Causes, signs and treatment of rosacea on the face

From adolescence, skin problems begin to bother a person. The puberty is characterized by hormonal bursts, which is reflected on the skin in the form of pimples, blackheads and other "joys". Only one thing calms you down - this is a temporary phenomenon. Usually within a few years the hormonal background returns to normal, and the skin condition returns to normal. But sometimes the problem returns in adulthood, and in an even more severe form. Doctors diagnose her as rosacea. The treatment of this ailment can be quite lengthy and complicated.

Rosacea symptoms and treatment photo

Delicate problem

This disease does not affect our performance and is not harmful to health. But life spoils very much. Try to get a job if your face is a red mask with sore spots. Often, the inflammatory process develops at a fairly rapid pace. In the morning you can see a slight redness on the face, and by dinner it will turn into a large abscess. A little pleasant, especially if you are working with people or you have an important meeting.

What else do you need to know? This disease begins with a slight reddening of the skin on the face. It would seem that you can fight these. But sooner or later complications will develop that are famous for rosacea. Treatment should be started immediately to reduce the time required for therapy.

What it is

Consideration of any issue begins with a definition. It should be borne in mind that without consulting a competent specialist, it can be difficult to make a diagnosis. Large rosacea spreading to the skin of the face, dermatologists call rosacea. Their treatment is complicated by the fact that inflammatory processes flare up spontaneously and proceed in a chronic form.

In medical terms, this is a non-infectious chronic inflammatory disease of the skin of the face. The reasons are not reliably established. Today there are many different versions, but all of them work only for special cases. This explains why it is not easy to achieve a lasting treatment result, and in severe cases it is completely impossible. But supportive therapy is necessary, otherwise complications will not take long.

facial rosacea causes and treatment

External manifestations

Rosacea treatment should be started with a diagnosis of the problem. Usually, the doctor excludes the presence of a subcutaneous tick and allergic reactions, after which he comes to the conclusion that he is dealing with this disease. At first, a person’s face simply turns red. Like weathered skin. This can be masked with a foundation or concealer.

But she does not pass in a week and in two. And gradually, against the background of redness, a vascular network appears. These are pathologically dilated vessels. Amid such changes, nodules or papules begin to form. This leads to the appearance of pustules and the growth of facial skin. These are the main symptoms of rosacea. And treatment begins immediately from the moment the dermatologist or cosmetologist made the correct diagnosis.

Forms of Rosacea

The main difficulty of diagnosis is that each form differs in the mechanism of damage and the degree of spread of inflammation. But the appearance of blackheads is characteristic of any form. There is episodic rosacea, which is characterized by redness of the nose and cheeks. In this case, the patient notes a sensation of heat and a slight tingling sensation. The disease goes through three stages:

  • In the first stage, redness spreads to the chin and nose.
  • In the second stage, red papules begin to form, with a diameter of 3-5 mm. The skin gradually tightens.
  • The third stage is characterized by a strong change in the patient's appearance. Redness becomes crimson, rashes, spots and vascular networks merge into one mask. Suppurations of the skin often join. Sebaceous glands cannot function normally, which contributes to the development of the disease. Do not forget that the patient begins to squeeze inflamed acne, which further injures the skin. And incomplete removal of pus contributes to the development of subcutaneous inflammatory processes. Add to this the use of alcohol, peroxide, and other aggressive products that help dry and irritate the skin.

In addition, there is granulomatous rosacea. In this case, balls or granules are formed, which are localized around the lips and eyes. The steroid form is a response to the use of corticosteroid ointments without emergency. There are a number of specific forms that are much less common. We will not dwell on them today, because how to figure it out without a doctor will still fail.

rosacea photo symptoms and treatment in adults

Age features

Most often, the disease begins to develop in a person after 40 years. Today, all ailments are very young, and this rule also does not always work. But most often this affliction strikes people between the ages of forty and fifty years. According to statistics, most often women suffer from this disease. But here you can make a discount on statistical error. After all, men are much less likely to seek medical help when it comes to appearance. But treatment depends on timely treatment. The symptoms of rosacea can be completely removed or only slightly smoothed out.

At risk

If it is impossible to say unequivocally that it is impossible to relate to the causes of the development of the disease, then the provoking factors were able to be established quite accurately. There are a lot of them, so it is difficult to exclude everything. Treatment of rosacea (a photo of the manifestations of the disease allows you to understand that it is really quite serious) begins with minimizing the provocative effect. So, it stimulates the development of the disease:

  • Sunlight, or more precisely, ultraviolet. Therefore, during treatment, you need to limit exposure to the sun, wear a hat with wide brim and use special creams with protection of at least 30.
  • Open sources of fire - this is another factor that stimulates the development of the disease and accelerates its course. The risk group includes blacksmiths, professional bakers and cooks.
  • Sudden temperature changes.
  • Hot drinks and food. Not so long ago, coffee was considered the cause of rosacea. But after research, it was found that hot water will give a similar effect. Therefore, hot borsch is an equally dangerous product.
  • Alcohol. Anyone, strong and weak. If you take it in a dose from which the face turns red, then the exacerbation of the disease is guaranteed to you.
  • Pepper and spicy food. It should also be limited. In fact, there is no evidence that strong coffee, tea, citrus fruits or spices cause an exacerbation. But doctors are strongly advised to follow a sparing diet.
  • Emotional excitement.
rosacea on the face symptoms and treatment

Causes of the disease

To date, many studies have been carried out, thanks to which it was possible to identify a number of factors that provoke the appearance of rosacea on the face. The causes (treatment of the disease will be described below) continue to be studied until now. This disease is referred to as polyetiological. People who have very sensitive skin from birth are prone to developing this disease. If she reacts very violently to temperature changes and increased air dryness, as well as mechanical injuries, then the risk of developing the disease will be much higher.

To date, the following reasons have been confirmed:

  1. Diseases of the digestive system. Pathologies such as gastritis and duodenitis greatly increase the risk of developing this ailment. Dermatologists believe that all skin diseases have roots in the violation of digestive processes.
  2. Dermatological diseases, in particular, atopic and contact dermatitis.
  3. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  4. Vegetovascular dystonia.

Of course, this list is far from complete. Each new patient is a unique experience and a kind of research. Therefore, the question is still open. Specialists, studying the causes, treatment of rosacea, more precisely, approaches to it and methods of therapy, are also often reviewed. For example, more effective drugs are being developed, as well as new therapeutic regimens.

Do not practice self-treatment

Rosacea (a photo of patients suffering from an ailment makes it possible to assess the severity of its course) - this is too complex and multifaceted disease to treat it yourself. Topical corticosteroids are strictly contraindicated. Their use is possible only with certain forms of the disease, and even then strictly under the supervision of a doctor. Unfortunately, pharmacy workers often recommend them for any redness. There will be more harm from this than good.

In general, with this disease, it is quite dangerous to smear with something on your own, without the appointment of a doctor. This is fraught with complications. For example, pharmacists often advertise and offer to try remedies for rosacea. But you need to understand that rosacea may be the initial stage of rosacea disease or may be a manifestation of a variety of other ailments.

In principle, rosacea is not a dermatological term. It is rather a cosmetic concept that was invented in order to increase sales of various products. This concept refers to a condition that is characterized by persistent redness of the skin and the appearance of a capillary network. If you just smear your face with different means, without delving into the essence of the disease, then you only complicate its course. In most cases, it gradually becomes incurable. The main efforts should be aimed at lifestyle changes in order to minimize the impact of provoking factors.

rosacea on the face photo symptoms and treatment

Diagnosis of the disease

It is impossible to do with a photo. Symptoms of rosacea and treatment in adults can vary greatly in two different patients. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor and follow his recommendations at all stages of therapy. With rosacea, treatment is needed exclusively by a dermatologist, not a cosmetologist.

Using drugs that have helped someone from friends is strongly discouraged. This can lead to serious complications. It is not always easy to recognize rosacea among many similar conditions of the skin of the face. And improper treatment can lead to the development of complications that cannot be completely eliminated or can be eliminated only through plastic surgery.

Drug therapy

Symptoms and treatment of rosacea on the face (photos of the manifestations of the disease, see below) are studied simultaneously by specialists from different medical fields. These are nutritionists and allergists, dermatologists and cosmetologists. Of course, each of them is a specialist in his own narrow field, therefore only by summarizing this experience can we come to reliable results.

Since the problem is visible to the naked eye, because the skin of the face is affected, the first thing the doctors select is local medicines. They are used throughout the treatment period. Symptoms of rosacea on the face are indicators of the effectiveness of the chosen therapy. If gradually the intensity of the inflammatory processes decreases, then you are going the right way.

As drug therapy, doctors usually prescribe a long-term intake of antimicrobial, antiprotozoal, antifungal agents systemically and locally. Vitamin complexes are necessarily prescribed. But in order for the doctor to choose them correctly, you must first take tests and find out what the body lacks and what is in excess.

rosacea symptoms and treatment

We treat the causes from the inside

There are also many directions. Each doctor chooses what he considers the most suitable for his patient. The need for treatment is difficult to deny seeing a photo of rosacea. Symptoms and treatment are very individual. Moreover, therapy will depend on the stage at which the patient turned. The weaker the onset of symptoms, the easier and faster it will be to get rid of them.

There are various alternative treatments, but the evidence base, unfortunately, is missing. Therapists try to improve the patient's condition with vascular drugs. This is usually Actovegin and its analogues. Such treatment only gives the illusion that you are undergoing therapy. Sometimes doctors claim that the cause of the disease is demodex, and if the tick is destroyed, the condition normalizes. In this case, the doctor is very easy to explain the lack of treatment results. The demodex tick surrounds us constantly, it lives next to us, so if the protective barrier of the skin is broken, then the lesion becomes very likely.

Provocative diseases

In parallel with the effect on the skin, it is necessary to work with the root cause, because of which rosacea appeared on the face. Treatment (photos of patients before and after therapy suggests that this is possible) should include a thorough diagnosis. The presence of gastrointestinal diseases, hormonal disorders and fungal diseases, all this worsens the course of dermatosis. Therefore, extensive examination and consultation with related specialists is required.

Like most chronic skin diseases, rosacea requires an integrated approach. This is the only way to achieve long-term remission. At the same time, medicinal methods are supplemented by measures to change the lifestyle, rationalize nutrition. A competent dermatologist will help you figure this out.

rosacea treatment

Laser therapy

A modern method such as laser treatment of rosacea has proven itself many times over. When exposed to a laser beam, an increase in temperature in the tissues occurs, which is detrimental to microorganisms that contribute to the development and progression of the disease. Along with the destruction of small vessels, tissue sterilization occurs. Moreover, the laser is used to remove papules and pustules. The number of procedures ranges from 2 to 6, depending on the stage and prevalence of the processes. Typically, using a laser can achieve complete cure. This is a rather expensive procedure, but it is necessary in order to feel attractive again.

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