Known since ancient times, the drink with a sweet, nutty, creamy taste is gaining increasing popularity at present. The conversation today will be about almond milk. The benefits and harms of this drink are a matter that has been discussed for many years. Vegetarians, vegans and people with lactose intolerance consider almond milk to be simply an irreplaceable alternative to cow. Another group of people who do not like nuts, on the contrary, argue that the benefits of the drink are exaggerated and greatly exaggerated.
Tsunami Information
Advertising here and there screams about the benefits of milk based on nuts, including almonds. Slogans of healthy food adherents are everywhere visible: “Rejuvenation and fortification!”, “An excellent substitute for cow's milk!”, “Longevity and health after the first sip!”. Let's try to figure out what the benefits of almond milk are and the possible harm to the body from the use of this product. Understand who can eat it, and who better to give up the drink. Here are examples of simple and quick recipes that will save and prepare almond milk at home.
No one will argue that nuts are a unique product that is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals useful to the human body. Almonds contain healthy fats, which are incredibly quickly absorbed. It also has a large amount of protein and calcium, which, as you know, is simply indispensable for the normal growth of the child and the development of the musculoskeletal system. On the other hand, nuts are a high-calorie and very satisfying product. If you use them, then about ten pieces a day. Otherwise, it will affect your figure.
But what about almond milk? Will the benefits and harm to the body be exactly the same as with nuts? There are many opinions on this subject. For some it is a healthy drink, but for others it is a deadly delicacy. First, let's figure out what are the advantages of milk made from almonds.
Useful properties for a figure
Whole nuts for breakfast or almond milk? The benefits and harms of seemingly similar products vary widely. If nuts to a slimming body in large doses are simply contraindicated, then milk, on the contrary, can greatly contribute to the normalization and adjustment of weight. One glass of drink contains about sixty kilocalories. This is an order of magnitude less than in cow's milk, as well as carbonated drinks, sweet tea or 3 in 1 coffee, which is so popular among lovers of snacks on the run.
Is it possible to use almond milk for people with heart disease: benefits and harms
Dietary and therapeutic - this is how specialists describe almond milk. The drink is considered indispensable and useful for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Since cholesterol is completely absent in almond milk and a considerable amount of calcium is found, its use has an extremely positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Amino acids, also in the composition, contribute to the normalization of blood pressure and prevent the formation of vascular plaques.
For bones
Almond milk, the benefits and harms of which are still a controversial issue, is a drug for those who have problems with the skeletal system. Doctors recommend this drink to the elderly, as well as pregnant women and children who also need a significant dose of calcium. One cup of milk contains the daily norm of calcium and half the norm of vitamin D.
By the way, calcium and a set of vitamins not only strengthen bones and teeth, but also positively affect the immune system, make the body stronger and more resistant to viral diseases.
For skin
Vitamins E and A are extremely useful for integuments; they are also a part of such a product as almond milk. The benefits and harms of these trace elements are a topic discussed in the scientific community. Some doctors do not recommend consuming too many products containing vitamin A. Others, on the contrary, claim that it is very useful for the human body.
Studies prove that in moderation, a set of these vitamins is extremely beneficial for the skin. Consequently, the use of almond milk, where vitamins A and E are available, improves skin condition, reduces the formation of deep wrinkles and slows down aging. And if you like to soak up the sun, then you just can’t do without milk from nuts. It contains substances that protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.
For the stomach
It is proved that this drink has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. Due to its fiber, peanut milk reduces pain in ulcers and gastritis, normalizes acidity and even eliminates unpleasant sensations after surgery and probing.
Due to the lack of lactose in almond milk, it is becoming the best alternative to cow's milk. As you know, many can not afford to use it, because after that immediately begin to have problems with the stomach and intestines. But almond milk is another matter. It can be given even to small children, without fear of getting diarrhea, constipation or vomiting after.
For sight
It has already been noted above that almond milk contains vitamin A. It is known that it is not only beneficial for the skin, but also has a positive effect on human vision. Vitamin A has been proven to help the eyes rebuild quickly and painlessly when exposed to light and vice versa. In addition, scientists believe that regular use of this drink helps to improve vision, strengthen the optic nerve and better focus.
Disadvantages, harm and contraindications
Like any other product, almond milk also has negative aspects. It is not recommended for infants, since at this age, allergic reactions to nuts are more common and more dangerous.
You should only buy high-quality nut milk and from trusted manufacturers who do not allow the addition of carrageenan to the drink. The presence in the composition of the food supplement, which is made from red algae, can adversely affect the state of the digestive tract, cause irritation of the gastric mucosa and provoke peptic ulcer.
Almond milk: benefits and harms, recipes
Having discussed the shortcomings and significant advantages of nut milk, I would like to share a couple of recipes that will save and help prepare a drink at home.
So, in order to make a healthy milk drink from nuts with your own hands, you will need the following products:
- 60-70 g of almonds;
- 250 ml of pure water;
- a pair of small dates;
- a pinch of sea salt.
Soak nuts for eight hours in cold water in advance. When the almonds swell and infuse, the water needs to be drained and the nuts placed in a blender. Beating them is recommended with clean filtered water. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, you need to add a pinch of sea salt (it will enhance the nutty taste).
For sweetness, you can put a couple more dates by removing the seeds from them first. Experienced housewives say that the addition of dates makes almond milk similar in sweetness to cow. Again, thoroughly beat the mass. We spread it in gauze and squeeze it well.
We examined what almond milk is (benefits and harms). How to make a drink at home? There are a lot of opinions and recipes. Some say that the skin does not interfere with the preparation of milk. Others argue that it should be removed before grinding, as it adds bitterness. There are housewives who use exclusively filtered water for cooking. There are those who improvise by adding sparkling mineral water.
Spice experiments
Almond milk, the benefits and harms of which doctors have been considering for a long time, can be prepared at home. How to improve health with nuts? It would seem that there is nothing to add here. Nuts in any form are tasty and fragrant. But culinary experts, through experiments, created an unusual recipe for nut milk, which was liked by many housewives.
To make an almond drink with spices, you will need:
- A cup of raw almonds.
- A glass of drinking water.
- Nutmeg.
- Salt.
- Cinnamon.
Nuts are soaked in water for ten hours. Then crushed using a blender and squeezed through a sieve or several layers of gauze. Half a glass of boiling water is added to the resulting paste. Now the turn of spices has come: sea salt (a teaspoon), ground nutmeg, cinnamon (a pinch). The taste will be amazing.
In this article, we touched on a very extensive and interesting topic. We discussed what almond milk is (benefits and harms), the composition and calorie content of the product was also considered, and the properties and features of the preparation were described. Summing up, I want to note that it’s definitely worth trying or thoroughly introducing nut milk (if there are no contraindications) into your diet. This is a healthy, aromatic and incredibly delicious drink.