Homemade chips in the oven. Homemade Chips Recipe

Delicious home-made chips in the oven can be prepared from a wide variety of products. Today we will tell you how to make crispy treats from potatoes, zucchini, pita bread and apples.

homemade potato chips in the oven

Potato chips. Classic recipe

Natural potato chips do not contain dyes, flavor enhancers and other β€œchemistry”. If you take care of your health and the health of loved ones, then always cook them at home with proven products.


  • potatoes - four pieces;
  • vegetable oil - ten grams;
  • salt - two pinches;
  • paprika - to taste.

Home- made potato chips in the oven are prepared according to a very simple recipe.

Select large tubers, wash and peel well. After that, cut them with a vegetable peeler into slices, and then lay the blanks on paper towels to get rid of excess moisture.

Cover the pan with parchment and lay the future chips on it. Use a silicone brush to brush the slices with vegetable oil. Sprinkle the workpieces with salt and paprika.

Bake the treat for ten minutes. Some chips will be ready sooner, so be careful not to burn potatoes.

Home-made chips in the oven without oil

Perhaps this is the easiest recipe for potato "crunchy". It uses only two ingredients, but of course you can always add spices, herbs, garlic or grated cheese. In any case, such a product will serve as a good alternative to ready-made chips sold at the supermarket.


  • potatoes - two pieces;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook homemade chips without oil?

To do this, peel the potatoes, wash it and cut into thin slices with a special knife or grater.

Pour cold water into a saucepan or deep bowl and dissolve the salt in it (we recommend taking one teaspoon in three glasses). Dip the prepared potatoes into the liquid and leave it for a quarter of an hour.

Boil water in a separate bowl and transfer future chips to it. After three minutes, turn off the heat and simmer a few more minutes. Put the potatoes in a colander and wait for the liquid to drain.

After that, put the slices on parchment and bake them until cooked.

homemade chips in the oven

Homemade pita chips in a pita oven

This simple treat will brighten up your Sunday evening in front of the TV. It can be served with cold beer or any other drinks.


  • thin Armenian pita bread;
  • chopped greens;
  • 100 grams of hard cheese;
  • four tablespoons of olive oil;
  • salt and spices to taste.

You can easily make a recipe for chips at home .

So, cut the pita bread into small squares or just tear it with your hands arbitrarily. Grate the cheese on the smallest grater, finely chop the parsley and dill with a knife. Mix spices, herbs and salt with olive oil.

Roll the pieces of pita bread in the dressing, and then put them on a dry baking sheet (you can pre-lay baking paper on it). Sprinkle the pieces with cheese. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and cook chips in it for seven or eight minutes.

how to cook homemade chips

Apple chips

A delicious treat with an unusual taste will be appreciated by people who monitor their figure. The natural sweetness of apples and the pleasant aroma of cinnamon will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

The composition of the dish:

  • three apples;
  • half a lemon;
  • two teaspoons ground cinnamon;
  • a tablespoon of powdered sugar (you can do without it).

Home-made chips in the oven are made quickly and easily.

Wash the apples and cut them into thin circles, simultaneously removing seeds and stalks. Pour the workpieces with lemon juice and mix. Combine cinnamon and powdered sugar in a separate bowl.

Put the apples on a baking sheet covered with parchment and sprinkle them with a spicy mixture. Bake the treats over low heat for two and a half hours.

homemade chips recipe

Zucchini chips

An original solution that will help you easily give up harmful products.


  • young zucchini - two pieces;
  • egg;
  • milk - a tablespoon;
  • hard cheese - 150 grams;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • ground pepper and salt.

Read the recipe for chips carefully at home and repeat all the steps for us.

Process the vegetables and cut them into thin slices. If you use young zucchini, you can leave the peel.

Beat milk with eggs, and in a separate bowl, combine grated cheese and breadcrumbs. In both mixtures, you can add chopped garlic, pepper or Provence herbs.

Dip each slice in eggs and then roll them in breading. Place the blanks on baking paper. Cook the treat in a well preheated oven for 20 minutes. Serve it with fresh vegetables, garnished with basil leaves.

home-made chips in the oven

Banana chips

Every mother tries to instill in her baby a love for proper nutrition. Therefore, offer children only healthy and tasty chips made from natural products.

This time we need:

  • one banana;
  • salt;
  • a spoon of olive oil.

How to make homemade banana chips? You can read the detailed recipe below.

Peel the banana and cut it into thin circles. Put slices on parchment, and then sprinkle them with oil and salt to taste. A treat is prepared in just 20 minutes at a heating temperature of 180 degrees.

Citrus chips

Unusual treats can be made quickly from lime. Such chips are often part of many sweet desserts. If you like the taste and aroma of citrus fruits, you can just crunch them for your pleasure.

How to make lime chips? Just cut the fruit into thin circles, place them on baking paper and bake in a well-heated oven. If you wish, you can sprinkle the treat with sugar or powder.

Stuffed Potato Chips

This original English appetizer can be prepared for a friendly party or a bachelorette party.


  • four medium-sized potatoes;
  • one chicken;
  • two sausages (for example, hunting or garlic);
  • five teaspoons of natural yogurt;
  • a teaspoon of cranberry sauce;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 100 grams of hard cheese;
  • greens.

Home-made chips in the oven are crispy and tender. A hearty filling will help satisfy your hunger and cheer you up.

Wash the potatoes well, grate with oil and bake in the oven (this will take about 40 minutes). After this, the tubers need to be cooled, cut in half and remove the middle with a spoon. Sprinkle the resulting β€œboats” with oil from the outside and inside, and then dry in the oven.

Cut the sausages into a small cube. Cut the fillet into slices and fry in vegetable oil until tender. Combine yogurt with cranberry sauce.

Combine sausages, chicken, chopped herbs and dressing in one bowl. Fill the potato preparations with the filling and sprinkle them with grated cheese. Return the chips to the oven for the third time for five or seven minutes.

home-made chips in the oven without oil

Brisket Cheese Chips

Light refreshments with a rich aroma can be served with white wine or chilled beer.


  • cheese - 200 grams;
  • smoked brisket - 80 grams;
  • garlic - two cloves;
  • dill - 15 grams.

Cut the meat into thin strips, and grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Combine the products with garlic and finely chopped herbs. Put the resulting mass on a baking sheet in small portions and bake them at the highest temperature until cooked. When the cheese has cooled, transfer the chips to a dish and carry them to the table.

As you can see, home-made chips in the oven can be prepared from a wide variety of products. And each time you will delight loved ones with new tastes and aromas.

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