How to treat staphylococcus by folk methods

Staphylococcus is a spherical bacterium that is part of the microflora of the human body. Staphylococcus by itself does not bring harm, but due to its fault, health problems can occur in both adults and children.

Of the cocci family, Staphylococcus aureus is considered the most dangerous bacterium. However, it can only cause harm to the human body with a weakened immune system. The appearance of acne, purulent wounds on the body, conjunctivitis, sore throat, meningitis or sepsis can mean that staphylococcus went into battle.

A distinctive feature of the transmitted staphylococcus infection can be called the fact that immunity in the human body does not develop to it, so you can get sick again and again. Staphylococcus produces toxins that can cause severe poisoning of the human body. Therefore, every mother should know how staphylococcus is treated, because most often the first bacterium her newborn baby encounters is Staphylococcus aureus golden.

How to treat staphylococcus in infants

Often babies become infected with this insidious bacterium precisely in the hospital. The immune system in a baby and his mother who has given birth is very weak and unable to cope with the pest. Statistics say that 99% of infants become infected with staphylococcus shortly after birth. The bacterium will dwell on the skin of a person, on the mucous membrane, and only occasionally appear somehow.

How are staphylococci treated in babies? Most importantly, the child needs to be kept clean - a lot of attention should be paid to the baby's hygiene both in the hospital and at home. This will be the best prevention. But if the symptomatology indicates the presence of the disease, the doctor first of all determines the choice of an antibiotic that could defeat the bacterium. Then a course of complex therapy is carried out, which includes antibacterial drugs, vitamins, probiotics, enzymes, and immunogenesis stimulants. Hospitalization of crumbs is possible.

How to treat staphylococcus folk remedies

There are in nature means that can withstand this bacterium - above all, herbs: chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort and others. Treatment of staphylococcus in babies with folk remedies boils down to taking a decoction of correctly selected herbs. In any case, only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment for a small patient. Alternative medicine will be a good help to maintain the immune system of the crumbs, and the diseases provoked by staphylococcus are treated with medication.

  1. How are staphylococcus herbs treated? Everything is simple, we make the broth correctly and drink. We take nettles, chamomile flowers, oregano, hop cones, mint, calamus root, cyanosis grass, dill fruits, leaves of meadowsweet. 3 parts of herbs + 1 part of dill, pour a liter of boiling water and brew for an hour. We filter. The broth is used up to a year of life for a teaspoon per day, from 3-6 years - for dessert, from 6-10 years - for a tablespoon, after 10 years - two tablespoons.
  2. How is staphylococcus fruit treated? It kills the bacteria apricot well. Take 500 g of apricot puree and eat on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. Apricot in this case will become a real antibiotic. You can use blackcurrant berries, which is also effective against streptococcus.
  3. It helps to fight the bacterium that causes various purulent manifestations on the skin of adults, a hot bath that needs to be taken three times a day, and still apply compresses to sore spots. 50 g of apple cider vinegar is added to the bathroom. You can make compresses on sore spots in a proportion of 2 tbsp. l vinegar in a glass of water.
  4. Hygiene. Always trim your fingernails, wash your hands more often, change clothes and bedding every day. After recovery, sanitize the floors, bathroom and all utensils. And be healthy!

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