Are you used to thinking that fritters are just plump wheat cakes fried in a pan? In fact, today pancakes are baked from a wide variety of products - from cottage cheese, vegetables and even meat products. For example, from the liver.
Airy, delicate liver pancakes are an excellent source of iron, so they should definitely be included in the children's diet. Yes, and adults can not diversify their table and cook this delicious dish. The principle of cooking pancakes from the liver is no different from cooking all other types of this dish. First, “dough” is prepared, and then it is fried in small portions in a pan.
"Dough" for baking liver pancakes is prepared with the addition of raw potatoes, flour or semolina. But first you need to prepare the liver itself. This offal must be washed and removed films and ducts. Then grind using a blender or meat grinder.
If you decide to cook liver pancakes with the addition of raw potatoes, but half a kilogram of beef or calf liver, you need to take three potatoes and an egg. Three potatoes on the smallest grater, beat eggs. We combine everything with ground liver, salt, season with pepper and nutmeg. Fry in a pan, like the most common pancakes. You can add finely chopped and fried onions to the liver mass.
In the second cooking option, replace the grated potatoes with two tablespoons of flour or semolina.
Liver pancakes can be successfully prepared from chicken liver, using the following recipe. For half a kilogram of chicken liver, one onion and one egg are taken, all this is mixed in a blender and one glass of instant oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder is added to the mass. All mix and start baking fritters.
Liver pancakes can also be cooked with “flavors”. As a “prikek” you can use boiled eggs mixed with green onions, rice with eggs, mushrooms, stewed vegetables. Such liver pancakes are prepared as follows: put the minced meat into a pan with a spoon, and on top of the semi-liquid dough we put a teaspoon of “seasoning”, slightly pressing it. When the bottom side of the pancakes is fried, they will need to be turned over with a spatula and fry until cooked.
In a festive version, this dish can be prepared like a liver cake. For this and the liver mass, pancakes should not be baked, but pancakes. And after they have cooled, lay them with a “cream” made from mayonnaise mixed with chopped garlic, herbs and grated cheese. You can decorate the liver cake with flowers cut from boiled vegetables. Such a treat can take center stage among the appetizers on the festive table.
And what other unusual pancakes can I cook? Try, for example, frying pancakes from mushrooms. For them, we need to fry in a pan 300 grams of mushrooms (finely chopped) with one chopped onion. When the mass has cooled, add three beaten eggs, a tablespoon of sour cream or mayonnaise and flour. Flour should be taken so that the dough becomes a sour cream consistency. Flour can be replaced with oatmeal crushed in a coffee grinder. Fry, as usual, in vegetable oil.
Another unusual recipe is corn fritters, which we will prepare from canned corn. A jar of corn (400 grams) will require two eggs, a spoonful of mayonnaise or sour cream, a little salt, half a spoonful of baking powder, a couple of tablespoons of ordinary flour or ground flakes. You can add about fifty grams of grated cheese.
Such pancakes can be prepared in two versions - with a delicate and spicy taste. In the first case, when preparing the dough, sour cream is used, you can add quite a bit of sugar. In the second - put mayonnaise, garlic and pepper. You can serve corn fritters as a separate dish or use them as a side dish.