Sterlet dishes: cooking features

Sterlet is one of the varieties of sturgeon fish. This product contains many healthy substances. It is eaten fried, stewed, salted, and also baked.

baked fish

Sterlet is used to make soup, pies. This fish is rightly called royal. However, it is rarely served on the table. The sections of this article present several recipes that use sterlet meat.

Cooking fish in batter

The composition of the dish includes the following components:

  1. 2 sterlet.
  2. 200 grams of wheat flour.
  3. 500 milliliters of vegetable fat.
  4. Egg.
  5. A small amount of salt and ground pepper.

This is one of the most delicious sterlet dishes. Make it completely easy.

Prepare such a fish in batter as follows. Sterlet pulp is washed, cut into batch fragments. It is necessary to sprinkle meat with salt and pepper, keep in a cool place for about ten minutes. In a separate bowl, rub the egg. Pieces of fish should be dipped into it. Then they are dipped in flour and cooked on a stove with vegetable fat. A golden crust should form on the surface of the product.

fish in batter

Fried sterlet dishes go well with rice or potatoes.

Baked fish with onion and lemon slices

This option not only has a great taste, but also has many useful qualities. The composition of the dish includes the following components:

  1. Sterlet weighing at least one kilogram.
  2. Lemon.
  3. 4 sprigs of parsley.
  4. The same amount of fresh dill.
  5. 3 onion heads.
  6. 2 large spoons of olive oil.
  7. A small amount of salt and ground pepper.

This is one of the most popular sterlet dishes. According to the recipe, it is prepared like this. The fish is cleaned and gutted. On the sides of the carcass you need to make small holes with a knife. Rub the sterlet with ground pepper, olive oil and sodium chloride. Bulbs and lemon are chopped with semicircular slices.

Part of these components is laid on a baking sheet coated with foil. Then place the carcass of the fish. It is covered with the onion and lemon remnants mixed with chopped herbs, wrapped in foil. Food should be cooked in the oven for about 50 minutes.

Dishes from sterlet in the oven are juicy and aromatic.

Stuffed fish

This option is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The composition of the dish includes the following:

  1. Sterlet (2-3 carcasses).
  2. 500 grams of fresh champignons.
    raw champignons
  3. 2 onion heads.
  4. A glass of rice cereal.
  5. Some olive oil.
  6. Dried greens.
  7. Ground salt and pepper.

There is a wide variety of recipes in cookbooks and websites. It's amazing how much can be made from sterlet dishes. Photos and recommendations, as a rule, facilitate the cooking process.

To eat, which is described in this section, the fish must be washed, gutted and cleaned of cartilage, skin and head. The sterlet is coated on the outside and inside with a layer of oil and spices. Then fry the mushrooms with chopped onions.

Boiled rice cereal. These components need to be interconnected. To them should be added salt, pepper. The resulting mass is placed inside the carcasses of sterlet. The fish is also coated with a layer of oil. Then it must be placed on a baking sheet covered with foil. Cook for 50 minutes.

Dishes from sterlet stuffed with various fillings are often used as a festive treat.


The composition of the food includes the following products:

  1. Dried parsley and celery.
  2. Sterlet (2-3 carcasses).
  3. Onion head.
  4. About half a glass of rice groats.
  5. Ground salt and pepper.
  6. Parsley.

There are many dishes from sterlet. Recipes with photos are presented in different sources. One of the most popular is the ear. It is made as follows. Fish should be washed, cleaned and chopped. All fragments of carcasses (including heads and tails) are boiled. When the water boils, celery, dried parsley, onion, and salt should be put in it. Fish should be cooked for at least an hour. Then the broth is filtered. The meat must be separated from the bones, the head and tail should be discarded. Fish is added to the broth from the sterlet. It also needs to be placed peeled pulp. Prepare the dish for ten minutes. Pour a little chopped greens into a bowl with sterlet soup.

Some housewives make fish soup with potatoes.

sterlet soup

Two or three root vegetables can make food even more nutritious and add additional benefits to it.

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