Palm psoriasis: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment

Psoriasis on the palms, the photo of which is shown below, is an infectious dermatological disease associated with a violation of the division of skin cells. It accelerates division by 5-10 times in comparison with healthy cells. It is accompanied by severe skin itching, inflammation. The name of the disease from Greek translates as "pruritus".

The central link among the causes of psoriasis is the multifactorial component, but still the main impetus leading to the development of this skin disease is a genetic predisposition (scientists have identified a list of genes that are responsible for the development of psoriasis). It is based on the rapid proliferation of epidermal cells (epidermocytes) and the simultaneous violation of their differentiation, as well as the imbalance between the factors of the pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory link.

psoriasis of the palms and soles


Among other reasons leading to the development of psoriasis of the palms can be identified:

  1. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation (insolation).
  2. Violation of the protective mechanisms of the immune system (immunodeficiency).
  3. Metabolic disorders (including vitamin deficiency).
  4. Depletion of the nervous system (frequent and repeated stressful situations, nervous strain).
  5. Malnutrition and bad habits (abuse of junk food).
  6. Decrease in local defense mechanisms (when psoriasis occurs against the background of fungal and bacterial diseases of the skin of the hands).
  7. Change of climatic conditions (from temperate climate to subtropical or tropical).
pustular psoriasis of the palms


Psoriasis can occur on the palms suddenly. Usually it begins in the form of small rashes on the skin, which are very itchy. At the initial stage, it is often confused with scabies, diathesis, allergies, and in children with chickenpox. But very little time passes, and the rashes increase in size. Symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  1. Large spots appear, raised above the skin.
  2. The palms are covered with cracks and flaky skin.
  3. Round plaques with scales appear.
  4. The skin changes color from pale pink to red.
  5. Dry hands.
  6. Pain during movement.
  7. Swelling of the palms.
  8. Stiffness appears in the movements of the palms.
  9. Fingers lose their sensitivity and begin to deform.
  10. Nails become brittle and loose.

Patients with psoriasis on the palms experience constant stress, they have to wear gloves or bandages. Children may develop an inferiority complex. The cause of the disease is still unknown.

psoriasis on the palms of the hands


Palm psoriasis is diagnosed primarily after a thorough examination of the affected areas in the patient. A survey is also conducted during which the dermatologist must find out:

  • what state of health preceded the occurrence of pathology;
  • time of appearance of skin defects;
  • whether there are chronic diseases, and how they manifest.

During the examination, if psoriasis is suspected, first of all, attention is paid to whether the surface remains smooth after shine removal, and the condition of the plaques on which spot bleeding is noticeable, which indicates damage to the capillaries (this symptom in medical practice is called the Auspitz symptom )

An experienced doctor examines the condition of not only the affected skin of the palms, but also of the nails. Usually special studies and special analyzes are not carried out. If the doctor suspected a parallel occurrence of a fungal infection, first of all he prescribes a biopsy so that the affected area of ​​the skin is examined in the laboratory. In this case, a test is carried out using potassium hydroxide. If the patient complains of joint pain, radiography may be prescribed. To exclude the presence of secondary papular syphilis, a serological examination is possible.

Creams and ointments

Unfortunately, today psoriasis has become one of the often diagnosed diseases, and the reason for this is increased stressful situations, malnutrition and environmental problems. Given this fact, the pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of different medications that will help alleviate the condition of the patient.

The action of creams and ointments in psoriasis of the palms is aimed primarily at eliminating the symptoms that cause a person a lot of discomfort (itching, peeling of the skin. In addition, external preparations, thanks to the deep penetration into the layers of the skin, prevent the spread of psoriasis to other parts of the body and prevent the development of allergic reactions and have local local effects, which relieves the patient of side effects.Ointments and creams for the treatment of psoriasis on the palms of the hands are divided into two types.

pustular psoriasis of the palms and soles


Hormonal ointments based on glucocorticosteroids are indicated for pustular psoriasis of the palms and soles. They normalize the production of hormones through exposure to the endocrine system and in a fairly short time eliminates unpleasant symptoms and stops the growth of the disease. But you can use hormonal drugs for no more than a week to prevent overdose, fraught with serious negative consequences. Among the most commonly used hormonal ointments (according to the degree of hormone content), the following should be noted:

  • "Prednisolone", "Hydrocortisone" - class I drugs with a minimum concentration of hormones. They are indicated for small localization and are allowed for children.
  • "Flucortolone", "Flumethasone" - belong to the II class, itching and swelling are well removed.
  • "Fluocinolone", "Triamcinol" - are used in the transition of the disease to the chronic stage and belong to class III hormonal drugs.
  • "Betamethasone", "Clobetasol" - class IV drugs with a strong concentration, are used only in the acute stage with extensive distribution.
palm psoriasis treatment


Non-hormonal ointments have a milder effect, are not addictive, they relieve symptoms in the initial stages of psoriasis. Among the most famous for the treatment of psoriasis of the palms and soles are the following:

  • Salicylic ointment.
  • Zinc ointment.
  • Tar preparations.
  • Ointments created using extracts of medicinal plants.


These substances are divided into:

  • hormonal results, with a short period of occurrence of positive results, however, initiating many side undesirable results;
  • non-hormonal drugs, the task of which is to help, enhance the effect of basic drugs.

Keeping in mind that this type of dermatitis has internal prerequisites and is entirely dependent on metabolic pathologies in the body, it is necessary first of all to focus on strong pharmaceutical substances.

psoriasis on the palms photo

"Methotrexate" is a drug that inhibits the acceleration of the separation of affected cells. It is prescribed for the treatment of pustular, erythrodermic psoriasis. Prolonged use is fraught with severe side effects and violations of the structure of the bone marrow, liver.

psoriasis palms and soles treatment

"Diprospan" is a well-known and well-used remedy, which also has a prolonged hormonal effect. It consists of 2 active elements. One of them functions instantly and for a short time, the second picks up the baton with time and functions on a hormonal background for 10 days. It is used only in the treatment of serious serious diseases and gives rise to many side effects.

"Imupsora" is an Indian drug whose action is based on a decrease in the intensity of skin damage, and the result is a decrease in redness and peeling. This tool serves as the main medical drug in the simple initial stages and as an additional component in the complex treatment of secondary and advanced forms of the disease.

Alternative treatment

With such a skin disease, it is not enough just to take medicines inside or to use ointments, you should change your lifestyle, as well as your menu. Only in this case, a person suffering from psoriasis will feel relief, since itching and rashes will decrease. With even greater injury to the palms, an increase in symptoms occurs, so the patient should not comb them or perform any other actions that can lead to further development of the disease.

So, for example, a person who has psoriasis on his palms should choose only the mildest detergents, in no case should you use too hard washcloths or towels. Aggressive detergents, as well as a hard towel or washcloth, can injure the skin and spread the disease quickly. You need to review your diet and include as many fresh high-quality vegetables as possible, as well as greens, fruits, low-fat meat, fish and cereals from a wide variety of cereals. Completely excluded from the menu are fried, fatty, smoked, as well as spicy dishes, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

How to relieve symptoms?

Various folk remedies with the use of effective medicinal herbs, from which you can prepare baths, infusions, lotions, decoctions and healing ointments, will help reduce the symptoms of psoriasis of the palms and soles. Birch tar has a powerful therapeutic effect, on the basis of which you can prepare an ointment for the treatment of palm psoriasis. To prepare a therapeutic ointment, you need propolis (56 g) and birch or pine tar (230 g), you need to combine these components and apply to damaged skin for about two hours, then rinse gently with warm water.

An ointment made from birch tar and well-ground celery, which is applied for three hours to thoroughly cleansed skin of the palms, has an excellent therapeutic effect. This ointment dries up plaques, reduces the inflammatory process and eliminates completely itching, and you need to use such a folk remedy three times a week.

A highly effective oral product can be prepared from oat grains (200 g), which need to be poured into a medium-sized bowl, add warm boiled water (230 ml), cover the dishes and leave in a dark place for one day. After the above time, you need to put on the stove a container with infusion and cook it on a quiet fire for about forty minutes. Next, wrap the dishes with the cooked oat broth with a warm cloth and leave for eight hours in a warm place, then you can strain the cooked drug and use it three times a day in half a glass.


Prevention of palm psoriasis primarily consists in trying to protect the skin from interaction with various aggressive substances containing primarily chemical and alcohol components. If it is not possible to avoid contact with such substances, there are devices that protect the skin, for example, work gloves. It is desirable that their inner coating be made of cotton.


Some conditions should be observed in order to avoid the appearance and further development of the disease:

  • First of all, hygiene is important. After visiting the toilet, coming home, be sure to wash your hands before eating to avoid viral and bacterial infections.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle by eliminating excessive drinking and smoking. Necessarily need vitamins and minerals to maintain immunity.
  • Take daily walks.
  • Pay attention to the skin, take care of it. If peeling or wounds appear on the palms, contact a health facility.
  • Sunbathing should be in moderation.
  • It is necessary to try to protect yourself from mechanical injuries.
  • Try to avoid stressful situations.

If there is a hereditary factor, it is advisable to visit a dermatologist once a year.

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