Atoxil (powder): instructions. Atoxil: price, description, reviews

Among the variety of medicines offered by pharmaceutical companies, one can single out medicines that save a person from exposure to allergens, poisons and toxins. A similar drug is Atoxil (powder). Instructions for using the medicine will be presented to your attention later. The article will tell you about the price category of the drug. You will also learn how Atoxil is used for children. It is worth mentioning separately about the reviews about this medicine.

atoxil powder instruction

Description of the medication and its composition

Atoxil is a powder. Instructions for its use are attached to each package of the drug. The medication is available in packages - sachets. In this case, the dose of the medicine is designed for one dose. Also, the medication can be purchased in transparent plastic vials. This type of medicine is designed for the entire course of treatment. A single dosage must be determined independently or with the help of a doctor.

The drug has a colorful facade. It is a white base with an orange-yellow design. At the very top of the label is the name Atoxil. The main active ingredient of the drug is silicon dioxide. At its core, it is a sorbent.

Indications for use of the drug

In what situations is Atoxil (powder) prescribed? The instruction for use reports that the indication for the use of the medication is diarrhea of ​​various origins. It can be poisoning, a bacterial infection or a viral infection.

Also an indication for the use of the composition is allergy. The origin of the pathology can be food or drug. The drug is prescribed for various forms of intoxication, including with an increase in body temperature.

Often, the solution is used in the complex treatment of various pathologies. With this use, you need to observe a certain interval between taking medications.

atoxil Price

Contraindications and restrictions on use

In what life situations do doctors cancel or prohibit the use of Atoxil? Powder is forbidden to use the instruction for use in the presence of lesions of the stomach and intestines, for example during an ulcer. Also, acute forms of some pathological processes in these organs become a contraindication to treatment.

The composition is not used with hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient of the drug. Also, the medicine is not prescribed for children under 12 months. If such correction is necessary in the described situations, it is better to choose a similar, but safer medication.

Is it possible to use during pregnancy and lactation?

What else does the instructions for use say about the Atoxil preparation? The powder is forbidden to use in the first trimester of pregnancy. Doctors report that the composition may have a negative effect on the developing fetus. Also, treatment with this drug during lactation is prohibited. Experts say that there is a possibility of penetration of the active substance into breast milk.

The medication can be used in the second and third trimesters of gestation. However, there must be serious evidence. Before prescribing such a treatment, doctors must necessarily compare all the risks that may threaten the unborn baby with the expected benefits for his mother.

atoxil powder application

Atoxil (powder): application

If you use a sachet, you need to open the package and pour the contents of the pack into a glass of water. Then mix thoroughly and drink. When using a vial for a course of treatment, you need to add about 250 milliliters of pure water to it. In doing so, you must be sure that the fluid is safe. Before using the composition, be sure to shake the bottles.

You can take the medicine two hours before or after eating. It is also worthwhile to limit the use of any medicinal formulations to such a time interval. Remember that the drug removes all chemicals and trace elements from the body. The simultaneous use of drugs will simply lead to their useless use.

Dosage of medication

The medicine "Atoxil" in bags is designed for one dose. A day you can use no more than 12 grams of active substance. In especially difficult situations, the doctor can double this dose. Doing this yourself is not recommended. One milliliter of the finished suspension contains 50 milligrams of the active substance. So, making elementary calculations, we can find out that 12 grams of the drug will be in 240 milliliters of suspension. This portion should be divided into several stages. It is recommended to use the medication after each bowel movement.

For children, an individual calculation of the dosage of the drug is performed. The instruction reports that for every kilogram of the baby’s body weight should be 150 milligrams of the drug. This suggests that a child weighing 20 kilograms should be given 60 milliliters of solution. The medicine is also divided into three or four servings.

atoxil powder instructions

Atoxil: the price of a medicinal composition

How much is the medication? The answer to this question depends on where you get the medicine. In different regions, an individual cost is fixed for it. Also, the price of the medication depends on what form you acquire.

What is the price for Atoxil? Pharmacists report that the medicine will cost you between 120 and 200 rubles.

atoxil for children

Reviews of consumers and specialists about the sorbent

Consumers report that this medication is a sorbent. It removes all harmful substances and toxins from the body. This is what its trade name reports. Users say that the drug is very convenient to use. You can always take a sachet with you to work or on the go. You need only clean water to prepare the solution.

Doctors testify that the medication enters the stomach and intestines, after which it settles on the mucous membranes of the organs. The composition cleans the cavity of toxins and toxins. It is also able to act on pathogenic bacteria and viruses. That is why specialists often prescribe this drug for the treatment of bacterial and viral infections of the intestine.

Consumers report that the taste of the drug is quite pleasant. This allows you to easily carry out treatment even in young children. At the same time, experts recall that the independent use of the composition can lead to unexpected reactions from the digestive organs of the child. In some cases, symptomatic correction of side effects is required.

atoxil sachets

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know what the Atoxil medication is. Despite the positive feedback from consumers, the drug is not recommended to be used without a doctor’s prescription. This can lead to adverse reactions. In most cases, the medication is well tolerated. However, there are recorded cases of the development of constipation while taking the drug.

Follow the instructions for use, and always follow the doctor’s recommendations. Do the treatment correctly. In this case, the correction will bring you only a positive result. If you experience strange symptoms or worsen, consult a doctor immediately. I wish you good health!

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