Cauliflower Dishes Recipes and Cooking Tips

It is believed that cauliflower came to Europe from the island of Crete. It was eaten by the ancient Romans. In Europe, cauliflower spread only in the 16th century. First, seeds had to be transported from the East, since cabbage did not want to give seeds in the local climate and therefore was very expensive and only got to the richest people on the table. Finally, in the 19th century, a French gardener managed to get the seeds of this plant and from then on cauliflower, as well as cauliflower dishes, recipes for their preparation became available to all people.

This very useful vegetable contains a lot of fiber and various microelements that are so necessary for the proper digestion. It is interesting that during cooking and frying, cauliflower perfectly retains its useful properties. Moreover, in the process of cooking some biologically active substances are even activated. If you use cauliflower regularly, then the risk of developing peptic ulcer and gastritis is significantly reduced, and cauliflower juice can destroy all pathogenic bacteria in the gastric mucosa.

Unfortunately, still not all Russians know about the beneficial properties of this wonderful vegetable, and apparently that's why many cauliflower recipes for their preparation are still unknown to most housewives. Cauliflower can be prepared with mushrooms, with minced meat, you can make stews, pancakes, mashed soup, scrambled eggs and much more. Only the white head of the plant is used for food, and the adjacent leaves are removed.

For some dishes, cauliflower needs to be boiled. The boiling time of cabbage depends on the dish. For example, for an omelette, cauliflower is boiled for 10 minutes, for salads - 20 minutes, for mashed soup, cauliflower should be boiled in salted water for 30 minutes, and for other dishes, cauliflower is not boiled at all.

We offer delicious and healthy dishes of cauliflower recipes for preparing them are not at all complicated and will not take much time. For the first, you can make mashed cauliflower soup. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients: 2 heads of cauliflower, one carrot, one head of onion, processed cheese, 2 eggs, butter and greens.

Heads of cauliflower and carrots are boiled in salted water for thirty to forty minutes. Then the vegetables are ground in a blender or rubbed through a sieve. Finely chop the onion and fry in a pan until golden brown, at the end of frying, grated cheese is added to the onion. This mixture is poured with mashed cabbage and carrots, salted to taste and diluted with prepared meat broth. Soup put on a slow fire and bring to a boil. When serving, add half a boiled egg to each plate and sprinkle with finely chopped greens.

Cabbage with mushrooms is a recipe for the second dish, prepared from the ingredients: several cabbage of cauliflower, 300 grams of mushrooms, one onion, one carrot, butter and greens are taken. For this dish, boil the cabbage for 15 minutes.

Then it needs to be sorted into inflorescences and mixed with fried mushrooms and chopped onions. All components are folded into a baking dish, poured with the remaining cabbage broth, grated carrots are added and put in a preheated oven for 30 minutes. Before serving cabbage with mushrooms on the table, it is sprinkled with finely chopped greens.

Cauliflower can be used as a filling for dumplings. Dumplings with cabbage recipe contains the following ingredients: for the test, take 1 cup of kefir, one egg, salt and soda on the tip of a knife. You need so much flour to make a cool dough. For the filling, you need to cook 200 grams of cauliflower, 500 grams of minced meat, preferably turkey, 1 cup of milk, one head of onion, salt and pepper to taste. To prepare the filling, the cabbage is first boiled in milk, and then, together with the remaining ingredients, crushed in a blender. If the filling is too dry, add a little milk in which the cabbage was boiled. Ready dumplings served with ghee or sour cream.

No need to be afraid to experiment and cook all new cauliflower dishes. The recipes for cooking are so simple that no controversial issues usually arise.

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