"Siofor": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

People with diabetes get tired quickly, experience constant thirst, lose or, conversely, gain weight quickly. This disease is really very serious and dangerous. In its treatment, special hypoglycemic drugs are also used , the use of which leads to a decrease in blood glucose levels. One such remedy is the Siofor medicine, which has earned good reviews from patients. Instructions for the use of this drug will be considered by us in the article.

A bit of history

This effective medicine belongs to the biguanide group. The natural source of such substances is the goat plant. This herb "sugar disease" was treated in the Middle Ages.

How to use Siofor

In the XIX century. a special substance called guanidine was isolated from goat extract. Doctors already in those days was recognized as a fairly good sugar-lowering drug. However, subsequently, when using this agent for the treatment of patients, it became clear that guanidine can very negatively affect the liver.

To reduce the harmful effects of this substance on the health of patients, at the beginning of XX century. medical scientists synthesized its much safer analogue with the arrangement of guanidine groups along the edges of the molecular chain. The result is little effect on the liver and at the same time even more effective in terms of lowering the level of glucose in the blood. They called him biguanide.

Somewhat later, based on this component, substances were developed, one of which was metformin. This medicine was first described in the scientific literature in 1922.

It is on the basis of metformin that the modern Siofor, which has earned good reviews from patients, is manufactured. According to the instructions, this drug is supposed to be drunk exclusively, under the supervision of a doctor. The tool is not only strong, but also quite high quality. The well-known Italian pharmaceutical company Berlin-Chemie AG is engaged in the release of this medicine.

Release form and composition

This drug is supplied to pharmacies and clinics in the form of oval or round biconvex tablets. The medicine is packaged in blisters that are convenient to use, and then packaged in cardboard. In the box, in addition to the tablets themselves, of course, there is also a paper instruction for the use of Siofor.

"Siofor" for weight loss

Metformin hydrochloride is used as the active substance in the production of these tablets. One tablet of this active ingredient may contain 500, 850, 1000 mg. Also, the following substances are part of the Siofor preparation:

  • magnesium stearate;

  • povidone;

  • hypromellose.

To "Siofor 850" the instructions for use, in terms of indications and contraindications, are attached the same as for the medicine at 500 mg or 1000 mg. Actually, the doctor selects the dosage individually.

How does the drug work?

The composition of this medicine is truly unique. The people receiving it:

  • the process of absorption of glucose in the digestive tract slows down;

  • the rate of glucose production in the liver decreases;

  • weight is reduced;

  • blood coagulation indicators improve;

  • the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to sugar-containing hormones improves.

Also in the process of treating diabetes, this drug has a positive effect on total lipid metabolism. The amount of sugar during its use in patients decreases not only with food, but also before it.

One of the features of Siofor is that its active substance does not affect beta cells. Due to this, too much insulin is not produced in the patient’s body. And therefore, patients do not develop hypoglycemia.

In what cases can be assigned

According to the instructions, “Siofor” (500, 850 or 1000) can be prescribed by doctors to their patients with:

  • insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type I);

  • non-insulin-dependent (type II).

In the first case, the drug is prescribed to prevent the patient from gaining weight and reducing his body's need for insulin. But more often than not, Siofor is still used for type II diabetes mellitus. In this case, the drug is prescribed, including with excess body weight when the diet and exercise do not produce the desired effect.

Diabetes treatment

The use of Siofor in diabetes allows, among other things:

  • increase the ability of muscle cells in the patient's body to absorb glucose;

  • accelerate the process of oxidation of fatty acids;

  • activate glucose breakdown.

Also, in patients taking this drug, hunger is suppressed.

Instructions for use "Siofora": dosages

Like all tablet medicines, Siofor is supposed to be taken orally. In this case, the tablets should be swallowed whole, washed down with water. A medicine can be prescribed in dosages at a time strictly a multiple of 500. It is just as much active substance, as already mentioned, that these tablets may contain.

For adult patients, the Siofor treatment regimen according to the instructions is usually chosen as follows:

  • initial dose - 500 mg 2 times a day (during meals or immediately afterwards);

  • after 2 weeks - a gradual increase in dose (depending on the glucose content in the blood) to 1000-2000 mg.

The maximum daily dose of this drug is 3000 mg.

Use for children from 10 to 18 years: features

In this case, the same treatment regimen is used as described above. However, at the initial stage, children should take 500 mg of the drug 1 time per day. Moreover, according to the instructions, Siofor can be drunk for such patients at the maximum allowable daily dose of 2000 mg. In this case, doctors usually recommend that children drink one tablet of the drug per 1000 mg twice a day.

Concomitant use with insulin

This combination of doctors is used primarily to improve glycemic control. The initial dose of the drug in this case is also 500 mg 2 times a day. Further, the amount of medication taken per day is usually increased at weekly intervals to an average dose of 2000 mg. The maximum daily dose of Siofor when used simultaneously with insulin is 3 tablets per 1000 mg.

Weight loss application

Siofor is able to significantly affect the metabolic processes of the body. Therefore, this drug also works effectively as a means to reduce weight. And of course, the instructions for use for weight loss must be followed for Siofor. Reviews as a medicine that promotes weight loss, this drug has earned good. Drinking it if necessary to reduce weight is usually prescribed in an initial dose of 500 mg per day. Later, the amount of the drug taken per day can be gradually increased to 3000 mg. Take Siofor for weight loss relies on the night or after dinner.

Lose Weight With Siofor

What contraindications exist

From patients, this drug has earned relatively good reviews. Instructions for "Siofor" for weight loss or to reduce blood sugar, however, must be followed exactly. Unfortunately, the side effects of this drug, and especially when used improperly, give quite often. Quite a lot of this medicine has contraindications.

It is believed, for example, that you cannot take Siofor to patients with the following problems:

  • diabetic ketoacidosis and precoma;

  • renal and hepatic insufficiency;

  • with chronic alcoholism;
  • acute alcohol poisoning.

According to the instructions for use, Siofor (850, 500 or 1000) should in no case be taken simultaneously with alcohol. Children under 10 years of age are not prescribed Siofor. It is also forbidden to be treated with the use of this tool for pregnant and lactating women.

With care, according to the instructions, "Siofor" is prescribed to people:

  • hardworking people over 60 years old;

  • children 10-12 years old.

Side effects

During treatment with Siofor, patients may experience such unpleasant symptoms as:

  • metallic taste in the mouth;

  • loss of appetite;

  • vomiting, diarrhea, nausea;

  • reversible liver dysfunction.

Take this drug, of course, should be strictly in the amount recommended by the doctor. Overdoses of this medicine are fraught with:

  • pressure reduction;

  • arrhythmia;

  • severe weakness;

  • respiratory disorders.


What you need to know

People with impaired renal function taking this remedy may develop a rare pathology - lactic acidosis - with the accumulation of lactic acid in the blood. Therefore, according to the instructions, “Siofor” treatment in this case should be carried out taking into account all the associated risk factors:

  • liver failure;

  • alcohol abuse;

  • treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.

Stop drinking the drug two days before:

  • conducting radiological studies;

  • planned surgical intervention.

You can not take "Siofor" and within 2 days after these procedures. During treatment with this drug, women should carefully prevent pregnancy. If conception does occur, the use of this tool should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor.

Instructions for use "Siofor"

Use in combination with other medicines

Taking these tablets is not recommended simultaneously with:

  • iodine-containing drugs;

  • Danazol.

You should also not drink Siofor at the same time as oral contraceptives. Because of this, a woman can increase her blood sugar. Also, this medicine is able to reduce the therapeutic effect of indirect anticoagulants. With caution, you need to use this tool with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

What are the analogues of the medicine

Replace "Siofor" if necessary, for example, with one of the following drugs:

  • Glucophage.

  • "Metformin."

  • "Formethine."

All these drugs have in their composition the same active substance as Siofor. They are prescribed taking into account the same contraindications and usually in the same dosages. Also, “Siofor”, if necessary, can be replaced, for example, by:

  • Maninil.

  • "Glurenom."

  • Glidiab.

  • "Bajetu."

The drug "Maninil" is a medicine that stimulates the production of insulin. Like Siofor, it is often prescribed for ineffective diet therapy. The main active ingredient of this medicine is glibenclamide.

The medicine “Glyuren” is prescribed for patients with type II diabetes with ineffective diet therapy. Its active component is glycidone. Sometimes this remedy is prescribed and just for older people with obesity.

The main active ingredient of Glidiab is gliclazide. This medicine is used for type II diabetes mellitus. Like all of the products described above, it comes in the form of tablets on the market.

Bayeta is usually prescribed to patients if treatment with Siofor or other metformin-based drugs is unsuccessful. This drug is supplied to clinics and pharmacies in the form of a solution for injection.

All the analogues described above from patients deserve good reviews. Instructions for use from Siofor for these drugs (with the exception of Bayeta) are practically no different. However, the price of these drugs may be higher or lower. For example, those patients who can’t find the money for Siofor should try treatment with Glucofage. This medicine is very inexpensive and at the same time also enjoys well-deserved popularity among patients with diabetes.

Reviews about the drug

The advantages of this remedy for patients with diabetes are primarily the effectiveness of the action. During treatment with Siofor, not only sugar, but also blood cholesterol levels are reduced.

The medicine "Siofor"

Many people drink this medicine, including for weight loss. Siofor, according to the instructions, should be taken in this case, of course, also under the guidance of the attending physician. Perhaps this is not too convenient. But the reviews in this regard, the drug earned in any case is very good. The appetite of this medicine, as many patients have noted, reduces just fine. The same goes for blocking cravings for sweets. Of course, refer to the advantages of this tool and its relatively low cost.

Patients primarily attribute the disadvantages of the drug to the fact that it gives too many side effects. In particular, the strongly negative effect of the drug on the body at the same time, judging by the reviews, manifests itself in the first 2-3 weeks of its administration. At this time, patients often experience, for example, symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea, and diarrhea.

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