Hypochromic anemia: diagnosis, degree, treatment

Hypochromic anemia is a term under which a whole group of diseases is combined, which is accompanied by a decrease in the color value of the blood. Such changes indicate a hemoglobin deficiency, and this, in turn, is fraught with very dangerous complications up to a coma that develops against the background of oxygen starvation.

Of course, many people are looking for any additional information about the disease. Why does the disease develop? What are the symptoms associated with? How is hypochromic anemia treated with drugs? How dangerous can a disease be? Answers to these questions are important to many readers.

General information about the disease

Signs of Hypochromic Anemia

As you know, human blood consists of a liquid plasma part and formed elements, in particular, red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells. Red blood cells, or red blood cells, are responsible for the transport of oxygen to cells, and carbon dioxide - to the tissues of the lungs.

A kind of "core" of red blood cells is hemoglobin, a complex protein molecule that contains iron. It is hemoglobin that binds oxygen molecules and carbon dioxide.

Sometimes, for one reason or another, the number of red blood cells, as well as the level of hemoglobin, is significantly reduced. This condition is called hypochromic anemia. By the way, this ailment is popularly known as anemia. The disease is accompanied by a violation of the oxygen supply of the cells, which is dangerous for the whole organism.

Causes of Anemia

Treatment of hypochromic anemia directly depends on the causes of the appearance of the pathology. The disease can develop under the influence of various factors:

  • A decrease in hemoglobin level develops against the background of bleeding, which is observed, for example, against the background of injuries, as well as after operations or during menstruation.
  • Risk factors include internal bleeding, about which the patient may not suspect. The list of possible causes includes hemorrhoids, bleeding gums, various diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Anemia can be the result of chronic infectious diseases, such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, enterocolitis, as well as various kidney damage.
  • Iron deficiency anemia sometimes develops against the background of severe forms of intoxication, poisoning with chemicals.
  • The list of causes includes blood diseases.
  • Some autoimmune diseases are accompanied by the death of red blood cells, which, respectively, is accompanied by a decrease in hemoglobin level.
  • Anemia develops against the background of helminthic infestations.
  • Anemia often develops during pregnancy, since during this period the body of the woman and the fetus require more nutrients and, in particular, iron.
  • Congenital forms of anemia develop against the background of fetal infection during intrauterine development by rubella and herpes viruses, as well as during Rh conflict, after birth injuries or as a result of maternal malnutrition.

Forms of the disease

Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia

As already mentioned, under these terms a whole group of diseases is combined that are characterized by hypochromia:

  • Microcytic hypochromic anemia (it is also iron deficient) develops against a background of iron deficiency. This mineral does not enter the human body in sufficient quantities, resulting in a gradual decrease in hemoglobin levels. It is worth noting that hypochromic iron deficiency anemia is the most common form of anemia.
  • Iron-unsaturated (siderohrestical) anemia has a completely different development mechanism. A sufficient amount of iron enters the human body. Nevertheless, the absorption processes of this substance are impaired, as a result of which the required amount of hemoglobin is not synthesized.
  • The redistributive form of anemia, as a rule, develops against the background of tuberculosis, endocarditis, and some serious infectious and inflammatory diseases. Red blood cells decay intensely, accumulates in the body's iron in the form of ferrites, which do not subsequently participate in the processes of hematopoiesis.
  • Mixed forms of anemia are also possible.

What symptoms should I look for?

Symptoms of Hypochromic Anemia

Any form of the disease, including microcytic hypochromic anemia, is accompanied by very characteristic symptoms. Of course, the clinical picture largely depends on the stage of development of the disease - in the initial stages, the disease can occur even without any symptoms:

  • Patients, as a rule, suffer from constant weakness, frequent dizziness, the appearance of "flies" in front of the eyes. Such symptoms can appear both at rest, and after a sharp change in body position.
  • The patient's skin often acquires a pale shade. External integuments become too dry and flaky. Between the fingers, on the feet, in the corners of the lips painful cracks appear that slowly heal.
  • Damage and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity are observed.
  • The teeth of patients are much more likely to undergo carious processes.
  • Often, patients complain of a change in the perception of tastes and smells.
  • Anemia is often associated with a lack of appetite and, consequently, weight loss.
  • Digestive disorders are also possible, in particular, nausea, diarrhea, or, conversely, constipation.
  • The condition of nails and hair also worsens - they become brittle.
  • Patients are sluggish, suffer from constant fatigue and drowsiness, their performance is significantly reduced.
  • Even minimal physical activity leads to severe shortness of breath, which, again, is associated with oxygen starvation of tissues.
  • If we are talking about anemia in children, then babies with a similar diagnosis are usually weak, often cry, act up, sleep poorly.
  • Severe stages of anemia in children (especially if the disease is congenital) in the absence of therapy can lead to a delay in physical and psychoemotional development.

Hypochromic anemia: degrees

Degrees of Hypochromic Anemia

This ailment develops in several stages, and each of them has flow features:

  • The first degree is characterized by a mild course. Symptoms at this stage are practically absent. A person feels only periodic weakness, sometimes a slight malaise, which can be attributed to overwork.
  • The second degree (medium) is accompanied by already noticeable violations. Pale integuments fade, shortness of breath appears, periodically patients complain of dizziness and a rapid heartbeat.
  • The third degree is characterized by a very severe course. Weakness increases, shortness of breath appears even at the slightest physical exertion. Nails begin to exfoliate, hair falls out. Patients complain of taste and olfactory disturbances, as well as numbness of the limbs. If untreated, the ailment can result in a hypoxic coma and even death.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis of hypochromic anemia

Diagnosis of hypochromic anemia is rarely associated with complications. To begin with, the doctor must collect information for anamnesis. Examination of the skin, mucous membranes, as well as a description of the symptoms present already gives the specialist an occasion to suspect hypochromic anemia.

A blood test in this case is required. During a laboratory study, pay attention to the number of red blood cells and the level of hemoglobin. In men, the level of this protein should not be less than 130 g / l, in women this indicator should not be lower than 120 g / l, and in children aged 1 to 6 years, the norm is 110 g / l.

An additional analysis of feces for occult blood is performed - this study helps to determine the presence of bleeding in the digestive tract.

If there is a suspicion of ulcers, injuries or bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, then colonoscopy and gastroscopy are additionally performed.

Urinalysis is mandatory (check for the presence of red blood cells, salts and white blood cells), as well as an ultrasound examination of the kidneys.

Blood samples are taken from patients in order to determine the level of iron.

Sometimes a bone marrow sampling is indicated (helps to identify disorders in the blood formation process).

Sometimes an x-ray of the chest is additionally performed.

Women are also referred for a gynecological examination, since anemia can develop against a background of diseases or injuries of the reproductive system.

Forecasts and possible complications

Many people face a similar ailment. According to statistics, in most cases, the disease lends itself well to drug treatment. Nevertheless, if we are talking about chronic hypochromic anemia in a severe stage, then the development of hypoxic coma is possible - the condition is associated with severe oxygen starvation of the body.

Anemia is dangerous in pregnant women, as this increases the likelihood of premature birth. Hypochromic anemia is most dangerous for a child, as it can lead to a delay in the development of the baby.

In adult patients, anemia sometimes leads to the appearance of severe edema, as well as various disorders in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Sometimes, against the background of the disease, an increase in the liver and spleen is observed.

Hypochromic Anemia Treatment

Hypochromic Anemia Treatment

Therapy in this case directly depends on the causes of the pathology that need to be clarified during the diagnosis.

If bleeding occurs, you must first stop the loss of blood.

In cases where anemia is associated with infectious and inflammatory diseases, appropriate treatment of the primary pathology is first performed.

With iron deficiency hypochromic anemia, iron preparations are used. Such treatment helps to restore the level of this mineral in the blood and accelerate the synthesis of hemoglobin. Effective are such funds as Gemofer, Fenyuls, Ferrum Lek, Maltofer, Sorbifer. They are available in the form of tablets, injectable solutions, as well as syrups, which are more convenient to use for the treatment of children. The dose is selected individually. Therapy in most cases lasts about 3 to 4 months.

If there is iron-unsaturated or iron-redistributing hypochromic anemia, iron preparations do not have an effect - such therapy leads only to the accumulation of this substance in the body. In such cases, patients are prescribed vitamin preparations, in particular, cobalamin and folic acid, since both of these substances are involved in the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Of course, you need to deal with the causes of malabsorption of iron and the formation of red blood cells - the only way to get rid of the disease.

In the most severe cases, patients are injected with finished red blood cell mass - this is a temporary measure, after which doctors prescribe appropriate medications to patients.

According to the reviews of doctors, such therapy in most cases allows you to normalize the body.

Special diet for patients

Diet for Anemia

During therapy, it is extremely important to adhere to the correct diet - this is the key to a quick recovery:

  • It is necessary to provide the body with enough iron. This substance is found in large quantities in meat. It is recommended to introduce into the diet meat of turkey, rabbit, chicken, beef. In addition, eggs, buckwheat and oatmeal, porcini mushrooms, legumes, and cocoa will be useful.
  • In the daily menu must be present fresh juices and fruit drinks, fruits (apples are considered especially useful). The fact is that these products are sources of organic acids, in particular, succinic, ascorbic and malic. In turn, acids improve the absorption of iron by the walls of the intestine.
  • Also, the diet should include fish, cottage cheese, liver and other products, which contain B vitamins.

Traditional medicine recipes

Of course, there are a huge number of home medicines that help cope with anemia and improve the body.

Rosehip decoction / infusion is a good remedy for the treatment of hypochromic anemia. It is simple to prepare: just pour a tablespoon of the plant’s fruits with a glass of boiling water and leave for eight hours (preferably in a thermos). Healers recommend drinking such an infusion three times a day instead of tea (if desired, you can sweeten with sugar or honey). By the way, such a tool is sometimes used to prevent anemia during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Berry juices will also have a good effect. To prepare the medicine, you need to mix equal amounts of fresh juices of strawberries, red mountain ash and black currant. Adult patients are advised to take half a glass twice a day. For children, the dose should be reduced by half. Such a medicine helps to improve iron absorption processes, as well as activate the immune system.

Sometimes strawberry leaves are used. A tablespoon of dry raw materials should be poured into a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and insisted for eight hours (it is better to prepare the medicine for the night). Experts recommend drinking the drug twice a day instead of tea, adding a little milk to it.

It is worthwhile to understand that using any medicine prepared according to the recipes of traditional medicine is possible only with the permission of the attending physician. Attempts at self-medication with such a disease can only do much harm.

Preventive actions

You already know why hypochromic anemia develops and what symptoms accompany it. Of course, you can always try to prevent the development of the disease. Preventive measures actually come down to a few recommendations:

  • you need to adhere to the correct diet, include in the menu products that contain a sufficient amount of iron;
  • if there is a decrease in hemoglobin level or a risk of developing such a pathology, iron preparations should be taken (for example, such drugs are prescribed for women during pregnancy, as well as if there are abundant discharge during menstruation);
  • Do not forget about regular preventive examinations and tests for hemoglobin levels.

Of course, when symptoms of hypochromic anemia appear, you need to see a doctor in time - the sooner the appropriate therapy is started, the faster the recovery will occur.

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