Does Hexoral have an analogue? Cheap and effective analogues of "Gesoral" for children and adults

Colds and viral diseases are very common in the autumn and spring. To be ready to deal with them, you must have drugs in your home medicine cabinet for first aid and effective treatment. Often, Hexoral is used for these purposes. The analogue of this tool can vary greatly in price, active ingredient and effectiveness. At the same time, despite serious financial savings, often people prefer to purchase the original drug, as trust is higher.

hexoral analog

The composition of the drug

This is an antiseptic that is often used in ENT practice and dentistry. It is a solution in the form of a clear red liquid with a mint smell. In addition, the drug is in the form of tablets and suspensions, powder for the preparation of solutions and spray. The active substance alone is hexetidine. The auxiliary components are ethanol, polysorbate, peppermint and anise oil, citric acid, levomenthol and purified water. This is a characteristic of the Hexoral drug. The analogue can vary greatly in composition, because identical to the original drug on the market does not exist. The doctor may offer a choice of a tool with a similar spectrum of action.

hexoral tablets

pharmachologic effect

It is an antiseptic. First of all, doctors are interested in the antimicrobial effect of the drug “Hexoral”. An analogue does not always allow you to quickly achieve a similar effect, so if the doctor prescribed this drug, it is worth agreeing with it. The effect of the drug is associated with the suppression of oxidative reactions of bacterial metabolism. This allows you to fully demonstrate a wide range of antibacterial and antifungal effects, in particular, against gram-positive bacteria and Candida fungi. But this is not all that the drug “Hexoral” can do. The analogue in this case is often much weaker. The drug allows you to influence the treatment of various effects caused by a variety of viruses. It suppresses most bacterial strains, while the development of resistance to it is not observed. The drug is a real salvation for severe sore throat. It has a slight anesthetic effect on the mucous membrane and seriously alleviates the condition.

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Indications for use

When can a doctor prescribe Hexoral tablets? First of all, these are inflammatory and infectious diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx.

The drug is also used for much more serious diseases, for example, as part of the complex treatment of severe purulent diseases of the ENT organs. At the same time, antibiotics are necessarily prescribed in parallel. Hexoral tablets are very effective for angina, its various varieties are effectively treated without the use of heavier drugs of general use. An otolaryngologist can prescribe a remedy for pharyngitis. Often the drug is also used in dental practice - with gingivitis and bleeding gums, various periodontal diseases, stomatitis, glossitis and oral ulcers. After tooth extraction, infection of the alveoli (holes) is possible. In addition, fungal infections of the oral cavity and pharynx are often found in dental practice. All these are cases when Hexoral effectively helps. In addition to tablets in these cases, you can use a spray or rinse.

cheap hexoral analog

Hexoral Pills

This form is applied topically for any of the listed diseases. The tablet should be slowly absorbed until it is completely dissolved. You can start taking the drug before you go to the doctor with the appearance of the first symptoms, and it should be stopped a few days after their complete disappearance. Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed one tablet every two hours. The maximum dosage is 8 tablets per day. For children aged 4 to 12 years, not more than 4 tablets are prescribed per day. For children under 4 years of age, the drug is not prescribed. A pack of tablets costs 130 rubles. A cheap analogue of “Hexoral” in tablets is the drug “Faringosept” for children and adults. It has a more pleasant taste, the cost starts from 70 rubles.

Be sure to tell your doctor about all concomitant diseases and about pregnancy. The tablet form of the drug contains benzocaine, which can cause allergies and anaphylactic shock.

hexoral solution

The drug "Hexoral" (solution)

As a solution, the product is sold in a glass bottle with a red clear liquid. It is used to rinse. Children over 4 years of age and adults are prescribed the drug in the form of rinses, while 15 ml of the drug is taken once, and the exposure time should be at least 30 seconds. It is not recommended to use this form of the drug for babies who can not control the rinse process without swallowing the product. If this is not possible, then use a swab dipped in a solution that is used to wipe the oral cavity. "Hexoral" (solution) can be much more effective than other forms, in addition, it is absolutely harmless if not swallowed. It can be used as many times a day as needed.

Ingestion of the drug leads to instant vomiting, therefore, symptoms of overdose or poisoning are not described. For this reason, this form has not received much popularity. The cost of the drug is about 220 rubles. A cheap analogue of Hexoral is the famous Tantum Verde. Although it is an analogue only by the method of exposure, the active substance in it is different - benzidiamine. The cost of this drug is 180 rubles.

inhalipt or hexoral which is better

Hexoral in the form of a spray

This is the most popular form that is used for children and adults. The spray is compact and easy to use, in addition, it is very effective. The spray is used by spraying on the affected areas for 1-2 seconds. Apply it 1-2 times a day. At the same time, as prescribed by a doctor, you can use a spray for children under 3 years old, although it has an unpleasant taste, but it can effectively relieve sore throat. Do not forget to consult a doctor, as there may be individual intolerance. The cost of the spray is about 300 rubles.

Not the most economical tool is Hexoral. Analogs are cheaper than the original drug, in the market are presented in large quantities. As in the case with the previous forms, they are similar only in the method of exposure, but differ in active substances.

The most budgetary and popular tool is the spray "Ingalipt." It acts on the basis of liquid streptocide and is much more often prescribed to pregnant women and children. Many are interested in the question: “Ingalipt” or “Hexoral” - which is better? ” It is difficult to answer it, since various diseases require different treatment. This is determined by the doctor. But “Ingalipt” costs about 100 rubles, about 3 times cheaper than “Hexoral” (spray). Analogs of the drug containing a variety of active substances are presented on the market in a wide assortment. These are cheap Strepsils and Ambulance, expensive and very effective Bioparox.

hexoral analogues Price

Special instructions and contraindications

Not always a doctor can prescribe "Hexoral". Analogs cheaper than it are sold without a doctor’s prescription and are often safer and less effective. This applies to a spray based on streptocide ("Ingalipt"), propolis ("Ambulance"), various drugs based on herbal extracts. Any form of the drug "Hexoral" is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age and pregnant women.

Overdose and its relief

The drug is far from harmless. Despite the widespread advertising and mild taste, one must remember that this is not a lollipop, but a very serious medicine. A direct contraindication is the presence of an allergy to any component of the drug. Be sure to know and remember about the possibility of overdose. Symptoms of it can manifest themselves in toxic reactions from the central nervous system in the form of trembling in the limbs, convulsions, severe vomiting and respiratory depression. Possible violations of the cardiovascular system - slowing down the heart (bradycardia), which can lead to complete blockade of the ventricles. In severe cases, cardiac arrest is not excluded . It is impossible to use the drug for a long time, since there may be a violation of taste perception or numbness of the oral cavity. With prolonged sore throat, the doctor must change the drugs and monitor the patient's condition.

Hexoral for children

There is no special form of the drug for young patients, according to the instructions, taking by children is prohibited. But doctors often prescribe Hexoral. Analogs for children - “Tantum Verde”, “Stomatidin”, “Stopangin” are not always effective for the treatment of certain diseases. In this case, it is preferable to use a spray that is sprayed behind the cheek, and not towards the larynx. At the same time, babies under the age of 1 year are not allowed to spray, they still can not hold their breath while spraying funds. The doctor should warn you that the drug contains alcohol, and this is undesirable for the child.

Hexoral for pregnant women

Any form of this drug is undesirable for a woman in position. But at the discretion of the doctor, it can be used if the intended benefit to the mother is higher than the risk to the fetus. At the same time, the doctor will use Hexoral only in severe cases. Analogues, the price of which are much lower, made on the basis of extracts of medicinal plants, are safer. Even though the effect may not come so quickly.

Hexoral tablets are strictly prohibited for expectant mothers. But the solution, on the contrary, can be used to rinse the mouth as prescribed by the attending physician. In this case, the final decision on whether to use the tool or not is for you to make. Do not forget that the drug contains 96% alcohol, which means that it is better to use more gentle means. Despite the fact that there are no studies proving a negative effect on the fetus, it is better to resort to the use of folk remedies and more gentle drugs.

To summarize

Hexoral is an effective, but not harmless drug. Only a doctor should prescribe it, since this is a serious antibiotic that has a number of side effects. Among the popular inexpensive analogues can be called “Ingalipt”, “Faringosept”, “Tantum Verde”, “Ambulance”, “Grammidin”, “Strepsils”, “Doctor Mom”. All of them differ in composition and active substances, but perform the same function. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor may vary the purpose of the drugs in order to achieve the maximum effect.

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