Antitussive and expectorant

In a normal state, approximately 100 milliliters of secretion is formed in the respiratory tract of a person per day. In diseases of the respiratory system, cell activity decreases, and sputum secretion increases, its viscosity increases. Excessive sputum creates convenient conditions for the reproduction of a large number of pathogens. That is why with inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract, drugs must be used that either stimulate expectoration or dilute sputum.

Antitussive and expectorant drugs according to the mechanism of their action are divided into 2 groups: drugs that stimulate expectoration, and drugs that thin the sputum (mucolytics).

Expectorants of plant origin are drugs of violet, oregano, licorice, thermopsis, moth, source, elecampane. Such drugs have a slight irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, which reflexively enhances the activity of the bronchial glands. Sputum becomes fluid, profuse and clears its throat much easier.

One of the long-known medicinal plants is coltsfoot. It is part of many breast and sweatshops. The healing properties of licorice are known. In Tibetan medicine, it is included in more than 90 percent of all cough collections. Oregano removes fluid from the chest and lungs, quickly cures cough, and elecampane is effective if taken with honey. Expectorants such as potassium and sodium iodide , ammonium chloride partially dilute sputum . They are taken orally, they begin to act actively after absorption by the stomach and discharge into the mucous membrane of the respiratory system.

Expectorants of the second group - mucolytics - directly dilute sputum. They most effectively help in cases when the sputum is mucous, mucopurulent or viscous. Such expectorant drugs are used for chronic and acute bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, tracheostomy, atelectasis. Often, such expectorants are prescribed to prevent complications during surgical interventions on the respiratory system, after anesthesia, which is administered through the trachea. Sputum thinners include vizitsin derivatives such as Ambroxol and Bromhexine, sulfur-containing compounds like Arbocysteine ​​and Acetylcysteine, and ribonuclease enzymes like Trypsin and Zimotrypsin.

The medicine "Acetylcysteine" is used for acute bronchitis, pneumonia, cystic fibrosis, bronchial asthma. Available in powder form. Take it 2-3 times a day, the dosage depends on the age of the patient. A similar drug is Mesna. However, this medicine is more effective. It is used only by intratracheal and inhalation administration.

The drug "Carbocysteine" has a strong mucolytic effect and restores the activity of secretory cells. The medicine "Bromhexine" is a derivative of an alkaoid called vizitsin and has a mucokinetic, expectorant and mucolytic effect, and in addition, reduces and soothes a cough. But the drug of the new generation is "Ambroxol" (other names - "Lazolvan", "Ambrohexal", "Ambrobene"). It has a much more pronounced expectorant effect. When combined with antibiotics, the drug "Ambroxol" enhances its effect in the bronchial mucosa and alveoli. It is used for chronic and acute diseases of the respiratory tract. Another plus is the fact that the tool "Abmroksol" can be taken to children of any age, even premature. Also, the drug is approved for use by pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

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