The famous theater of St. Petersburg, which was one of the first ones founded after the October Revolution. In different years, famous directors and actors have served and are serving there. BDT is considered one of the most beautiful theaters in the world.
The history of the birth of the theater
Bolshoi Drama Theater. Tovstonogov was opened on February 15, 1919. Due to the lack of its own building, the troupe gave performances at the Conservatory. The room was not heated, it was very cold, but every evening the halls were full.
The idea to organize a theater belongs to M. Gorky. He was supported by M. Andreeva , the commissioner of theaters and shows. Also among the founders is the artist A. Benois.
The Art Council, headed by M. Gorky, decided to invite directors A. Lavrentiev and N. Arbatov to the posts. Actor N. Monakhov was appointed head of the group and was engaged in the selection of artists. Musical directors of the theater were A. Gauk and Yu. Shaporin. The troupe was assembled from prominent artists who were leading actors of other theaters, and among them Yu. Yuriev - a little movie star.
The BDT received its own building in 1920 and to this day does not change its location.
To Tovstonogov
Since the spring of 1919, A. Block was chairman of the artistic council of the theater. Bolshoi Drama Theater. In the early years of his existence, Tovstonogov demonstrated performances that corresponded to the plan of his creators, who wanted to see a revolutionary program in it - the repertoire was heroic and social in nature. On the stage there were performances based on the works of F. Schiller, V. Hugo, W. Shakespeare, since Soviet drama has not yet been developed. In many ways, the face of the theater was determined by its artists. Among them was the famous
B. Kustodiev. According to the actress N. Lejeune, who played in the theater at that time, the props were not used on the stage, things were real: furniture was borrowed from rich houses. Even the costumes were genuine. In 1925, the play “Conspiracy of the Empress” was staged. The role of Vyrubova was played by N. Lejeune and in the play she wore a dress that really belonged to her heroine, which existed in reality. Great importance was attached to music, B. Asafiev, Yu. Shaporin, I. Vyshnegradsky collaborated with the theater.
From 1921 to 1923, great changes took place in the theater. Those who stood at its origins: M. Gorky and M. Andreeva - left Russia. A. Block passed away. Some actors returned to the theaters, where they served before being invited to the BDT. The main director A. Lavrentiev left the post in 1921, but returned two years later and held this position until 1929. The artist A. Benois left the theater. In their place came other people who brought something new, expanded their repertoire with plays of domestic and foreign playwrights of that era.
From 1929 to 1935, the main director was K. Tverskaya, a student of V. Meyerhold. Since then, the number of new productions of classical works has decreased. And for the entire period of the leadership of K. Tversky, two new classical plays were staged. Preference was given to works by contemporary authors: Yu. Olesha, N. Pogodin, A. Faiko, L. Slavin.
In 1932, the theater was given the name of one of its founders, it began to be called "the name of Gorky." Then the repertoire included some works of the writer.
Theater in the years 1935-1955
There was a time when the Bolshoi Drama Theater. Tovstonogov experienced a creative crisis. This period lasted 20 years - from 1935 to 1955. This time can be called a crisis of directing, since talented directors appeared and declared themselves interesting productions, but did not linger for a long time and left the theater (not always of their own free will). K. Tversky was expelled from the city in 1935, and soon shot. A. Wild served in the theater for a year, then was arrested. All directors who came after him were delayed by an average of 1-2 years. Due to the frequent change of leaders, the atmosphere in the team deteriorated, the quality of the productions decreased, the BDT lost popularity, sometimes there were fewer spectators than actors on the stage, the financial situation worsened, and there was a threat of closure.
In the era of Tovstonogov
In 1956, G. Tovstonogov was invited to the post of chief director of the BDT, who was given great powers. He began his service in the post that he dismissed many actors. The new leader tried to attract the audience, for this reason comedies appeared in the repertoire. Already in early 1957, the Bolshoi Drama Theater. Tovstonogov returned to its former popularity, and performances began to take place in full halls. After 6 years of work, G. Tovstonogov won the glory of a talented and successful director. The theater went on tour in many countries of the world and gained popularity abroad. Georgy Aleksandrovich served as chief director of the BDT for three decades.
Late 20th - early 21st century
After G. Tovstonogov died, he was replaced by K. Lavrov, who was not a director, and therefore the theater was in a constant search for directors. Lavrov gathered staff, working on an ongoing basis. However, he often invited directors from other theaters to collaborate. In 1992, the BDT got its modern name. In 2004, the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater found its main director, T. Chkheidze, who held this position until 2013, became it.
Theater today
In March 2013, A. Mighty became the artistic director of the BDT. From 2011 to 2014, the theater building on the Fontanka was closed for restoration. September 26 was inaugurated the updated Bolshoi Drama Theater. Tovstonogov. The photo below is an image of the BDT auditorium.
The theater has three platforms: in the building on the Fontanka Embankment there are two halls, and one in the Kamennoostrovsky Theater.
Famous actors of the theater and its repertoire
In different years, such actors as T. Doronina, V. Strzhelchik, P. Luspekaev, O. Basilashvili, I. Smoktunovsky, A. Freindlikh, N. Usatova and others who glorified and continue to glorify the Bolshoi Drama Theater shone on the BDT stage in different years. Tovstonogov.
His repertoire is very wide and includes classical and modern plays.
How to get there
In the very center of the city, on the Fontanka Embankment, in house number 65 is the Bolshoi Drama Theater. Tovstonogov. The address of his second stage is Krestovsky Ostrov metro station, Old Theater Square, building 13.