive system and perform the functions of the natural beneficial environment of the intestine, its thin and thick sections. The remaining components of the drug are not contained in the natural microflora. However, they effectively suppress the activity of pathogens of a wide range of diseases that arise not only in the digestive, but also in the immune, respiratory and other systems.

Feature Component Properties

Lactobacilli have the ability to secrete hydrogen peroxide, organic acids, inhibit the growth and spread of pathogenic microflora. Lactobacillus accelerate the absorption of oligosaccharides, process lactose.

reviews about maxilac
Lactococci are capable of producing lactic acid. The components also process lactose, inhibit the development of pathogenic bacteria. Due to the activity of lactococci, the pH in the food mass of the large intestine decreases . Bifidobacteria help maintain stable processes of parietal digestion. These cultures inhibit the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, produce vitamins and amino acids. Thanks to their activity, the functions of the immune system are normalized. Bifidobacteria inactivate toxic compounds, and also contribute to lowering the pH in the food mass of the large intestine. Streptococci break down polysaccharides and lactose, produce amino acids.
maxilak instructions for use Price
These cultures inhibit the activity of pathogens, oxidize nitrites, turning them into nitrates, and break down casein. In the drug "Maxilac" there is also a prebiotic oligofructose. This component helps to stimulate the growth and spread of beneficial microflora in the intestine. In other words, oligofructose creates the necessary conditions for the development of bacteria that enter the body when taking Maxilac. The instruction contains information that there are no preservatives or casein in the preparation. This allows you to prescribe a remedy to people prone to allergies to products containing these compounds. In addition, the drug is allowed for use by people with lactose intolerance.


The tool "Maxilac" instruction recommends as an adjuvant during or after antibiotic therapy, for disorders of intestinal activity of a functional nature (diarrhea, indigestion (dyspepsia), flatulence, constipation, abdominal pain, belching, vomiting, nausea, and other conditions). A biological supplement is prescribed with a high probability of developing an infectious lesion of the gastrointestinal tract.

maxilak analogues


The drug is not recommended for hypersensitivity to any of the components. The tool is admitted to admission from three years.

Instructions for use "Maxilac". Price

The supplement is recommended to be taken once a day by capsule. Means drink with food. The duration of the course is about a month. The cost of the drug is within 400 rubles.

Are there any analogues of Maxilac?

Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers various means that contribute to the normalization of the balance of intestinal microflora.

maxilac or linex
In general, the action of drugs is aimed at eliminating pathogenic bacteria, replacing them with beneficial microorganisms. Intestinal dysbiosis is not only an adult problem. Very often, the disorder is noted in children, newborns, in particular. However, not all drugs are allowed to be taken in infancy. In particular, the use of "Maxilac" (the instruction indicates this) is allowed from three years. But among drugs that have a similar mechanism of action, there are those that are allowed for babies. Among them is such a tool as Linex. The composition of this drug contains live lactic acid lyophilized bacteria. These microorganisms are components of the natural microflora that inhabit the intestines.

Which drug to choose?

Which is better: Maxilac or Linex? This question is often asked by parents whose children have dysbiosis. Despite the fact that today there are many tools that help get rid of disorders of the digestive tract, it is difficult to choose the safest and most effective. Experts recommend not self-medicating, especially if it concerns children, but seek the help of doctors, listen to their reviews. Doctors speak generally positively about Maxilac. The drug is safe, has a minimum of contraindications and is allowed for use in cases where other drugs are not recommended. However, the supplement has a drawback - age restriction. Therefore, if you need to cope with the dysbacteriosis that has occurred in infants, it is better to choose the "Linex" remedy. In case there are difficulties with swallowing the capsule, it can be opened, and the contents mixed with liquid or food. In addition, in the preparation all cultures of beneficial bacteria are collected in the required concentration, which allows you to quickly and safely eliminate the symptoms of dysbiosis. However, Linex is not recommended for hypersensitivity to dairy products. Both drugs are approved for use during pregnancy. However, the reception of any means should be controlled by a specialist. The cost of the Linex product ranges from 250-500 rubles. For children, it is recommended to purchase the drug in the form of a powder.

application of maxilac

Intestinal dysbiosis is a very common problem. In the absence of timely treatment, imbalance in the microflora can lead to serious diseases of the digestive system. In this regard, immediately, when the first symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will select the optimal treatment for the condition, depending on the intensity of its manifestations. In many cases, in the early stages of dysbiosis, you can do without taking supplements, eliminating errors in nutrition. Taking a complex of prebiotics and probiotics is especially important when prescribing antibiotic therapy to patients. In this case, the means to eliminate dysbiosis contribute to maintaining the necessary balance in the natural intestinal microflora.

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