Treating a bitch udder: difficult, but possible

Bitch udder (hydradenitis) is an acute inflammatory disease of the sweat glands that are located in the hollows of the armpits. This ailment is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon, as it is accompanied by the accumulation of pus. Treatment of a bitch udder should be carried out immediately. Hydradenitis does not resolve

udder treatment
independently, therefore, you should consult a doctor without waiting for the appearance of pus.

Preventive measures of this disease are determined by observing the rules of personal hygiene, wearing spacious clothes that do not press in the armpits, refusing perfumes and cosmetics that irritate the skin.

How to get rid of a bitch udder

For proper and effective treatment, specialist advice is required. The symptoms of hydradenitis are similar to some other inflammatory processes. Based on the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes antibiotic therapy and a course of restorative drugs. In addition to the use of drugs orally, the local effect is of great importance in the treatment of the udder. When there are no pus formations, and the abscess has not been opened, it is recommended to warm the axillary hollows daily with dry heat. In this way, the treatment of the udder must be carried out every 4-5 hours.

how to get rid of a bitch udder

For dry heating, use a towel heated with an iron, or salt (kept in a hot pan for several minutes) (you can use sand), wrapped in a cloth. Warm up with a special lamp for 5 minutes is also prescribed. The distance from it to the skin should be at least 20 cm.

Therapy of bitch udder in case of pus formation

With the formation of exudate as a result of the inflammatory process with hydradenitis, the affected areas must be treated with antiseptic agents such as potassium permanganate solution, salicylic alcohol, lubricated with ointments that are intended specifically for the treatment of this disease. In this case, exposure to heat is strictly prohibited. Abscesses need to be washed with decoctions made from Kalanchoe and St. John's wort, tincture of sophora or arnica, eucalyptus oil or sea buckthorn.

When the state is running, the treatment of a bitch udder does not
dispenses with surgical intervention. During therapy, the patient should not

how to cure an udder
take a bath, it is allowed to use only a shower. In this case, the water should not be too hot, and the inflamed area should be covered with a band-aid.

How to cure a bitch udder in folk ways

As the first necessary aid for hydradenitis, cabbage, lilac or plantain leaves are used, which are fixed in the armpit with a bandage and often change. If the season does not allow the use of fresh leaves of such plants, then you can replace them with aloe leaves cut along it. The onion baked in the oven and applied (cut in half) to the affected areas copes with the problem perfectly.

These funds should be alternated for a more effective healing process. Also, treatment of a bitch udder can accelerate young potatoes, which are crushed and superimposed 3-4 times during the day on the armpit area.

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