Mechanical urticaria is a very common pathology that many people encounter. In this case, we are talking about a skin allergic reaction that manifests itself against a background of physical exposure (for example, the skin can respond to a sharp decrease / increase in the temperature of the external environment). Pathology is accompanied by the appearance of redness and small blisters on the skin, which look like a nettle burn.
Of course, many people are looking for additional information about a similar problem. Why does an allergic reaction develop? What are the symptoms of mechanical urticaria in a child and adult? Is specific treatment necessary? Is there an effective prevention? The answers to these questions are worth exploring.
What is a disease?
Urticaria is a very characteristic form of an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by the formation of blistering rashes on the skin with a clear liquid inside. The rash resembles a nettle burn, with which, in fact, the name of the pathology is associated.
In turn, the development of allergies is associated with inadequate functioning of the immune system. In the role of allergens can be almost any substance. But if we are talking about mechanical urticaria, then the skin reaction provokes the influence of physical factors. For example, skin rashes can occur under the influence of cold, water, sunlight, etc.
Forms of urticaria depending on the allergen
Many people go to the doctor with a problem such as mechanical urticaria. Causes and treatment in adult patients and children, as in the case of any other disease, are closely interrelated. Therefore, it is worth considering the main forms of pathology in order to understand exactly what effect can lead to the appearance of symptoms. Depending on the nature of the allergen, several types of urticaria are distinguished.
- The dermographic form develops due to friction or pressure on the skin. For example, bubble rashes may be the result of wearing too tight clothing made of synthetic materials.
- Cold allergy is indicated if signs of urticaria appear when exposed to low temperatures. In this case, it is not only about staying in cool rooms, but also about contact with cold products, drinks, and objects.
- Thermal urticaria develops against the background of a sharp increase in ambient temperature, as the name itself testifies to.
- Solar urticaria is considered one of the most common forms of the disease. Redness and rashes on the skin appear under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
- The aquagenic form of urticaria is one of the most complex forms of an allergic reaction. Symptoms occur after skin contact with water. Fortunately, such a pathology is extremely rare.
- Papulose urticaria develops after a bite of an insect.
- The cholinergic form of the disease is indicated if skin rashes are manifested as a result of increased sweating, which, as a rule, occurs due to stress and nerve stress.
Are there any risk factors?
We have already examined the main forms of mechanical urticaria. Unfortunately, the reasons for the development of allergies have not been fully studied. It is believed that genetic heredity plays an important role in this case. Nevertheless, several other risk factors can be distinguished:
- previously transmitted infectious diseases, as they deplete the reserves of the immune system;
- parasitic diseases (helminthic infestations, giardiasis);
- disorders in the thyroid gland, which accompany hormonal disorders;
- the presence of cancer;
- previously transferred blood transfusion procedure;
- the presence of bad habits, malnutrition;
- constant stress, emotional overstrain;
- taking certain medications, for example, analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Mechanical urticaria: photos and symptoms
It is worth noting immediately that the clinical picture in this case is very characteristic. Mechanical urticaria is difficult to confuse with other diseases.
After contact with the allergen, redness appears on the skin. In the future, one can observe the formation of a linear convex rash, and then blisters with transparent contents. The whole process is accompanied by very unpleasant sensations - patients complain of severe itching, burning and even pain.
Occasionally, an allergic reaction is accompanied by systemic manifestations, in particular, headaches, weakness, chills, swelling of the mucous membranes.
Immediate and delayed reactions: what is the difference?
Two types of reaction are distinguished depending on the rate of symptoms.
- An immediate reaction is accompanied by an instant manifestation of symptoms. Immediately after contact with the allergen, red spots appear on the skin, and then characteristic rashes appear. Typically, the symptoms go away on their own after a few hours.
- A delayed reaction manifests itself several hours after exposure to potentially adverse factors - in this case, determining what exactly caused the allergy is not so simple. Symptoms disappear after a few days.
Diagnostic measures
Diagnosis is rarely fraught with difficulties, since mechanical urticaria is accompanied by very characteristic symptoms. Nevertheless, it is important to find out what exactly provokes the development of an allergic reaction - sometimes allergy tests are performed for this purpose. In addition, it is important to identify any associated problems (if any), for example, confirm the presence of a parasitic disease.
Drug therapy
In most cases, the symptoms of urticaria go away on their own a few hours (sometimes days) after the end of contact with the allergen - sometimes specific therapy may not be required.
If there is still a need for treatment, then antihistamines are used. Such drugs as Tavegil, Loratadin, Suprastin will be effective in this form of allergy. These pills help you quickly cope with the manifestation of an allergic reaction.
Since mechanical urticaria is accompanied by skin lesions, sometimes ointments, gels, lotions, and other skin treatment products (for example, Excipial M) are included in the treatment regimen, which help to quickly eliminate itching and discomfort, and prevent scarring.
Mechanical urticaria: treatment with folk remedies
Of course, there is a huge amount of funds used by healers for the treatment of urticaria. Many of them are easy to cook at home.
- Useful is a decoction from a series. It can be taken orally (drink instead of tea) or used to make compresses.
- With mechanical urticaria, decoctions and infusions of nettle are used. A few fresh nettle leaves need to be poured with boiling water, cover and insist. In the resulting infusion, you need to moisten the gauze, which is then applied to the affected area of ββthe skin.
- You can prepare a tonic infusion. To do this, mix equal amounts of raspberry, blackcurrant, mint and yarrow leaves. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured with boiling water (200-250 ml), insisted. It is recommended to drink half a glass twice a day.
- Fresh celery juice is also considered useful - it is recommended to drink a tablespoon twice a day.
Of course, herbal decoctions have a beneficial effect on the skin condition, help to cope with unpleasant sensations. Nevertheless, in no case should one refuse medical treatment - it is very important to strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations.
Preventive actions
We have already dealt with basic information about the causes and treatment of mechanical urticaria. But many people are interested in questions about whether the problem can somehow be prevented.
Unfortunately, specific prophylactic agents do not exist. Nevertheless, mechanical urticaria develops under the influence of certain factors - this should be avoided. For example, doctors recommend that patients eat right, temper, maintain good physical shape, take vitamins, in a word, strengthen the immune system.
It is worth refusing to wear tight clothing made of synthetic fabrics - it is better to give preference to fairly spacious models made of natural materials. Also try to observe the temperature regime, dress according to the weather. Whenever possible, avoid stress and nervous strain. This, as a rule, is enough to reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction.