Birth control pills: rating, side effects, instructions, reviews

Today, every couple can plan the birth of children and control their sex life thanks to the merits of the pharmaceutical industry. A huge selection of contraceptives allows you to choose the appropriate method of protection against pregnancy and / or sexually transmitted infections.

Overview of some contraceptives

The list of means and methods of protection is estimated in ten positions and more. This interrupted sexual intercourse, and the calendar method, and the use of spermicides (the so-called non-hormonal pills and suppositories), and common condoms, and hormonal plasters, rings, and the intrauterine device, and injections, and plasters, and oral contraceptives. More information about each method, and especially birth control pills, is given below.

Interrupted sexual intercourse

The most unreliable options for preventing pregnancy are interrupted sexual intercourse and a calendar method. PAP is generally difficult to call a method of contraception. The essence of the method is to remove the penis before starting ejaculation.

In 60% of couples who are protected by PAP, pregnancy occurs in the first year of using the method. And according to statistics, 80% of women who became pregnant "by accident" were protected precisely by interrupted sexual intercourse. The problem is that not all men feel the beginning of ejaculation. One โ€œwrongโ€ movement, and the likelihood of becoming pregnant increases at times.

Calendar method

The method is slightly more effective than the previous one - 65%. For one hundred women who risked to be protected in this way, 10-15 pregnancies per year are necessary. This method becomes more relevant after 30 than for young girls. Only girls and women with a regular menstrual cycle can allow themselves to be protected in this way.

The essence of the method is to calculate the so-called dangerous days on the calendar and not to have sex during this period. In the general case, from the 16th day to the expected start of the next menstruation, the probability of conception is greatest. The most dangerous days fall in the middle of the cycle - from the 12th to the 18th day of the cycle (with a 28-day cycle).

Cons: errors, an irregular cycle, in which it is almost impossible to accurately calculate the day of ovulation, hormonal disruptions. There are other nuances - if sexual intercourse occurred a few days before the alleged ovulation, sperm can live in the genital tract for several days and fertilize the egg even after such a seemingly long time. To increase the reliability of this method of contraception, you need to learn how to correctly calculate dangerous days. In addition to the calendar method, you can use ovulation test strips or follow the basal temperature graphs.

Spermicides and non-hormonal pills

Another not very effective way (70% reliability) is spermicides. These are special substances that are introduced into the vagina and negatively affect the sperm, after which they can no longer fertilize the female egg. Means with a similar mechanism of action are sold with pharmacies in the form of suppositories, creams, capsules or tablets, which are administered directly inside before sex.

Such non-hormonal birth control pills (which ones are better to choose, reviews of different types - below) are used by many women who, for one reason or another, are afraid to take regular OK (oral contraceptives). Such non-hormonal tablets are recommended for use by women in premenopausal age, patients with impaired endocrine system, individual sensitivity and an adverse reaction to ordinary OK. Importantly, these birth control pills can be used for HB (breastfeeding).

How to choose non-hormonal contraceptives? The rating of the best is represented by such tablets:

  1. Farmateks. Available in the form of tablets, cream and candles. The average price of a pack of 12 tablets is 250 rubles.
  2. Gynecotex. The same form of release, the price is 100 rubles for the same 12 tablets.
  3. Benatex. The cost of 10 tablets is 250-300 rubles.
  4. Erotex. Price 5 pcs. - 110 rubles.
  5. "Contratex".

How to choose a pill? It is advisable to consult a doctor, the rest is to focus on personal feelings when using. Some tablets, for example, cause itching in some women, which occurs when switching to drugs of a different brand.

Barrier contraception

Barrier methods protect not only from conception and unwanted pregnancy, but also from infections transmitted through sexual contact. But the reliability of such drugs is not 100% (moreover, not a single contraceptive is 100% reliable, except perhaps complete abstinence from any kind of sexual contact), but only about 85%. Barrier methods include the use of condoms, but they can also be torn, and then all efforts will be in vain, and lubricate the sensations of sexual intercourse.

Hormonal plasters and ring

Other non-invasive methods include plasters and a hormonal ring. The effectiveness of such funds reaches 92%. The patch is glued to the skin, but it is noticeable, requires regular replacement and is not suitable for use by women weighing more than 90 kg. The ring is inserted into the vagina, but also has drawbacks: in some cases, it can cause a change in the nature of menstrual bleeding and disrupt the regularity of menstruation. These methods do not have additional contraceptive actions, such as treating acne, relieving symptoms of PMS, or preventing seborrhea.

Implants and injections

Hormonal implants and injections are essentially the same oral contraceptives, i.e. birth control pills, but with a different mechanism of action. If substances from tablets are absorbed through the digestive tract, injectable contraceptives are administered intramuscularly. The frequency of injections is once a month or three months. Implants are inserted into the shoulder and require replacement only once every five years. The effectiveness of the methods is 90-99%.

Such contraception, however, can cause migraines, changes in the menstrual cycle, hormonal disruptions, decreased sex drive, or weight gain. Injections and implants, as a rule, are not used by young women who have not yet given birth, this method of contraception is more suitable for women from thirty to forty years who in the near future do not plan to have a baby.

Intrauterine device

The second most effective contraceptive method after birth control pills is the intrauterine device. The method also refers to the barrier, only the spiral is installed in the uterine cavity, preventing the embryo from fixing. But the installation of a spiral can cause a change in the nature of menstruation, sometimes it causes intermenstrual bleeding, pain, increases the risk of various inflammations and the occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy.

Oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives protect against unwanted pregnancy, but not against diseases transmitted through sexual contact. The latest birth control pills have an additional effect: many drugs contain an active form of folic acid, so they relieve the symptoms of PMS, have an antidepressant effect, help fight acne, and improve skin and hair condition. Reliability OK is 99.7%, but this method of contraception requires prior consultation with a gynecologist, attentiveness and organization of a woman when taking it. It is about this method of planned contraception that will be discussed later.

OK classification by hormone content

All birth control pills are divided into 2 large groups: combined oral contraceptives (COCs) and mini-pill. The composition of COCs includes an analogue of estrogen and progestogen. The mechanism of action of such tablets is that they block the onset of ovulation (egg maturation and its readiness to conceive), make implantation of the egg into the uterine cavity impossible due to "glandular regression" and thicken the mucus, which disrupts the movement of sperm cells to the female reproductive cell.

COCs are divided into groups according to the variation of hormones and their content. So, monophasic, two- and three-phase tablets are distinguished (more on them later), as well as microdosed, low-dose and high-dose COCs. Microdosed OK is suitable for young girls, since the content of active substances in tablets is minimal. The rating of birth control pills of this type is presented as follows:

  1. Jess.
  2. Marvelon
  3. "Klayra" (the only three-phase tablets in the list of microdosed).
  4. Dimia.
  5. "Zoely."
  6. Logest.
  7. Mercilon.
  8. Lindinet.
  9. Novinet.

Low-dose OK is suitable for both young and more mature women, can be used by those patients who experience intermenstrual bleeding when using microdosed tablets. Such birth control pills are suitable for women giving birth. In addition, low-dose OKs prevent hair growth in unwanted places, eliminate increased oily skin and acne, and reduce the manifestations of seborrhea.

The rating of birth control pills with a low dosage of active substances is presented by the following COCs:

  1. "Yarina.
  2. Tablets "Janine."
  3. "Silhouette".
  4. "Diana."
  5. Tablets "Femoden."
  6. Three Merci.
  7. Lindinet.
  8. Pills "Silest".
  9. "Minisiston" and others.

High-dose OK can be taken only on the recommendation of a gynecologist. Such drugs are used, as a rule, for therapeutic purposes (for the treatment of endometriosis, hormonal disorders and other diseases). In the ranking of birth control pills with a high concentration of hormones, these are OK:

  1. Non-Ovlon.
  2. "Tricivlar".
  3. Ovidon.
  4. "Trieseston".
  5. Three Regol.

Another type of contraceptive - mini-drank - contains only a progestogen. On the reproductive system, mini-saws are influenced only at the local level:

  • increase the viscosity and amount of cervical mucus, which interferes with the free movement of sperm;
  • change the biochemical and morphological structure of the uterine endometrium, which makes embryo fixation impossible even in the event of fertilization.

Only half of women completely block ovulation with mini-drank, but this does not affect the reliability of tablets as a method of protection.

The mini-pill type of birth control pills is represented by the following products:

  1. Charozetta (800 rubles per package).
  2. Lactinet (530 rubles).
  3. "Orgametril" (1100 rubles).
  4. "Exluton" (1250 rubles).

There is also emergency contraception, which is used if unprotected sex has occurred that could lead to pregnancy. Such birth control pills are taken within 72 hours after sex. A common example of this type of OK is Postinor. You need to drink birth control pills within 72 hours after sexual intercourse, otherwise there will be no effect from emergency contraception. You canโ€™t always use such drugs.

Monophasic, two- and three-phase preparations

COCs also differ in the variation of hormone content, being divided into monophasic, two- and three-phase. In monophasic tablets, the percentage of substances does not change in each tablet, in two-phase tablets - the ratio of active components changes in the first and second half of the cycle, in three-phase tablets - the percentage of substances changes three times per package.

Monophasic birth control pills:

  • "Regulon";
  • Rigevidon;
  • "Janine";
  • "Silhouette";
  • Lindinet
  • Logest
  • "Femoden";
  • Mikroginon and others.

Two-phase OK:

  • "Femoston";
  • "Binovum";
  • "Bifazil";
  • Adepal;
  • "Anteovin" and others.

Three-phase are presented by the preparations "Three-Mercy", "Triziston", "Three-Regol" and others.

How to choose the right birth control pill

You cannot choose birth control pills yourself or even with the help of a pharmacist in a pharmacy. To choose the right contraceptive, you must definitely go to the doctor. The gynecologist will conduct a survey of the patient, find out if there are any diseases (whether they were in the past) and which ones, they will conduct an examination. During the examination, the gynecologist will measure the patientโ€™s weight, blood pressure, assess the condition of the skin, palpate the chest and schedule tests. You may also need to visit an ophthalmologist, since prolonged use of OK increases the risk of various eye diseases.

The doctor chooses the tablets that are best for the patient, depending on the phenotype. The phenotype takes into account the growth and appearance of a woman, mammary glands, the degree of hair growth, the condition of the skin, hair, chronic diseases, the nature and frequency of menstruation, the presence and severity of PMS and so on.

There are three main phenotypes:

  1. Women of short or medium height, whose skin and hair are prone to dryness. Menstruation is plentiful and long, the cycle is more than 28 days. Medium- and high-dose COCs are suitable for such patients, for example, Milvane, Triziston, Femoden, and others.
  2. Women of medium height, with normal-fat hair and skin, and medium-sized breasts. There are no symptoms of PMS in this type of woman, or they do not cause negative, painful sensations. The menstrual cycle is standard - 5 days, every 28 days. Suitable tablets are Marvelon, Regulon, Tri-Mercy, Silest, Logest, Tri-Regol and others (most COCs on the market).
  3. Women who are tall, underdeveloped mammary glands, oily hair and skin. Menses are frequent and painful, but scanty, PMS symptoms are often severe. Suitable tablets are "Yarina", "Jess", "Zoely", "Dimia".

Oral Contraceptive Rating

Oral contraceptives are too diverse to form an overall rating. But nevertheless, the recommendations of gynecologists and patient reviews allow us to highlight several of the best new generation COCs. The rating of birth control pills is represented by such drugs:

  1. Jess. Not only they perform a direct function, that is, they protect against unwanted pregnancy, but they also treat a number of gynecological diseases, hormone dependence, improve the condition of the skin and hair, reduce the manifestations of PMS and ease painful periods. How to drink birth control pills "Jess"? According to the instructions, you need to start taking it from the first day of your period, pink tablets should be taken every day, and from the 25th to the 28th day - take white ones (placebo). After the end of the cycle, start the next packaging.
  2. Jess Plus. Those "Jesses", only the composition also includes the active form of folic acid, which normalizes the psychoemotional state and avoids unpleasant consequences if pregnancy does happen: the body will be ready to bear the baby, despite taking the pills. If the patient decides to cancel OK to become pregnant, planning can begin in the next cycle after cancellation. In addition, Jess Plus are birth control pills that do not make you fat. The latter is confirmed by patient reviews.
  3. Tablets "Janine." According to the girls and women who took "Janine", this drug somewhat reduces sexual desire, but is reliable. In addition, "Janine" is a birth control pill, from which they do not grow fat, which is proved by many reviews.
  4. Marvelon OK is recommended for use by women after 25-35 years who are of childbearing age, but have already given birth. The hormone content is minimal, but the tablets are suitable for patients who have an active sex life. Like other OKs, Marvelon improves the appearance, condition of the skin and hair, normalizes hormonal balance and reduces hair growth in unwanted places.
  5. "Regulon", instructions for use, price, reviews of which many women are interested in, cost about 1150 rubles (63 tablets). You need to take pills daily, from the first to the twenty-first day of the cycle. This is followed by a seven-day break. After the break, you need to start taking again, even if the menstruation has not stopped yet, the drug "Regulon". Instructions for use, price, reviews should be studied before buying. The opinions of the patients are contradictory: some women became irritable and gained weight, noted significant deterioration of health and malfunction of the menstrual cycle, others were completely satisfied with the drug, while others did not suit them.
  6. "Depo-Provera". Tablets are recommended for women after forty years, can be used during the treatment of various kinds of gynecological diseases. There are injections - doctors say that so "Depo-Provera" is much more effective than in the form of tablets.
  7. Farmateks. This is a non-hormonal contraceptive that is injected directly into the vagina in the form of suppositories. It is recommended to use "Farmateks" for women from 45 years of age who have an active sex life.
  8. "Yarina." The drug is low-dose and has an anti-androgenic effect. Some patients claim that they managed to get pregnant while taking "Yarina" strictly according to the instructions. How to take birth control pills "Yarina"? You need to drink OK every day, starting from the 1st day of the cycle, in the order indicated on the blister.
  9. "Lactinet" is not a combination of drugs, but mini-drinks, which have a number of contraindications, so before you start taking a doctor, you need to consult a doctor. The tablets are suitable for women after 45 years, patients with diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, smokers, lactating.
  10. "". , , . "" โ€“ .

, ( ) โ€“ . , , . Among them:

  • nausea;
  • ;
  • lack of appetite;
  • ;
  • ;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • decreased libido;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • .




  • hypertension
  • kidney pathology;
  • pregnancy;
  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • migraines of unknown origin;
  • preparation for surgery;
  • overweight (more than 30%);
  • smoking after 35 years (for some tablets, this fact is not a contraindication - a mandatory doctor's consultation is needed);
  • diabetes mellitus (some OK can be used) and so on.

Whether to take birth control pills is a personal choice for every woman. This is a reliable contraceptive, which is convenient to use for those who have an active sex life. At the same time, there are a number of side effects that occur if you choose the wrong remedy. So, the main thing that should be guided by when choosing and taking birth control pills is the recommendations of a gynecologist.

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