How to dilute Pulmicort with saline? Pulmicort for inhalation for children: reviews, instructions for use

In the article, we will consider how to dilute Pulmicort with saline.

This is a hormonal drug. It helps a lot to forget about diseases like bronchitis with obstructive component, laryngitis, bronchial asthma and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which are accompanied by respiratory failure. Next, we find out how to dilute Pulmicort with saline, and in addition, we learn in what proportions it should be used in treating a child.

how to dilute pulmicort with saline

About the drug

The medication is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid, which is released in the form of a solution or powder intended for inhalation. As pediatricians say in the reviews, this medication relieves swelling of the bronchi, has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties and prevents bronchial spasms.

This medicine is absolutely safe for a small organism, even with prolonged use. The active component of Pulmicort is budesonide. This ingredient after inhalation is very rapidly absorbed, excreted in the urine. The effect of the drug occurs already during inhalation, and the maximum effect is observed after several hours.

How to breed "Pulmicort" with saline for children, we will describe below.

Indications for use

The tool is very widely used in pulmonological practice. With its help, as a rule, the following diseases are treated:

  • An indication for the use of the Pulmicort medication is chronic bronchitis with an obstructive element.
  • Such a medicine is prescribed in the presence of bronchial asthma, which requires the supportive use of hormonal drugs.
  • Effectively in the presence of persistent cough, which is accompanied by bronchial spasms.
    pulmicort how to breed with saline for children

In the event that a child is diagnosed with severe asthma, Pulmicort will be the drug whose inhalation will help to avoid a possible exacerbation associated with this disease. According to medical reviews, due to the use of the medication, the number of seizures decreases and the severity of pathological symptoms decreases. This medicine helps very well in the presence of laryngitis in children. For example, inhalation with this drug effectively relieves swelling of the larynx, eliminating spasms and restoring breathing.

Effective Combinations

The instructions for the medicine indicate that this drug is very effective in combination with other medical devices (be it mucolytics, antihistamines, or mast cell membrane stabilizers). Many are interested in how to dilute Pulmicort with saline.

According to reviews, inhalation with this drug can have more pronounced effectiveness if the drug is used for more than a month. Suspensions with the drug can be combined with inhalation with Berodual. The fact is that against the background of such a combined use, shortness of breath is very good.

Instruction manual

This medicine is available in the form of a turbuhaler and suspensions - Pulmicort nebulas are actively used for laryngitis in infants to perform inhalations in a nebulizer. A mask and mouthpiece are required. This is necessary for the implementation of deep breaths by the child, so that the medication can be evenly distributed in the respiratory system.

How to breed "Pulmicort" with saline for children, it is important to find out in advance.

According to experts, the medication perfectly helps for the treatment of chronic pathologies of the respiratory system in children, while being a very effective prophylactic. At the end of inhalation, Pulmicort (in any release format) should rinse the mouth as thoroughly as possible with boiled water in order to prevent the occurrence of oropharyngeal candidiasis.

Cleaning the nebulizer after inhalation should be carried out after every second use. Thus, the apparatus must be thoroughly dried and rinsed, and a mask with a mouthpiece needs to be processed after each use.

What are the proportions of Pulmicort and saline for the child? First, find out the dosage of the drug.

how to dilute pulmicort 0 25 with saline


The instructions for the medication indicate that the dose for the treatment of adults, as a rule, is 1 milligram per day. From 0.25 to 0.5 milligrams per day will be enough to support the therapeutic effect.

As for children, they are calculated individually. The fact is that the pediatrician must choose the minimum effective dosage for each baby individually. The instructions for the medicine say that the recommended amount of the drug for children who are older than six months is from 0.25 to 0.5 milligrams per day. In the presence of severe bronchial asthma, this dose can be increased to 2 milligrams per day. In such a situation, you need to split the medication into two.

How to dilute Pulmicort 0, 25 with saline for a child, you can check with your doctor.

Use of suspensions

The active component, which is part of Pulmicort, is, as previously noted, budesonide. In 2 milliliters of a suspension of this medication contains one dose of the active ingredient, which can be 250 or 500 micrograms of a hormonal agent. The activity of budesonide, which is contained in the drug nebulas, is fifteen times higher compared with Prednisolone.

The instructions for nebulas indicate that for the preparation of suspensions for laryngotracheitis in infants, inhalation will require ingredients in the form of Pulmicort nebula along with terbutaline solution, saline solution, fenoterol, salbutamol and acetylcysteine. All ingredients are mixed, and a suspension for inhalation for children on the basis of the drug is obtained. Use it is allowed no later than half an hour after cooking.

How to breed "Pulmicort" for inhalation with saline?

So, the medicine immediately before use is diluted with saline (that is, it implies the use of a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride). The dosage of Pulmicort should be 250 mg. How much saline is needed? One milliliter of the drug should be diluted with saline to obtain a volume of 2 milliliters. That is 1: 1.

how to breed pulmicort for inhalation with saline

The ratio of Pulmicort and saline is important to strictly observe.

Children under the age of twelve usually always require a dilution of the described drug with saline. Such patients are prescribed no more than 500 mg per day. Usually used in 250 mg (1 milliliter) twice a day. The required dosage is brought to a volume of 2 milliliters by means of physiological saline, which must be previously purchased separately.

This is the answer to the question of how to dilute Pulmicort 0, 25 with saline.

The same is done with a smaller volume of the drug in children who are younger than six years old. In the event that 250 mg per day was prescribed, this amount is divided into two procedures of 125 mg or 0.5 milliliters of suspension. Such a suspension at the same time contains 250 mg in 1 milliliter. 0.5 milliliters of the drug itself and 1.5 saline are poured into the nebulizer capacity.

How to breed Pulmicort with saline for adults?

The solution also needs to be diluted in a 1: 1 ratio. At the beginning of therapy, the dosage is up to 2 mg per day of the active substance, which is 2-4 ml of suspension (0.5 mg / ml). Then take a dose not exceeding 4 mg.

Is it a hormonal drug?

The most common question that parents ask against the background of inhalation is whether the drug described is hormonal. This question can only be answered in the affirmative, since Pulmicort for inhalation is really a hormonal drug.

Very often you can encounter negative reviews on the Internet due to the similar nature of the medicine. Parents, having learned that the drug for children is hormonal, immediately stop using it. The main reason for this is the fears inspired by stories about such medicines. Many people think that the presented inhalation product, as well as its analogues, can cause an uncontrolled increase in body weight. The opinion that after treatment with hormones, children simply cannot do without them is also erroneous.

pulmicort how to breed with saline for adults

Yes, in reality, there are cases against which, due to uncontrolled use of steroids, body weight increases, but this usually occurs in the framework of metabolic disorders. Hormonal drugs can be addictive. The fact is that in this case, the body simply refuses to independently synthesize hormones, which causes a regular need for them, that is, in a specific medication.

But against the backdrop of all this, there are a number of diseases, for example, bronchial asthma, when hormonal agents should be used for effective therapy. One of them is Pulmicort with its other analogues for inhalation. The fact is that without them it is simply impossible to achieve stable remission with an improvement in the condition of the child.

Pulmicort or Berodual: what is better to choose?

It is often recommended that pediatricians take the Pulmicort and Berodual medicines not separately, but together. It is worth noting that Berodual is used as a preventive medication, as well as for symptomatic treatment of asthma, this medicine excellently relieves shortness of breath. But what is better to choose for the baby: Pulmicort or Berodual?

The latter temporarily blocks receptors that cause bronchial spasms, while expanding the bronchi in humans. The effect, as a rule, occurs rather quickly. It is used in combination with other anti-asthma medicines or individually. This remedy is shown to children from six years.

The drug is non-hormonal, acts temporarily, therefore, unfortunately, it does not allow to get rid of the disease forever. For the child, combination therapy is preferred. Thus, in the case of severe asthma, inhalation with Berodual and the drug we are describing must be done simultaneously.

Reviews of Pulmicort for inhalation for children are presented below.

how to dilute pulmicort 0 25 with saline to a child


According to pediatricians, the medicine should not be prescribed to children suffering from severe kidney damage, and in addition, to children under the age of six months, as well as to patients with high sensitivity to the active ingredient, that is, to budesonide. With great care, a solution for inhalation with Pulmicort is prescribed for patients who have tuberculosis, cirrhosis and fungal diseases.

Such a medicine is used exclusively in a local way in the form of inhalation. Immediately before use, Pulmicort is recommended to be diluted in saline.

Comments on side effects

In reviews, people often write about various side effects that are caused by the use of this medication. For example, the following manifestations are reported:

  • The development of candidiasis in the oral cavity.
  • Dry mouth.
  • The occurrence of cough or bronchial spasm during inhalation.
  • The drug is able to provoke a headache.
  • Allergic manifestations in the form of a rash, swelling, etc., are extremely rare.

According to the comments of doctors, when prescribing Pulmicort, children should strictly adhere to the prescribed dosages, since otherwise the use of this drug in large quantities for children is extremely dangerous. Next, we find out which drugs can replace this medicine if necessary.

proportions of pulmicort and saline for a child


The most popular analogues of the presented medicinal product are Beklazon Eco along with Budesonide, Flixotide, Aldecin, Budenite Steri-Neb and so on. The non-hormonal substitute for Pulmicort is Berodual, which has a similar effect and is prescribed for similar pathologies.

As part of the article, we examined how to dilute Pulmicort with saline.

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