Toxic encephalopathy

Toxic encephalopathy is characterized by metabolic and circulatory disorders in the brain. Neuropsychiatric disorders occur in a prolonged and severe form. They are associated with exposure to neurotoxic poisons. With the disease, the vessels of the brain and brain tissue are affected against the background of acute or chronic intoxication of various origins. Toxic encephalopathy can be caused by exposure to narcotic substances, carbon disulfide, lead, arsenic compounds, manganese and metallic mercury.

With the disease, there is swelling of the meninges, pinpoint hemorrhages in the brain substance, fuzzy boundaries between gray and
white matter, diffuse tissue atrophy. Vessels of white and gray matter
brain overflow with blood. Toxic encephalopathy is characterized
a significant decrease in neurons. Often there is fragmentation and bloating of the myelin sheaths of nerve fibers. In the white matter of the brain, small necrotic foci are observed.

Toxic encephalopathy begins with arousal, impaired coordination of movements, anxiety, aggressiveness. The condition is characterized by the occurrence of euphoria, hallucinations. Convulsions appear, which are replaced by lethargy and drowsiness. Gradually, the psyche is oppressed, consciousness is disturbed, reflexes disappear, and a coma occurs. The disease is characterized by the occurrence of mental disorders, epilepsy and parkinsonism. Psychomotor agitation, hallucinations and a delusional state appear. If the spinal cord is included in the pathological process, then disorders of sensitivity occur, the functions of the pelvic organs suffer, and other disorders are observed.

Wernicke Encephalopathy

The disease is a lesion of the hypothalamus or midbrain due to vitamin B deficiency. The cause may be chronic alcoholism, vitamin deficiencies, indomitable vomiting of pregnant women, taking digitalis drugs. Symptoms of the disease are also observed with regular hemodialysis.

The syndrome refers to organic toxic psychoses and often accompanies the syndrome.
Korsakova. The course of the disease can be acute, subacute and chronic.

Toxic encephalopathy treatment

With the disease, thiamine, vitamin B is prescribed until the appearance of clinical improvement. However, when prescribing the drug, the possibility of anaphylactic shock should be considered. Anabolic steroids, nicotinic and ascorbic acid, vitamins are also introduced.

With manganese intoxication, 3 stages of the disease are observed. First appears increased drowsiness, muscle hypotension, dull pain in
limbs and asthenia. Further apathy, a weakening of intelligence and
memory, signs of polyneuropathy are manifested. In the last stage of the disease
a gait, bradykinesia and a masked face appear. Critical
attitude to the disease is reduced, violent laughter and crying are noted,
intellectual defects progress. The chronic course of the disease progresses, while irreversible organic changes appear. The onset of the initial symptoms of the disease should completely eliminate contact with the toxin.

When toxic encephalopathy occurs due to gasoline vapor poisoning, epileptic seizures and myoclonic seizures are especially pronounced. The syndrome occurs when exposure to the body of toluene and stain removers. The occurrence of leukopenia and anemia. Also
neurotic disorders and vegetovascular dystonia develop. Are possible
manifestations of muscle weakness and bouts of narcolepsy. In all cases shown
detoxification and symptomatic treatment.

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