Redness of the eyeball: causes and treatment

Each person at least once in his life, but faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as redness of the eyeball. The reasons why such an uncomfortable condition occurs can be various: from banal fatigue to an infectious disease. Redness is caused by the expansion of microscopic blood vessels covering the entire eye, and may be accompanied by pain, dryness, itching, tearing, and blurred vision. Depending on the nature of the occurrence, redness can pass by itself after a person rests, or only after a course of treatment with medications.

Redness of the eyeball: causes

It happens that redness does not interfere with the workflow and the quality of vision, then you can just relax, wash and wait until it passes. In all other cases, it is necessary to determine the cause and conduct proper treatment. Consider the main options, because of which reddening of the vessels of the eyeball may occur.

  1. Exposure to weather conditions (wind, cold, dust) and polluted environment (cigarette smoke, car exhaust ).
  2. An allergy that may occur in contact with fluffy pets, flowers, molds, and cosmetics.
    eyeball redness
  3. Long work at the computer or stay in front of the TV.
  4. Sharp temperature and weather changes.
  5. Stress.
  6. Wearing contact lenses for longer than expected.
  7. Blepharitis is a disease in which the ciliary bulbs located on the eyelid become inflamed.
  8. Conjunctivitis - infection and inflammation of the lining of the eye.
  9. Uveitis is a disease in which the system of eye vessels becomes inflamed, depending on the pathogen, 2 types are distinguished: toxic and infectious. Uveitis usually appears as a complication of diseases associated with a decline in immunity.
  10. Irit is a disease of the iris of the isolated type.
  11. Mechanical damage to the eyeball.
  12. Chronic fatigue.
  13. Influenza, colds, SARS.
  14. An increase in intraocular pressure, which may indicate the development of serious diseases, such as glaucoma.

It should be remembered that the degree of treatment effectiveness directly depends on how accurately and timely the cause is determined, therefore, at the first disturbing symptoms, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

Symptoms accompanying redness

Although the redness of the eyeball is fraught with various reasons, the symptoms in almost all cases are identical and easily detectable at home by examining in front of the mirror. In addition to the visible network of blood vessels, red spots can also be observed. Itching and burning, dryness are also usually added. Sometimes tearing, pain in the forehead and nose, purulent or mucous discharge may still occur.

How to treat reddened eyes?

After the reason for the redness of the eyeball has been identified, treatment should be carried out without delay. And, depending on the situation, either on their own, or under the strict supervision of a doctor.

redness of the vessels of the eyeball
If you are faced with this trouble just because you sleep little and get very tired, then the treatment will be simple and enjoyable: rest more and take at least 8 hours to sleep at night.

If the pain and redness of the eyeball is caused by long hard work at the computer or behind documents, then you need to take breaks every 15-20 minutes, allowing yourself and your eyes to rest. An excellent way to relax is a cup of hot tea, drunk by the window. Examining close or far located objects, you yourself, without noticing it, perform useful visual gymnastics.

If the allergy caused redness of the eyeball, the treatment should primarily be to eliminate the allergen, and to accelerate the process of restoring the beauty of the eyes, antihistamine drops can be used (Lecrolin, Cromohexal, Allergodil).

As for contact lenses, try to wear them no more than 8-10 hours a day and be sure to use moisturizing drops.

Quick Remedies

If you urgently need to remove redness from the eyes, then you can resort to the help of drops, with a vasoconstrictor effect, sold over the counter: Murina, Sofradeks, Vizin.

eyeball redness treatment
But you should not use them often, since they do not have a therapeutic effect, only cosmetic. Since these drops are relatively expensive, you can use almost free tools that will give the same result. By putting a compress of ice cubes or tea bags on your tired eyes for a couple of minutes, you can relieve tension and redness.

If physical discomfort is accompanied by a partial loss of vision, then you must urgently consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment at home, and in the case of glaucoma, organize emergency hospitalization.

Baby eyes

If the child has redness of the eyeball, the reasons will be slightly different from adults and boil down to one main reason: infection, which almost always causes conjunctivitis. Doctors divide it into three types: allergic, viral, bacterial. Despite the classification, the symptoms are identical:

  • increase in photosensitivity;
  • redness of the eyeball in a child;
  • itching and burning;
  • sensation of grains of sand in the eye;
  • mucous or purulent discharge.

The only thing that distinguishes allergic conjunctivitis from the other two is the absence of redness. The viral type that occurs with colds can affect only one eye, but if it does not receive timely treatment, then the disease spreads to the second. The cause of bacterial conjunctivitis is trivial non-compliance with hygiene rules.

redness of the eyeball in a child

Children's eyes are very susceptible, you should not experiment with self-medication, but it is better to immediately contact a doctor who will prescribe all the necessary drugs for you.

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