How to cook brushwood? Brushwood: a step by step recipe with photos

Many of us ate such a delicious dish. The brushwood is deep-fried thin strips made from unleavened dough. For a characteristic crunch, he got his name, because when eating or breaking it makes a specific sound. This dish spread all over the world from Greece, where monks ate it, as it was perfect for a Lenten menu. So now we will remember or learn how to cook brushwood - a dish of both European and Asian cuisine.

Cooking brushwood for tea

Pamper yourself today with a taste familiar since childhood. The delicacy will turn out soft, but with a crisp. By the way, keep in mind that this brushwood (crispy, tasty, mouth-watering) is not a lean product, unlike some other recipes.

To prepare the dough, we will need: five eggs, one glass of sugar sand, the same amount of sour cream, 50 grams of butter, one teaspoon of soda and salt, one tablespoon of vodka, the necessary amount of flour, vegetable oil, powdered sugar for sprinkling finished product. Now we offer you a step-by-step recipe for how to cook brushwood.

  1. Beat eggs with a blender or whisk, then add sugar to them and beat again.
    how to cook brushwood
  2. Add sour cream to the mixture and whisk again.
  3. We take the butter, melt it and send it to the dough.
  4. Pour salt and soda.
  5. Pour vodka.
  6. We mix the flour, previously sifted, into the dough.
  7. Now knead the dough, soft and divide into several parts. We will roll out a layer from each part. We close the pieces with which we are not working, with a cup. They have nothing to dry out.

Continuation of a step-by-step recipe for brushwood

We continue to tell our recipe:

  1. We cut each of the layers into several separate rectangles and make a cut in each of them. The bottom line is something that resembles a buttonhole, only a larger size. We pull one end through the slot and that's it - our brushwood is ready for frying. You can make other figures.
    crisp brushwood
  2. Pour vegetable oil into the frying container and heat it well. Choose a saucepan depending on the amount of oil. Either a lot of oil and the process will end quickly, or the capacity is small, there is little oil and we will fry for a long time. We fry our brushwood to a rosy color on both sides.
  3. From the indicated volume of ingredients, a sufficiently large number of dishes called crispy brushwood are obtained.
  4. Be sure to sprinkle the finished treat with powdered sugar.

The recipe for brushwood rustic

First, some tips on how to cook brushwood:

  1. To make the dough elastic, do not abuse water when mixing it.
  2. And to make the brushwood crispy, it is advisable to add a little vodka, rum or cognac to it.
  3. Cut the dough no thicker than two centimeters.
  4. Sugar sand is important not to overdo it, otherwise the dish will darken when frying.
    brushwood on milk
  5. You need to fry it in animal fat or clarified ghee. Do not use margarine or butter because they are very foaming.
  6. Instead of icing sugar, you can pour the finished dish with honey.

We need the following ingredients: three eggs, 150 grams of flour, vegetable oil, one tablespoon of strong alcohol, powdered sugar.

The process of cooking village brushwood

And now, having prepared the necessary ingredients and listening to the tips, we will prepare home brushwood. Step by step recipe:

  1. Separate the yolks from two chicken eggs, then mix them with a spoon of alcohol and one egg.
  2. Pour the flour gradually, mix thoroughly, the result of such efforts should be a good elastic dough.
  3. Set it aside for 30 minutes, then roll out a thin layer from it, cut it into strips and make different shapes.
    brushwood photo
  4. In a deep fryer or deep saucepan, heat the vegetable oil and spread the dough forms into it in small portions.
  5. Then fry until golden brown.
  6. We put a napkin on the dish, and already put brushwood on it. Thus, all excess fat will be absorbed. Sprinkle the finished dish with icing sugar.

Cooking brushwood on milk

We diversify our recipes for this crispy dish. We will fry it using milk. Ingredients for five to seven servings: one and a half tablespoons of milk, two chicken eggs, two glasses of flour, one hundred grams of granulated sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of vodka, vegetable oil, for the test - one and a half tablespoons, for frying - 100 ml.

home brushwood
And now the recipe for how to cook brushwood. Photos of the process will help you figure it out.

Step by step recipe

Of course, you can’t add alcohol to the dish, but, as you already know, it will give the finished product a magnificent and characteristic crunch. So, how to cook brushwood:

  1. Beat the eggs with a whisk, pour the vegetable oil and milk into the same container, add sugar and sugar, and then beat the whole mass until bubbles appear and a homogeneous consistency.
  2. It's time to add flour and knead soft, tender dough. After the process of its preparation is completed, we can immediately continue to work.
  3. Sprinkle the table with flour and roll a half of the dough on it with a thin layer and cut it into strips three to four centimeters wide.
  4. The length of these strips turns out to be large, we do not need this at all, so we cut the layer transversely into two or three parts. In these small strips, in the middle, we make a longitudinal small incision.
  5. We make fancy figures by threading one end into the slot.
    ready tasty brushwood
  6. After we fully use one half of the dough, roll out the other and perform all the same actions.
  7. We heat vegetable oil in a deep container, which we pour, not sparing it enough for free frying of our brushwood. It is impossible to overheat the oil because of the probability of its ignition.
  8. We lower our products into it, we try to do it carefully and carefully. Let yourself be fried.
  9. Just a few seconds, fry on one side, then turn on the other and cook until golden brown.
  10. We take it out with a slotted spoon and send it to a dish covered with a paper towel or a towel, to absorb excess oil.
  11. The brushwood on milk is ready. We wait a little while it cools down, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve. Enjoy your meal!

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