Such gastric diseases as gastritis, ulcers, pulpitis are widespread among people of different ages. There are enough medications prescribed by doctors for exacerbations and for their prevention. Many of them can be used in complex treatment, so the question often arises as to what is Omez or De-Nol in patients.
Stomach diseases
Cells lining the internal mucous surface of the human stomach are exposed to the irritating effect of physical and chemical factors when eating. The optimal conditions for the normal digestion of incoming products are created by the active work of the glands and cells that produce hydrochloric acid, which also play a protective role against harmful bacteria.
When an infection gets into the stomach or a negative effect of irritating factors, inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs. In this case, cells and glands begin to produce too much hydrochloric acid. The consequence of this imbalance is a violation of acidity with its excessive production and an upset digestive system.
People of any age and social status are affected by stomach diseases, and they are treated by various methods. The most common diseases are erosive and ulcerative gastritis and gastric ulcer.
Gastritis is a disease in which there is a violation of the functioning and secretory function of the stomach, accompanied by inflammatory processes of its mucous membrane, intestinal spasm and constipation. The disease often proceeds against the background of increased acidity of the stomach. The treatment of gastritis occurs in a complex, one of its conditions is a strict diet and medication.
Peptic ulcer most often occurs due to chronic gastritis of the stomach. Its exacerbation occurs under the influence of several negative factors: overwork, lack of sleep, prolonged stress, smoking and drinking, unhealthy diet, etc.
In the treatment of gastritis and gastric ulcers, gastroenterologists widely use Omez and De-Nol drugs. The treatment carried out with their help reduces the unpleasant symptoms of diseases, reduces the negative effect of acid on the walls of the stomach and creates a protective film in place of erosive formations.
Helicobacteriosis as a cause of gastric diseases
Helicobacter Pylori - harmful bacteria that cause Helicobacter pylori disease, which contributes to the appearance of the disease of the duodenum and stomach: gastritis and ulcers. The discovery of these bacteria aroused great interest among medical scientists who still devote their research to them. It was found that helicobacteriosis is present in 70% of the world's population, but with good immunity, bacteria cannot multiply greatly.
The harmful bacterium has flagella, with the help of which it moves along the mucous walls of the gastrointestinal tract, attaches to them, adversely affecting the cells and causing various inflammatory processes. Under adverse conditions, which include stress, infections, bad habits and poor food, their action can affect the work of not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also on the liver, pancreas and heart. They contribute to the appearance of bronchial asthma, disorders in the endocrine and hematopoietic systems.
According to scientists, Helicobacter pylori has a carcinogenic effect and affects the formation of tumors and cancer cells.
An accurate diagnosis and the level of infection with such bacteria can only be made by a doctor after examination and passing tests: blood (general and biochemical) and gastric juice, biopsy, etc.
To kill bacteria, Omez and De-Nol are prescribed. How to take (simultaneously or separately) them, the doctor must explain. This helps prevent the development of diseases of the stomach and pathological changes in the body.
Treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers
After the examination, the gastroenterologist prescribes several medications at once for the treatment of these diseases, including Omez and De-Nol. Often, patients, trying to save their money and reduce the negative impact of a large number of chemicals, try to drink only some of them. However, it will be important for them to find out that these two drugs are not analogues, and therefore the answer to the question of whether it is possible to take Omez and De-Nol together is positive.
To find out exactly what effect each of the listed medications has, we consider their description, the positive and negative effects on the patient's body.
Most patients are also interested in answering the question of which is better, Omez or De-Nol. To answer it, it is necessary to consider the role of each of these drugs in the complex treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.
Description of the drug "De-Nol"
"De-Nol" refers to anti-ulcer and astringent drugs that have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and gastrocytoprotective effects. It is prescribed by a doctor for gastroduodenitis, gastritis, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, with irritable bowel syndrome.
The main active ingredient is bismuth colloidal subcitrate, which promotes the deposition of proteins and forms a protective film on the surface of the gastric mucosa, and only in those areas where there is erosion and ulcers. Thanks to these processes, excluding the negative effects of stomach acid, there is a rapid scarring of wounds.
The drug also shows activity against Helicobacter pylori, which are the cause of the development of peptic ulcer:
- the drug reduces the enzymatic processes inside the cells of microorganisms;
- prevents their attachment to the walls of the stomach;
- reduces the speed of bacteria;
- restores the protective layer of the mucous membrane;
- reduces the level of pepsin in the body, which helps to increase the patient's resistance to stress;
- Helicobacteria are not able to develop immunity to the drug.
The drug is prescribed by a doctor 2 or 4 times a day, 1 tablet in 30 minutes. before meals. You need to drink it with non-carbonated water (but not milk). The standard course of treatment is 4-8 weeks.
Side effect and contraindications to the reception of "De-Nola"
Contraindications to the reception of "De-Nola":
- individual intolerance;
- period of pregnancy and lactation;
- impaired renal function, all stages of renal failure;
- children under 14 years old.
Bismuth is excreted from the body through feces, which is why many patients experience their darkening or blackening, as well as often darkening of the tongue and gums.
Possible side effects:
- stomach upsets, nausea and vomiting;
- urticaria or skin rash;
- at high doses - encephalopathy and impaired memory.
Bismuth is able to accumulate in the body with prolonged use of the drug, which leads to the appearance of malfunctions of the kidneys and central nervous system. Therefore, doctors do not recommend taking De-Nol for longer than 2 months.
Omez: description and action
To find out which is better, “De-Nol” or “Omez”, we consider in detail what effect the second drug, which belongs to the group of proton pump inhibitor (PPI), has on the digestive tract. The active substance - omeprazole - blocks the final stage of the synthesis of hydrochloric acid, which is released in the stomach of every person to digest food.
Omez is prescribed in the treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, with exacerbations of gastritis caused by helicobacteria. In addition, the medicine also has other positive effects on the stomach: it eliminates heartburn, a feeling of "heaviness" in the stomach, belching and other external manifestations of the disease.
"Omez" is prescribed 2-4 times a day for 1 capsule in 30-40 minutes. before meals, however, before starting the course of treatment and taking the medicine, it is necessary to undergo an examination to exclude the presence of a malignant process in the stomach.
Omez: contraindications and side effects
Contraindications to taking the medicine: children's age, the period of pregnancy and feeding the baby, individual intolerance to the components. During treatment, alcohol is prohibited.
Side effects of the drug:
- dizziness, excessive sweating, nervous excitement, pain in the head;
- sleep and vision disorders, hallucinations, depressions;
- abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea;
- stomatitis and dry mouth, taste disturbances;
- urticaria, skin rash;
- muscle weakness, joint and muscle pain.
Methods for the complex treatment of gastric diseases
When treating exacerbations of chronic gastritis or an ulcer, the attending physician prescribes complex therapy in order to use drugs with maximum effectiveness and to avoid complications of these serious diseases.
Most often, several drugs are prescribed simultaneously in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection. Some patients consider it a mistake to prescribe two drugs, De-Nol and Omez, at the same time. Is it possible to drink them right away or better alternately? Thus, they violate the treatment regimen, reducing their therapeutic effect.
An explanation is necessary that these drugs have a different effect on the stomach:
- the components of bismuth in "De Nola" have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects;
- proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole) eliminate pathological processes in the stomach, removing excessive production of hydrochloric acid.
The appointment of these two drugs at the same time actually has a positive effect, helping in the treatment of these diseases, so the patient does not need to choose “De-Nol” or “Omez”, but combine them in one course of treatment.
However, doctors recommend that you do not drink them at the same time, because together with "De-nol" and for 30 minutes. after taking it, it is not recommended to eat or drink anything.
Helicobacteriosis treatment
It is for the treatment and neutralization of bacteria Helicobacter pylori that specialists prescribe these 2 drugs in complex therapy. Due to the double action, there is a slowdown in the processes of their reproduction. However, you must follow the correct schedule prescribed by your doctor.
With complex treatment, at least 3 drugs are prescribed: antibiotics, an antisecretory drug and a gastrocytoprotector.
According to the first scheme, "Omez" is taken 2 times in 20 mg, and "De-Nol" also twice in 1-2 tablets. According to the second scheme, the frequency of reception is increased to 4.
However, when taking these drugs, you should consider the possibility of side effects. If nausea, vomiting and dizziness appear during the treatment period, you should stop it and seek the advice of your doctor to select other medications.
“De Nol” and “Omez”: how to take together?
In the treatment of gastritis and gastric ulcer, complex treatment involves the use of several drugs, a special diet, as well as traditional medicine methods.
Omez and De-Nol can be taken at the same time, however, at least an hour should elapse between their intake due to the fact that the first medicine can significantly reduce the therapeutic effect of the second. The correct compatibility when taking these 2 drugs is usually determined by the attending physician-gastroenterologist.
To achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended that the scheme prescribed by the doctor is clearly followed, as well as monitoring the patient’s reaction to avoid negative side effects.
Patient Reviews
Patients often ask what is better Omez or De-Nol. Reviews of other patients claim that when taking one drug, the correct treatment regimen is violated. Because of this, its effectiveness decreases, and the effect of other prescribed drugs is also significantly reduced.
Having considered the question of which is better, Omez or De-Nol, we can conclude that both drugs are highly effective in the treatment of stomach diseases, complementing each other with joint treatment.