Military melodramas: a brief description

Military melodramas are one of the most popular genres in both old and modern cinema. Films of this direction have always been popular with viewers, since they were shot on one of the most pressing topics. Films about the Second and First World Wars, as well as about armed conflicts generally always found their audience. Therefore, it is not surprising that the paintings of this genre are still popular today.

General characteristics of the genre

Military melodramas have always occupied a place of honor in domestic and foreign cinema. Traditionally, they were devoted to love topics unfolding against the backdrop of hostilities. This kind of story has always been a success. Another possible storyline in paintings of this kind is a children's theme in films. The disclosure of such characters against the backdrop of hostilities and the horrors of war has always been distinguished by the psychological depth and seriousness of the approach to the script. Such stories are interesting in that they allow you to see the difficult ups and downs of the war as if from the inside, so directors often resort to such a technique. Very often, military melodramas illuminate the moral values ​​of heroes, their courage or, conversely, betrayal and cowardice in the face of danger. In short, this genre provides a wide selection of themes and plots for the development of the composition. In addition, he also has the advantage of being interesting to each viewer to one degree or another.

military melodramas

The images

The specifics of this genre is distinguished by the fact that in it the disclosure of characters is slow, leisurely. Situations in which the hero falls, as a rule, are not distinguished by great drama and sharpness of the storyline. On the contrary, the situation in which the main character appears to be tense, but at the same time leaves room for reflection. Military melodramas are interesting because they make the viewer reflect on what is happening. Therefore, the very action of the plot and the disclosure of the characters take place gradually, so that often only towards the end of the picture the appearance of the heroes emerges completely. A vivid example of this approach is the famous French painting “The Last Metro”. The psychological portrait of the main characters is revealed throughout the film, and only by the end it becomes clear what they really are.

the best foreign military melodramas


The best foreign military melodramas differ from domestic ones in that more emphasis is placed on the storyline. In them, the psychology of the characters develops depending on specific circumstances and events and is unthinkable outside of a specific context. While the Soviet and Russian films of this genre are characterized by the fact that in them the disclosure of the psychological image and moral values ​​is quite independent in value. The plot serves as an auxiliary background for revealing the image of heroes.

best military melodramas

Comparison of domestic and western films

The characters of Western European paintings are inseparable from the plot, while the domestic ones have a more independent sound. Therefore, foreign films are more dynamic and action-packed, while Russian films are more thorough. For example, the tape “Sunflowers” ​​reveals the images of the main characters in the context of a rather fascinating story. The best military melodramas of domestic production are calmer. For example, the famous Ivanovo Childhood film is characterized by a fairly even development of the storyline, which, however, enhances its drama.

list of military melodramas

About war

An important role is played by the image of hostilities in such paintings. After all, the ups and downs of battle serve as a bright background for the disclosure of the characters and the relationship between them. In foreign films, much attention is paid to action. Very often, it even begins to acquire independent significance, pushing the characterization of heroes into the background. While Russian military melodramas assign secondary importance to the image of battles. For example, in the films “Only Old Men Go to Battle,” “They Fought for the Homeland,” despite the abundance of military scenes, the images and relationships between the characters play a decisive role in the development of the plot. Western directors have a slightly different attitude. So, in the film "Saving Private Ryan" much attention is paid to the action, although, of course, the decisive role is played by the disclosure of the psychological portrait of the heroes.

Russian military melodramas

Reproduction era

Of great importance for the success and high quality of films of this genre is the reliability of the image of the era. In many ways, this factor determines the perception of the picture: it is important for the viewer to feel the atmosphere of the war years. In this regard, the list of military melodramas should be replenished with a few more foreign and domestic films. The cult series “Seventeen Moments of Spring” perfectly conveys the atmosphere of the last year of the war. Life, everyday life in Berlin, combined with chronicles and documentary clippings perfectly convey the spirit of wartime. The same can be said about another Soviet series - “Shield and Sword”. The atmosphere of all the years of the war is very well reproduced in it. Of the contemporary works of Russian cinematographers, one should single out the painting “Bless the Woman”, which very realistically conveys the everyday life of ordinary people in war. This picture is valuable in that it not only reproduces the military chronicle, but also tells about the everyday life of both the military and the civilian population. That is why the film is one of the most popular today in the genre in question.

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