Yuri Vasilyevich Katin-Yartsev, actor: biography, family, creativity

Katin-Yartsev is a famous Soviet theater and film actor. He is known mainly for his episodic roles, which, nevertheless, were included in the golden fund of domestic cinema. He was an honored teacher, made a great contribution to the development of Soviet theater. His filmography includes one hundred films, and on the stage he played seventy roles.

early years

Katin-Yartsev was born in Moscow in 1912 in a family of hereditary nobles who came from Ryazan regions. The first mention of the surname dates back to the 16th century. Yuri was alone with his parents. His father worked as an accountant and died when the boy was only eight years old. The future famous artist grew up in a creative environment, read a lot, was fond of theater. He visited two acting studios at once: one at the car factory, the other at the amateur palace. After leaving school, on the first attempt, he entered the Shchukin school, but a month later he went to the front. He distinguished himself in a number of battles, was awarded the order. At the front, the young man did not give up his passion for theater and literature: he staged impromptu performances and read classics and modern literature to his colleagues. Thus, Katin-Yartsev, whose family instilled in him a love of art, acquired acting skills.

katin yarts

Years at school

After the war, Yuri returned to the "Pike" and finished it. Here the young man caught the course of E. Vakhtangov, which made a great impression on him. Despite the fact that he was older than his classmates, the former front-line soldier, however, immediately got along with everyone. Having received a diploma, Katin-Yartsev remained a teacher, while simultaneously entering the theater on Malaya Bronnaya. He was considered one of the best educators. The famous Soviet theater and cinema stars came out of his course, who all unanimously claim that Yuri Vasilievich with their talent, ability, and skill helped them to reach heights.

the film is the same Munchausen

Movie work

Katin-Yartsev began acting in the mid-50s of the last century. One of his first works was in the picture of V. Basov's School of Courage, which was followed by a series of episodic roles not seen by critics and viewers. Real success came when he was over fifty. All-Union love for Yuri Vasilyevich brought the role of Giuseppe in the fairy tale about Pinocchio. This image has become one of the most popular in his filmography. This was followed by such small, but iconic roles as the grenadier in the musical comedy “Three in a Boat Apart from the Dog”, the astronomer in the cult television series “Seventeen Moments of Spring”. Despite the episodic appearance on the screen, the characters created by him were forever remembered by the viewer.

Thomas role

However, the greatest fame for the artist brought the work in the picture of M. Zakharov. The film "The Same Munchausen" has become a cult in domestic cinema and is still one of the most popular films. In this picture, Yu.V. Katin-Yartsev played the butler of the eccentric baron. The image is appealing to the viewer in that Thomas completely sincerely and without any second thoughts believes in all the eccentricities of his original master. After the alleged death of Munchausen, he alone did not fully believe in it. Touching devotion, simplicity and naivety, played by the artist, made the role one of the most iconic in the work.

Yuri Katin Yartsov wife

Other jobs

Personal life Katina-Yartseva for a long time did not add up. He married quite late, at the age of 44. From marriage, he left his son Michael, a famous historian specializing in genealogical research.

Our hero was always busy teaching, played a lot in theater and cinema. He often took a sincere part in the life of his students, and thus, his personal life was inseparable from the fate of the school and theater. The most significant works in the cinema were the roles in the films “Agony” and “Farewell”. In the first of them, he played a deputy of the imperial State Duma Purishkevich, a strong, powerful, strong-willed person. The actor with his game embodied on the screen a personality in all respects outstanding, eloquent, energetic. In the second film, he played the complex philosophical role of an elderly person.

Katya Yartseva personal life

Features of pedagogical activity

Katin-Yartsev, an actor in theater and cinema, became a famous teacher thanks to an individual approach to each of the students. They all recall that he took everyone on his course, picked up roles for everyone, was very delicate and considerate. For example, according to E. Simonova, such an approach played a decisive role in her future acting career. He devoted a great role to the skill of artistic reading and rehearsed stage-scenes for a long time. The actor attached fundamental importance to reading the classics and took an active part in television adaptations of novels by Russian and foreign authors. The actor Katin-Yartsev, whose biography is completely connected with his native theater and school, was remembered by his students as a modest, kind, attentive, responsive teacher. The famous artist died in 1994.

katin yartsov actor


The artist is more remembered for the mass audience thanks to his episodic roles. In this regard, he raised the level of skill to a professional level. He himself highly appreciated his small role in the historical film "Bagration". There he embodied the image of the famous commander Suvorov. He himself found some similarity between himself and him and, probably, that is precisely why he so truthfully embodied his personality on the screen. Without exception, all students note that most of all the actor is similar to himself in the role of Thomas Butler. The film "The Same Munchausen" brought him real fame and fame.

It should also be noted that his work in the film adaptation of V. Rasputin’s novel “Farewell to Mater” is very much appreciated. In general, the roles of simple naive people were given to him especially well. At the same time, his students emphasize that he had a very strong temperament, which allowed him to embody a variety of images. For example, the image of a simple employee, editor of the famous Russian writer Dostoevsky, who sincerely wanted to help him, was especially dramatic. This episodic role became especially memorable in his career. Due to his character, he had many friends. Perhaps this is why Yuri Katin-Yartsev got married so late. The artist’s wife gave him one son, to whom modern audiences owe much to the information about the famous father.

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