Kimerli anomaly is called the presence of an additional abnormal bone arch, compressing the vertebral arteries over the first cervical vertebra.
How does Kimerli anomaly affect brain activity ? The human brain is provided with a huge number of arteries that supply nutrients and blood for its nutrition. The vertebral artery system is the main source of nutrition for the posterior regions of the brain. They pass into the skull through the cervical vertebrae. The left and right vertebral arteries bend around the cervical vertebra (first) and pass into the skull, being included there into the general circulatory system in the brain.
Kimerli anomaly is not considered a disease, as it is usually a congenital phenomenon, and may not manifest itself throughout life. It can acquire clinical significance only if other factors manifest and adversely affect, among which, for example, loss of vascular wall elasticity, vasculitis or atherosclerosis, periarterial cicatricial process, the presence of any other abnormalities, mismatch between the width of the artery and the size of the opening in the bone channel , cervical osteochondrosis, spondylarthrosis, pulsation from nearby pathological foci, etc.
So, with vertebrobasilar insufficiency, it is necessary to clearly determine how much Kimerli syndrome affects cerebral circulation, and what effect the above-described factors have on this insufficiency. For this, a differential diagnosis of the level of damage to the anomaly in the vertebral artery is carried out.
Let us consider in more detail this deviation in the structure of the spine, its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
Symptoms that occur in people with the described anomaly can be different. In simple cases, dizziness and shakiness are observed, aggravated by turning the head, ringing or tinnitus, darkening of the eyes with tension in the muscles of the neck, partial or complete loss of consciousness with an uncomfortable position of the neck, sudden weakness of the neck muscles and a fall. Experts believe that the Kimmerley anomaly may well exist without the manifestation of these symptoms, however, if any, they should occur in a pair or group. However, more severe cases can be observed, manifested by headache, involuntary twitching of the eyeballs, impaired coordination of movements, tremor of hands and feet, decreased sensitivity of the face, limbs, trunk, and weakness of the facial muscles. Stroke-threatening conditions may also develop.
Kimerli anomaly is diagnosed using digital radiography, Doppler or duplex scanning (blood flow in the head and cervical arteries), magnetic resonance imaging, or X-ray computed tomography. The latter are carried out only after consultation with a doctor and only in cases of concomitant pathology in the cervical spine.
Kimmerley anomaly: treatment and restoration of normal brain function
In order to restore the normal functioning of the spinal cord and brain, first of all, it is necessary to normalize intracranial pressure and blood flow with the help of medical intervention. In addition, massage, acupuncture, hirudotherapy, myofascial release relieves excessive tonus of the cervical muscles with the use of therapeutic locking collars if necessary. In most cases, such measures are enough to normalize the patient's well-being. Further, a series of measures can be taken to prevent exacerbation of symptoms again. Continuous preventive treatment is also needed. Remember that the treatment of the anomaly begins only if there are any clinical signs of disturbances in the blood circulation of the brain. Very often people live a long and happy life with this pathology without treatment and prevention.