An interesting vegetable - leek, how to cook it?

Onions, as a rule, are often not given the most noticeable place among vegetables, however, not every housewife will be able to prepare a delicious dinner if she accidentally forgets to add it to the soup for roasting. In the onion family there are quite a few varieties, one of which is leek. How to cook it and with what, we will find out today.

Leeks are less bitter than ordinary onions, so they can be added to the dish in large quantities. During processing, it will lose its bitterness and give the dish an interesting flavor. Dishes from leeks are sweet and tender, and the aroma is very soft.

So, leek, how to cook it? The most elementary salad that will surely be enjoyed only by an onion lover. We take the stem and wash it thoroughly, you can even remove the first layer of leek, its white part, to completely get rid of pollution. Thinly cut the white part into rings, put in a bowl and beat with your fingers so that in the end there is a magnificent onion mass in the bowl. Now we need half a lemon, squeeze the citrus juice directly with a hand in a bowl with onions, add a little olive oil. You can add the same grated green apple. Salad ready!

As you already understood, an apple tastes great with onions, so the next recipe will also contain it. First we need to boil hard boiled chicken eggs. Take the onion and cut it into rings, set aside. Now three green apples on a coarse grater, then the same operation is done with hard cheese and already cooled eggs. We lay all this in layers in a deep dish: onion, apple, eggs, cheese. There is the last touch - fill our salad with a thin stream of mayonnaise so that it is not very greasy. Our salad is almost ready, it only remains for him to brew in the refrigerator for about two hours, and you can serve it to the table.

Incredibly delicious soup can be made from leeks. So, we need chicken breast, half an onion, two carrots, dill - this is for the broth. We cook it in the usual way: when the breast boils, reduce the heat, remove the foam and put vegetables and dill stalks there. Cook over low heat for about 20 minutes, the broth should be transparent and aromatic. Salt to taste.

Now we take a separate saucepan with a thick bottom, there we throw the pre-chopped leek, how to cook next? It’s very simple: we throw there the grated carrots and simmer it all under the lid for several minutes.
Now we clean a couple of potatoes, cut into small cubes and set separately to cook, so that excess starch comes out. As soon as the potatoes began to boil, remove. It should only be half ready.

Our roasting of leeks and carrots has already been quite stewed, now we throw sweet bell pepper cut into cubes and close the lid again - it should become soft. While it is preparing, add a little garlic and the most favorite spices.

As soon as we feel that the frying is ready, fill it with broth (from which boiled vegetables and chicken meat were previously pulled out, of course), we throw potatoes into it, finely chop the greens and let it brew for a couple of hours.

It should be noted that this is a rather whimsical vegetable - leek, we learned how to cook it, and what about its storage? It, like any natural product, is prone to decay, and this is not good, so dishes from this vegetable should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days. Raw leeks can lie in a cool place for about seven days, and in the freezer for up to four months.

And by the amount of vitamins that are contained in leeks, this vegetable confidently overtakes onions. There is carotene in leek, and besides this, vitamins B6, C, B1, B2, PP, and E. Thanks to vitamin C, leek will help restore immunity. With prolonged storage, the amount of vitamins in it increases. For approximately one year of storage of dried onions, the content of vitamin C in it increases by 2.5 times.

Today we learned a few recipes with leeks, which will always come in handy for any table, since dishes with this vegetable are not only tasty and aromatic, but also extremely useful.

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