Georgian Suluguni cheese: the benefits and harms of a dairy product

Caucasian cuisine is replete with sour-milk products, which are distinguished by high nutritional value and useful properties. For example, the obligatory attribute of any Georgian table is suluguni brine cheese. The benefits and harms of this dish have long worried the minds of mankind. The brackish smack of sour-milk treats is known far beyond the borders of the country.

Our compatriots are happy to absorb the product, use it to prepare hearty dishes. Surely many fans of Caucasian cheeses are interested in the issue of energy value and biochemical composition of such a famous treat. From the material you draw a lot of valuable and informative information.

A bit about traditional manufacturing technology

Suluguni cheese benefits and harms

To produce a high-quality product, only whole pasteurized milk in large volumes (cow, goat, sheep), useful bacteria for starter culture, saline or grape juice are required. Cheese ripens in special wineskins (jugs) over a certain period. Natural delicacy does not contain artificial colors or preservatives. On the shelves you can see suluguni white, yellow and cream shades.

Brined cheese has a dense structure, a delicate, slightly salty taste and a piquant aroma. The surface of the product is laminated without patterns. One of the types of suluguni is a “pigtail” - thin braided threads subjected to smoking. Such a product is stored longer and better tolerates transportation.

Many housewives manage to make suluguni at home, adding cottage cheese to it. A sour-milk dish is used as an independent snack, as well as salads, fillings for pies, and fried with sesame. In any interpretation, a very useful product is obtained that fills the body with the missing mineral components and vitamins.

Effect on the body

cooking suluguni

Suluguni brine cheese, the benefits and harms of which have been repeatedly studied by scientists, is enriched with protein compounds and amino acids. As you know, these substances are actively involved in the regeneration and construction of our cells, tissues and muscles. For this reason, the delicacy is so revered by vegetarians. It perfectly replaces animal protein, is well absorbed and has a therapeutic effect on the digestive system.

Amino acids contained in Georgian cheese contribute to the production of hemoglobin, improve the supply of oxygen to organs, strengthen defenses and prevent the development of cardiac pathologies. It is worth noting that suluguni is a source of essential vitamins, in particular retinol (vitamin A), nicotinic acid (vitamin B3), riboflavin (vitamin B2). The composition contains ascorbic acid, tocopherol (vitamin E), calciferol (vitamin D).

The presence of these components has a positive effect on blood vessels, epithelial tissue, thyroid function and reproductive function. Experts strongly advise feeding Suluguni to small children. A fermented milk product will not harm women in the situation, since a whole group of minerals (calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus) is found in the raw materials.

About harm

Suluguni Price

People with milk protein intolerance should completely exclude suluguni cheese from the diet. The benefits and harms of this product are directly dependent on individual physiological parameters. Before use, this must be considered. It is advisable to limit portions to overweight people, since the product is quite oily.

In small doses, it perfectly satisfies hunger, quickly saturates. It is worth noting that smoked cheeses are contraindicated in patients with gastrointestinal diseases. We recommend everyone else to use a Georgian treat called suluguni. Its price depends on the region and ranges from 250 to 300 rubles.

The nutritional value

Nutritionists talk about the product as cheese with a minimal calorie content and high nutritional value. There are about 286 kcal per 100 grams of suluguni. If you use it in the first half of the day in metered volumes, then there will be no harm to the figure. In addition, you will replenish the daily supply of vital chemical elements and get great pleasure.

Cooking Suluguni at home

Suluguni at home

It is not difficult to recreate the classic version of rennet brine cheese on your own. Special technology and skills are not required. In your kitchen you can cook no less tasty and healthy sour-milk product. We describe the recipe:

  • A liter of full fat milk.
  • A kilogram of natural cottage cheese.
  • Three chicken eggs.
  • One hundred grams of butter.
  • Salt to your liking.

Suluguni cooking is a long process, requiring patience and skill. First of all, let the milk boil, combine it with cottage cheese. The mixture should be kept on fire for an hour, not forgetting to mix. Allow to cool slightly and filter.

Mix the filtered “flesh” with eggs, butter and salt. Boil for 10 minutes. At the exit, we get a homogeneous elastic mass, which we transfer to a deep bowl, oiled. We clean for three hours in the refrigerator. This is such a natural suluguni cheese. The benefits and harms of this fermented milk product are thoroughly studied and tested by time. Enjoy your meal!

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